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Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOK RE8T0BIKCI (KW If Allí TO TSMATU&At I1M.1T1 Wl'COLtUt BftL Allvuncilia mr, i-il-k {MBr rMri'. (llMpiHjirit' UËFWi mem, and herodlury j ¦E prcdiipoHition, all turn thehair either Bfc-: "¦ tl 'm inclinen to-heil SBflBunMn prematnrely -tPÜBJ 39k Arn" Haih Vuhk, flHHWBJMn Vly loK und rn iHBv'dS ? "'' " 'JS'r'" ' ,:lii mim.-dinti ly . uiten ,ml ulway uruly rolore it nttr, whiu Mad w i i 'lir'" v iiüvltv. ml INMUVM bolfe ind Iti )i-mii i . bnuhy, s ak ot irkly niir l .mil -tr'nRIlu'iieil ; loil - with ilvHbs nlr I' ¦¦K-d ; lliiii htir thickcn; and drl i.i . luir original color. Ite mwiMon i" ïïtn and narróles. It cnrei dindruff, iele II humor, mul kee thi1 alp rooi, clean nd iofl- mieli-t whii'li r oiiriltioli diprlse ol Uu ire HapOHlMa. As drvMtaf lor 1 lita1 h:ur. Vh.on ie pralsed 'or it fratefiil nd . rfume, and ralned 7or ihi' nfl lottra mul Hennes ui innc it mpnrts. ri.'Kl'AKKI) !Y Dr. J. I'. AjW I "., l.nwell, M;i.. Il ücil and Analytlcal Chemlsts. y il! DraggMi and Dcalert in Medicine. lft0-li71-tiw Ivom jsou 'i 1 T E KKLIOHN HYPOPHOSI'lllif 1 a cumbination of Hypophosphite. oriltatrd ly me In Canada whili under tbr procet of puluici iiáry coBsumptlon and wliich bu ainc Ix'fn employcd hv the medical prufraiion throtiifhniit America and Bnsland llh unprecedcnted succeM. It cimiainK tho ele ntlal 10 the animal or-anization. the oxldilng at'ents nnd tonlcs. In coinhinatlon with the itimiatin(; agent phosph.irns, posxcBsini; the merlt of belnfr sliphtly alkaline, and is dlüpenced lu the convenient and palm ible torm of a iyrnp. It effect are uiually visible within twentv-fniii honra and are marked by a stimulatiun of thf appe tltc, the digeBtion and aesimilation, enterine directly into Ihe circufction ; it tone the nerve and muecleo: exerta a healthy action of the Mcntlooi; nelther dlslur1) the stómaoh nor iujarca Ihe under prolonged uso, and may be diecontluuea at any time without inconvenience. In a word it poeaeeses the stimulants to troaBe Ihe ütreneth. the tonlce to retaln it, and merit ol a hi'-h deeree. V'ery renpectfully, JAMES I. PELI.OWS. Do nol be deceited by renudiet bearing a timilar name: no oiher prtparat ion is a eubsti' áitr any drewnxtaw . ' n BY ALL DRUQGISTS. lOtS 1066c cm TKII, ROTTLKK, 5O CETi. CADWELL'S LACTEALNERVINE THE (IBEAT REMEDT TOB Xruralqhi. nKcumatUm, and all other paihfiU 7owi Afftctionê. Acutt or t'hronic, ivithoul regard to Agc AS! IN LUMBAGO, 3CZA17QÁ, AND XETIVOUS 11EAVAVIIB. The relief oftlred by it use is prompt and complete. Unix. 'horge C. ftflfltrn. Er Mayor of DetroitItieK., mi.' I have repeatedly ased the Nervine for Neuraljiic nulïerln, and have never found it to rail In glvinK llaoat immediate relief. I would not be without it in my houee for ten times ite coft. Too much cannot be saifl for it, or in il lavor. Sume may thiuk thls itrene laimuage : none too strong DortboM who know hat Neuralgia Is, and 4nd relief f rom it use. ery reeuectfnlly, [eigned] GEO. O. i.ANCDON. Major' Oitlce, CM) cu'Detroit, Fel). 5U, MTS. I lL.l. liOIII.IV -I.IMI. For Sale at all Drag Store. FARRAND, WILLIAMS & CO., Sole Agente. 1020-1071 ÉMUdney iíHI HU) ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE K1DNEYS Itladtler and I rinary OriuiH l , AbHorliin(f jill bumom, every trace of rtirtortee, and forciug tnto the ¦nteni thnuifrh the por en ol tlú kin, nonrinhinii na trengtheninK vegetable tonicn. fflvtng it nomlerfUl iow er to cure at oik ¦¦, PAIN IN THE BACK, Hil or l.oin-. Iiitlnmniatloii and Kriulitx DiwaNF of Ihe HldneyH. l(inlit. s. Irii-A. (jiravcl. ('atarrh of thi' Klmtler. Ilijch i'iilorcil. Nranf i or 1'niiitiil I rinatin. lioitt, awtM or NhrcilK In the I liii.