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ANNUAL STATEMENT For tbc y car endirif OecnnUer ;!lst. A. O. 1 - th OODdltloo and affaire of the WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., 1-ocared a Aun Arbor, Mic-hit-nn, on.-ni'-il onéei ihe Uw of the "tate of Mlchin. nd dolni: bo1 the county of WmhtiTaw, n Min t.iti . Inhn ,1. liobisun, Pree.: Newton Mieldon, Sec y.: ¦¦MWM Nutubir ol iiu-iiiti.T" December Ui. ui pravlooi yt'Hi Xnmhcr of m nibere added durlng the pnwMTW Jjü Toial M8 Deduct iiumlx-r oí memhera wltbdrawn durtne ïhe yi'r, aod cauceled poliCR-w liy raaatm of ale or otherwim' lötl Number of inember now belonglng lo oapany '-'""' Kl-k. Allionnl "I uropeily ut ri-k Deciunii.T H-t ol previon y.'ai f4,672,710 Amoiinl ol ri-k uliled dnrinu present year ¦72,910 Total MM Padnel ri.kK canceUxl, % drawn, or lerniin.ited l,Jtr N.iamium! n.iw t rik b company $1.I.I,)I5 HNOMM Amouiil ol premium or deposlt lioli'S now in forc : Amounl of cash premiums (or aioesrments) iictually on hand ¦ Amount ol ontstanding asseesiuent not ciuiceled ' ;l B Nature and amount of all other reaonree. vi.: I'ower lo hlre monejf to pay luucs IMalNNWH IfliB IIAIUUTIIS. lor hwct due and pjab!c I 8 00 CUims for loese not matnred AM J Olm for lome riited l,.j:. tó Mature aud amount of all other iiaimi, vi : Umik oote S.OOO 00 Tot! llabilillea $Utt U IV DIK. Amount of premium on depoit note aken dmlngihe yoar A.Tlouut ol cah iremiumi recelved durins thiyear . t;" ¦ Amount collected on aBenHaienta whicn were lcvlcd dnrlni; the prexcni year 4.W2 lo Amount colli-.ted ihle year on aiwiKnii-nts whioh werc levlod in prior jrenr 1.' lfAmoiint roci-lved from membcrahlp or pot icylew 'l7 '-' Amount iccilved from prCntagt OU mcri ii-il or decreai-ed iiifurance 2,910 08 lncome from all other nources, vi.: Borrowed from cah balnnce ot previoun yre ¦ ¦ From canceled pollclec ¦) From ten per cent ¦ ¦ '¦' "' Total incoine for the y.-ar ÍS.819 38 EXPINDITt'BES. Atnouut paid for loeseí d urine the ycar (of hlch fiWT occurred in prior ycar)... tti.öi ''1 'Amonnt of nalary and fees pald to omcers and directora aa per items in scbedule A 1,72 17 : Amount of all otber czpeiidlturee durlng HM year a per achednle B : 71 I otal expenditures during tbe ycar..8,U14 4'J I SCUIDl'MC A. President-John J. Robiaon $ 222 08 Secreury- Newton Sheldon 50U 00 Director -Allen Crittenden 19 ' ll.M.Mowry 214 W K. A. Nordman MTS " John Coolt 2190 AíBistant Director -T. IJ. Goodspccd 10 00 Total Schcdule A Lm tl t 8CHEDL1.E. Intercat Kent 5S 00 llerelven Poftaee li Printlng SJ % Attorney 35 00 Arbttrators 31 00 sutionery 1) IJvery :. 170 Kefuuded 3 36 Mailing clrculaia 3 25 Check stamp 100 Xundnue H 0 Total Schednle B ro 71 aiac'Ei.LANEor ut'ESTloNa. 1 . How maDy anaepsmentit hlM ben made inriugtheyearr Aus., Ono i. What is the amount of all theaaHesKmeoui mftde dnring tne year? Ana., $1,796 SM. 3. What, ia the rate per cent. of sucli asieiemerit on the property inaured y Ana., .0012 per cent. I. What I the rate per cent, of Bucb useiiement on the premium or depoelt notes I Ans., no per cent. 5. What amount was re-asnessed for asseumenu that were not paid Ï Ans., noDO. ti. What amouot of losse are allowed to aren muíate before any asaeement i le?icd Ans., lossew paid in :to daya by hiring. 7 Does the company in tuaking an H9esement. provided therein for any surplus ftind over the actna) lossea aarued. If so, how much'r Ana-, estimated expeusetí for the ensuinK year. h. What proporiion of tbe actual loas sustaiued by a pollcyholdeT does the company ay I An. , twotbird. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Counly of W'aehienaw, sa. John J. Roblson, president, and Newton Sheldon, pecretary of aaid company, do, and eah tor himself dotn depose and aay. that they bave rcad the foreoin atatoment. and know thc contenta thereof, and that they have good renson to hetieve said stntemeut to be trae. JOHN .(. ROBISON, Presidnt. NKWTON 8HBLDON, Secretary. Sjvprn and ubscribed before me, at Ann AtbAC.U) A. D. 181. CHAS. n. RICIIMOND, NoUry Public, Washtenaw County, Mich. DOWN! Hará determined ío close out ¦y Winter Stock to inake room for new Spring Gooís, I shall offer my KMIIUSlfHh OF Ready-Made ClotMni, ünderi ear, Gloves lú Minéis AT COST FOR 30 DAYS. Snits and Pants To Order at Cost in order 4o keep the tailors em ployeJ. LIÏÏLE 11111. CLOTHIER, 1, 9 MAIN fP.


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