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Estáte of Heraua J. (ook. OTATK ÜF lUCHIGAlf.Oautj cf 9 tahtanra AtíiCHsionofthc Proba Oowl fc the l'ountyot Wanhtenaw. hukkii ut l'mliate Ofllce, in the -ity of Aon Arbor, n Krtda, the . vi-nth riay of January, iu ihu jear one tbooaaod elght hnudrad uo eigiity-oin1. Preëent,WllHani I). Bintau, aac ¦ Probate. Iu the mattor of the estáte oí Hermas 1 ( cok, minor. On reaillm; nd flliuir the prtitloD, ¦iaiy vcrtflcd, ot Dvld lime. guaidi:iu, praing that Inmay be liccn-ed t icH icrtain real eatMe Mlonfol to said ininur. Thereupon it is ord.'red, ttun W4idy, ti1 nlntti dayol Fehrnsry m?xt. at ten o'oloik in tbefbre noon axined for the hearniK t nii iwlitlon and thatlbu uext of kin of paid minor and all nthiT persous Intuirgted in suid otta re reqnlred lo appear at n nexíiou il aid Coort. then tu lie bolden at tbe 7"robatc Ofilc e in tliu city "f Aun rbor, and íhow canfi', If au there lu-, Whj i 'I"' petitioner i-hnuld not b r-uited. And it is fnrther ordenad, that aid petitioner . notici' i" tb Mtaona latereawd iu -i"!'l aut . "i the pendeney of said peiiiion and tbf bearns tnereof. by cansing a copy of thls order tn !¦ pnlillutn-d In the Anu Arhor Courier, Bwpper printed aü'i circulatinií in itaid county, ih ¦' weck prcvluua to nid day of h.-nrini;. {A tiui' rop ¦ Ml.i.IAM 1. IlAHItlMAN, Jadee of Probate. WM. U DOTY, Probate IiegiMer. 1021-Í4 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE K MI iIKiAN.County oíWastit.i In the matter of the wtate "f Edward 1'.. dëecam-d. Motice lehertby (livwi, that in purmance of n order eranti-d to tlie nudi riigm-d adBiiniitrator dt bonU non of the eatate ol ied, by the Uou. jud"e 8f probate Inr tbi cimuly oT VN aebtenau', on the tievuDtï day of January, A. I. 1881, wlll benold at publlrvendiie, lo the hif.'hept blddar, attfie eaet front duur ot the eo:irt house in riry ol Ann Arbor. In tl' coant) "f WMhtenmw, iu b;ih1 ítte, on Tueiday, the ttrt dny of March. A. 1) II. J u " o'clock iu the forenoon of that day (fiili)ei-t t" ¦'" encumbrances by mortnaüe or otbotrlia ni " the time or the death of mlá deceaaed. or no exIsting upnn said premlin and Biit'ject t" J! home-tead rtght 5f widow of deceaaed) the o l,o deacribed raal e.tate. to wit: AH pj Hit '")'" "'' tfaacrlbed land attoa14 In tha ion-h p ol eb ar, la Wanhtanaw Coonty, Mi.-i. ....... u. : Th8".? mal ..uarter of aectlon Domber twen'y-nine ¦ (. ) t townaDlp „uniber ooe, K. of ranKe numher fl ea,t (exceptln the aoiitli Mrmty acrae t ei Iba anal iwentv acre o (fe ICBMtelM I'-"1 "' ÍÉ' " quarter nertlon). Dated, Janoary UttjMM. (I1EEVERi 1021-27 Admlnistrator Ue 4oi


Ann Arbor Courier
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