-. Ol K .nnl 1'insK l. HKKILITV and in fact any dliewe of these greator;ans whetlnr contracted by over work, strain, e-r( ssive drink, the ahupe of nattirr, or ftherwife. II Hup'Tcedee cntirely the inconvenience and tronblea of taking nauteati9 and paieonous intermtl medidnea. It is worn cxactly where needcd, next to the body and linmediatvly over the kidneye II 11 comfotable to Ihe patiënt, safe, piensan t and rcliable In its effects, hut pcwwfal ia it! icticn. I be worn at al! tiu.e, in any cllmate, and la equally good for MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not le prejudiccil. GiTI it í trial and be convinced that it is honesi, reliable, effective nml just what your feeblc and exhansted body reqnires. 'l'hoiminds are daily adding their tcstiuuiny lo ihe wonderful curative power ol Ihls great retnedy. who are belng restored to perlect health nfier all other treatments and remedí ei have IMled. Ask your dragist for it, and accept no immitation oit ¦UUtlllUll. If he has uot got, it land 10 us nuil receivftit by return mail. LE;:EIfTIVE PSICE LIST. -Regular l'ad, 0; Special Pad, for ('hrouic, deep-seated, or cases ol lon:.'stanüing, ii ; ('hildren'H i'ad, for summer complüint, wenk kidneys and bed wettin, $1.91), Our lKok, "How a Lire was Savetl," contalnlug a history ol this great dlscovery, mailed free. Write for it. IIAV KIIKV PAD (O.. Toledo, O. lUll-S) Hops & Malt BITTERS. Rïch in the materialsthat N'ourish, Inrlffor nU am.1 Strengt hen. They supply ¦truiD, Muriilar and Serte Forcé, Vigor to the KnfVeWetl, Tone and Slrwtitrth to th KhauKtd, ourlshmeut to the young and Ütw l.ife to the agcd. J. Tnit OQ tryint tbem. All DroggUt can obUín boih frto ad rcfiulu uta boiile. m-, _ __-, 10')? Dinli'iii.vt HiMi (.v( I. liriue pM'rMa'lr. Acnlmbintinn of Hops, Buchu, I draklo"!! Dandclion,"li uil thrbeetmnd ¦ iri'Wtclurntivi' prupertlei of nl 1 oUmi ï ' j 1 1 ¦ t ¦¦ , I inakmthot m. i Btooil Purlfier, Llver RgUlXatpr J"l Ij ft' aml BcvtUi BMMttog No diñase cn pwWy lonir wcirt wh-'r nop a re usVed, variad um prttc% ar tbeir Thej eire t U Ve ial rlgorto th ild iná ínflrm. Toa.llhoo nilnniiiUraum' irrotcu]kj-i trofUwlKffrtbtr Miñfcry uncan, or who rt in AppeUwrToniO Mulinili) StimuUnt, BopBlttarsva uivi"". without IntoxIcatinft. HH No matter wbatyour {Velíntr or Tnijitniui re what tho iti.- useor ilö'nt Ih hm.' Hop linter. Li'Hi't mt llok but if yoa only fcHtwut l1 'in at ome. It mar savf) UaüM1 uv t'd bundred $50Oil l' 1 firftpJw tlirr Will Bot cureor hi'lp. Do boé uffrrOl'rt Tour frnnaa itiffer.but use and urifo thcm% Ui Hop B I in. lubcr, flop BltK-ra ís ncV drMfr& I dranken Doetruto, but the Pan ,-t ttd I Medi'-inc.v.-riiHul.' Uu "INTiUD ITUElD I and HOPS" i'-l ii' i" "¦.. Or fiuj'.ly Ê should bt; without thrni. ¦¦¦¦¦M 1 Pi.l.C.i n anolutc and Irresistible cu 1 Ê u I 'Pinkcum-wt, nsf of onmm, tobáceo andlVH narootl'-s. All vid by dnitr(nt. Rend #t 1 for Circular. Hop BfUcn Ifg. Co., M MH 99S-]QUcc m l w OolBi ¦ ¦!¦" ï In thf nutl ffo my ilfAMDt an4 prnflublc ul- Viiowq. Kverytbtog w nfw, Ciiul not r.-imr!. We will fiiroub vu e%-rrm [% ' artijBinl u[.wiinli il i-ily mw)e withnut ik '¦ itmjn.g w ij-om b.-mc pr nigtil. No risk batver. ll-B Uaor D-w erkcra w&uted ttouct. U%ay tuskirii 71 ¦¦ fortiiori t ibf huslm-s. Ldien make much u meo i v' ad TOUDg boy i moi girli mak graat pa. No o whn i w.ihof to work rii to ratke mnra mooey 'y tbao cao b mad4 lo a wek tt oy ordior emploTrn#nit. Yti-' wtuBcit t ona wlll flDd a ihor! , a Utiitu i Co., Portltud, Milntv lOfT-jB


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