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"POR SALE. A .ooit Family llor-c With Carriage, Robe?, etc. Appjy at No. 67 South State etreet. MARIÓN C. BLI88. ioaa-23 "POR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 aerea in the western part of the Sute, valued at $6,000, which I will exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BK AL. WANTED. Br a Competent & Experienced Nurse a Situation. Apply, 1015 DRA WEK 34, P. O. QOFFINS AND CASES, FÜLL STOCK A T MARTIN' 8 All order promptly ttmded 'n. Alioui Cyclopedlas- Important. AU dceirons of obtaining a Cyclopcdla, the Btllanica, Appleton's, Zell's, or any otber, will consult thcir own intereste bcforc purchasing by calllnj; upon or addressing W. B. STICKKEY, Pcbmshb, 1022 2í Ann Arbor, Michigan. IVTONEY TO LOAN. At seven per cent, Securlty muet be on drst-claen farm? iu this county, or city property in Aun Arbor, in central and desirable locahties. J. Q. A. SBSSIONS, Attorney. Office : 8. W. Cor. Main & Hurón Sts., up-stairs 1006-31 "ÜARM FOR SALE. For the purpoHe of closing a partnership, the nndersigned offers the Flnley farm, In the township of 8cio, for eale, rither in part or the whole, on long time. For particular enquirc on the premises. DAVID M. FINLEY. 8clo. December 21, 1880. 1019-31 "POR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY A Farm of 62 acres, two miles east of Ann Arbor, on the nver road. DweHing hou.-n-, larye and conveiiient ; two barns, a never-failliig stream of water, orclmrd and abundince of smaM frnlt. Very destrable property. Price iow. For térros apply to owner on prtmises. liEORGE B. DAY. ïoaa-as "JkTOTICE. Notice Ie hereby glven that a meeting of the the stock holders of the Detroit, Butler & St. Louis Rallroad Cumpany will be held at the office of the company, in Detroit, Michigan, on Tburaday, the twenty-fourth day of Maren next, at ten o'clock a. in. to coneider a contract for the coneolldation of the stock, property and franchise? of sald company with those of the Butler and Detroit Railroad Company, a Corporation organized under the laws of the stmtes of Ohlo and Indiaua, and to approve or ilisnpprove of the same. Detroit, January 17, 1881. JAMES O. MILLER, Secretary of the Detroit, Butler and St. Louis R H. Co. aud of the Butler and Detroit K. R, Co, 1022-28 GET THE BEST Fire Insurance & $42,000,000 -& Sccurity held for the protectlon of the poücy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the following flrst-class companies, of which one, the .í'.tnu, has alone paid $55,000,000 fire losses in sixty years : tna, of Hartford t 7.400,000.00 Boston Onderwriters 2,500,000.00 Franklin, Phtladelphia 3,300,000.00 Uerman American, N. Y „ 2,800,000.00 London Assurance Corporation 15,800,000.00 National, Hartford 1,200,000.0o North Germán, Hamburg 4,000,000.00 Phrenix, Brooklyn 4,800,000.00 Underwriters Agency, N. Y 4,600,000.00 Losses Hberally ad j usted and promptly paid. Policios issued at the lowest rates of premium. 102173 llllivn V MACK. Estáte of Edwin Vandowarker. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntj of Waahteuaw. ss. At a sesalon of the Probate Conrt for the County ol Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the Dineteenth day of January, in the year one thousand elpht hundred and eighty one. Present, Wllliaui D. Harrimau, Judgeot Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Edwin Vandewarker, deceased. Selden V. Shurtleff and üerman Krapf, tlie nduiinlsirators of said estáte, come lnto conrt and represent that they aie now prepared to render their final account as snch admfnlstrators. Thereupon it is ordcred, that 8aturday, the flfth day of February next, at ten o'clock in the toronoon, be assigned for examlning and atlowing snch account, and that the helrs at law of said deceaned, and all other persons interestod in saíd estáte, are re - quired to appear at a seasion of said court,then to be holden at the Probatt Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, ir any there be, why the said account uhould notbcallowea. And it Is further ordered.that siiid admin latratora glve notlre to pTHons interested iu i-jtul said estáte, of the penduncy of sald account, and the hearing thereuf, tiy causing a copy of thls order to bt pubhshed in the Ann Arbor CourUr, a newspaper printed and circulated In aaid county, two snecessive week pruvioua toaald day of hearing. (A truc copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Retister. 10S4 Esteta of Archer h. McLean. QTATK OF MICHIGAN. County or Waahtenaw, ss. At a ncselon of the Probate Court for the County of WasMcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eleventh day of I January, in the year one Ihousand eight hundred and i ihiy-on ¦ Present, William D. Barriman, Judge of j Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Archer L. McLean, I. On rcading and filiug the pctitlon. duly verifled. of Michael J. Noyes, praylng a Instrument now on file In thia court, purportinv to bc the last will and teaiament of said deceased, may be admltted to probate, and that he may le np. pointed elerutor thermf. Thereiijion It la ordcred, that Monday, the sevcnth day of February next, at ten o'clock fn the f.m - nonn.bc assigued for the hearing of sald petltlon, and that the devlseeí, leñatees, and heirx at law or said dttccased, and all other iiitTe-ted in said estáte, are reqnired to appear at IHMka Ol -aid court, then t be holden at the Probate OBlco. in the city of Ann Arbor, aud show cause, tf any there be, why the prayer of th petitionrr should not bc eranted. And it is further ordarad, that itaid petitioner irlve notice to tbe persons interested in aaid estáte, of the pendency of said petitlon. and the hearing thereof, by causlnv' a copy of thls order to bc publlshcd in the Ann Arbor Courirr, :i n'-w!iaper printed and cirrulared in sald county, threc succeeslve weeks previous to said day ol hejiriüL'. ( A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKKIHAN, ¦ludae ol l'robnte. V.I. C. I)UTY, Probate Ket'ifter. 1021 -41 v Outflt rurnlihed fTM, wtth ru'l laatruetioai tbr OOBA ¦fl diMÜOff Ihe profiubte bualoaaa thml UT'Q' cn i I II ¦ '- Th' l""l" ¦ "! U l"i "Xl o" VI I iaavvcUoM rr w ainplr Bod plftin. tbml ara I II cm0 mr remt Pflu frtl" lhe rFry No OM .1 ¦ II cui fil hu U wtlllng t wrk. Wamt tn u litePI I II cMful ¦ mm. B"7 and (f rit oma ara Urga aoau T ¦. W Urut bkv mad at tb bualaww over oca haadr4 dolían la a infle wvak. Notniog llka It erer koown brara. All ho ca(u in .urprii al lk aaaa asd rapldit; wllh wt.lch thf are attle u nuüia noee; You cu angada lo Ui butlue, Jiinnf tou r aara Ui at (nat pruil. Toa 4o Mt hv u laraat r.plul In IL Wt UI' all ik n.. To- ao Daad raadjr tamr houl.1 rlw malonoo. II rimiljli.l fre. iJlrtu Tao Oo. ju.l, Halat. I: 4


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