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Death Of Miss Hattie Collier

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From the Battlc Creek Daily Journal of January 7, we take the following notice of the death of Miss Hattie Collier, daughter of ex-Regent Victory P. Collier. She was quite well known here, having been a much esteemed and worthy meuiber of tho class of '82 in the univerity, and her death, while juat on the eve of whatseemed to be a useful life work, seems sad indeed : The sad announcemeut reached here tMs morning, that Miss Hattie Collier dled laat night, at East Sagtnnw. Thoagh expectstlOD of thls news had prevalled for several days, the intelligence8tarUed everyone. It seemed Imponible that so Kifted and proinistug a lady wan destined to be removed so early in life, from an honorable and useful career, one too, for whlch Bhe seemed pre-emluently ñtted. But, nevertheless, the report Is Indeed true. It Is alinost out of place to speak here of Miss Colliers life and attalnments win n she was o well known to every one. She was a daughter of Hou. Victory F. Collier, and had always reslded In this city, where the twentyelght years of her life were passed in Ihe developinent of the many noble tralts of character Htie possessed. At an early age she graduated from the high school before it was orgaulzed uuder the present syslem, and also united wlth the Presbyteriau and Congregationul Church. The succeedlng years were devoted to the dutles of home and society, In both of whlch she was a bright ornument. Two years ago last ftill, she went to Ann Arbor and commenced a select course in the uni versity . Here her natural aplitude for study was glven better advantages, whlch were lmproved to an unusual degree. Bhe becarae at once au object of attentlon to all her classmates, by reason of her brtlliant intellect and gentle dispositlon. Whatever the assigned the class, Miss Collier could always be relied upen lor lts perfect mastery. Hhe sboue partlcularly In Engllsh literature, hlstory and rhetorlc, for whlch she had especial fltnesH. She was also a good Frenen student. Not the least among the many inourners at her untimely death.wlll be the unlverslty professors by wliom she was instructed. Last September, she began her cherlshed plan of teaching, and was engaged for the East ttaglnaw high school. But hardly had she entered upou thls work, in whlch she took so zealous an Interest, tban lllness selzed her. Bome six weeks ago she was attacked by ty phold lever, and the crisis carne a few days sílice when her grief strlcken father was summoned to her dylng bed. She passed away with reslgnatlon, a most perfect example of a lovely character.