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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Ctaureh. Ry. 8. Haskill, Pastor. BibbtU Mrrte, io a, m. and 1% r. u. Sun.Uv s,-hoUfter moralng servlc. Prtvat maattng rhurday eventnj? t 7 o clock. ('ui holle Chnrch. Rit. Kathkh Fielk, Pastor. Low M 1 I a. ¦ lliih Mui, HH . ü. Vesper ,. b, BnnlkJ School, H r. . ronifrcgatlonal Chnreh. W. 11. Kydkr, Ptor. - ibtetn ervica, 1US4 a. k. and 1V4 f. m. oft raorntutf erice. .,,v.r m tint Th:irlajr f venlne al 7)4 o clock. Episcopal ('hurch. lisv. WïLi.ïi IIall. Keotor. U , - -rvloee, 1UH a. m. aud 7H p. h. Siinday S-hool.iü P. m. tl ¦iiirU)in-'ervc;,Thnrday evpningat'H" rlork Üi-rinan Methodist Chureh. Ki. C. Hilwio, Putor. S ibhatli t-ervicB, 10H a. . aud 7 P. m. Hunda? School, at ntne o'clock a. m. Hrnyer meeting on Wodnesday. Lnthcran Churcb. Rïï. John Níusíann, Pastor, i nirlOM, 104 a. m. and 7H F. i. Baad iy School aflar mornlnif ervlce. i'r:iy.r ineetlng, Thursday evenlngat 1% o'clock. Methodist Cbnrch. Ukv. Invis tl !¦!¦¦¦¦. Pastor. s i'iii u'i taiilew, 1014 a. m. and "% r. u. ¦ .1 after mornlnif errlce. ¦1?, Thursday evenln)? at 7V4 o'clock. .( vtiui:, Salurday 7 p. u. l'rcsUytriao Charch. Rkt. EboRim II. Stikí.s, D. D., Pastor. Btbbaih -.T.ic ¦, 10'j . m. and 1% r. u. Sundiv tchooUM Blhlecl&ssaflermornlng service Prayer meeün :, Thurnday evening at 8 o'clock. Y.Minï People's Meeting, Snnday evenlng H. Unitarlan Charch. Kv. J. T. Sddrlahd, Pator. Babbatk services, 10 a. M. and ly, r. u. Sa iday School at 12 . Stnienta' Blble Clans at 9:15 a. m. Zlon Latheran Chnreh. Rkv. H. F. Belsib, Pastor. Sabbath Services at W4 a. k. and 7 r. n. 1 1 I iv School immudiately sfter mornlng service Rellgloa ervicen Wednesday evenlngat 10'clock BUSINESS CARD8. El.ltfABKTII l. POPE, M. D. I'IIYSICIAN AND SUROKOW, S).cil attentlou paid to thn diseascs O women and children. L'lty and country calis promptly attended to. OFFKK, M JKFFKRMON STREET, Two üoors from State Street. "will,ia:w bigos, BUILDER SHOP: CORNER CHIJRCH AXD ORLEANS ST. Ann Arbqf. 1021 -TU W. H. JACKSOX, OFFICE : OVER BACH & ABEL'S. Entrase bjr Firt National Bank. 732U UII.L1AIH HERZ, Ho.ue, Siu, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. Pupering, Olazlng, Ulldlng, and Calclmtning and work or every drscrlptlon done in the best style ñud wsrranted to give eatiefaction. Hhop, o. 4 H'nl a-lilii-t..ii tttrrrt Anu Arbor, Michigan. 638tf VT ÍLLIAM W. NICHOLS,. DENTIST1 W[ J& Snccessorto Q. W North. Office, ÍS Soatta Mtls Stret-t.oppositc National Bank. Reaidence, 27 Llh art; Street. Nitrons oxide ?ae admlnUtered whe reoneatAri. ftAXt Gr Tu 1VINANS Sc BERRY b'OR MKRCHANT TAILURING i'or the rollo íiiic reasonn: lst. Our work i all flrst-class. ¦i I. Mr. Berry i the only cutter In the State who can glve yon a perfect flt without trying on. 3d. We have tbc largeat ísortmeat io tbe State, havlni; over IXJO dtffunnt styles lo elect from Ín foreign and ilcmettic WooUnt and WorHeds. ¦Hh. Wt use none bot flrst-class trlmmlDít. 5th. We are full iO per cent, below Detroit prlces. WINANS BKRRY, 1007-1058 No. 11 South Main Street, Ann Arbor F.S. BUGK, WHOLE9AI-K AND RKTAIL MECO í CIGAR HOUSE All Gooois Soli at Detroit Prices. Ap-nl for GLOBE and SKA I, OW DETROIT tobaoí-o. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. 981yr THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Ulrlilgan, mmm umi nnm business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Oruni. (1 under the General Banking Law of thls State, the stockboldertare Icdlvldoally Hable (oran a dditlonal nmount euual to the utock held by them, ebv rr.atinK a . Funrt for the benefit oT UepoMltorn or $100 000.00. l'imr per rent. Interent la allowed on all Savinus Depositf of on dollar and apwarde. accurd1 ng tu the rul Le of the Bank, and Interest compon nded ¦ ml miuu.i.iv. Moiicy to loan on unlncumbered and ottier fooá necurity. Uir'c'on- Chrlxtlan Mack.W. W. Wlnes, R. A. Beal Wllliam Denbel, Wllllam D. Harriman Daniel Hlscock, and Willard B. Smith Ofllrera: t-'sanTiA Mac, Pre. W. W. Winis, Vlce-Pree. Chas. E. Biscock, Caehler. 15-980 jLL KINDS OF BLANKS rntiTD on bhobt hotioi AT THE COUBIEB JOB BOOMS.


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