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lue board of supervisors of Newaygo (Jounty have organized two new townships, DMUBf iheru Lincoln and (iartield. Hou. F. .). Uusscll, of Hart, has been ¦ppointed circuit judjrc in the Mwkegon circuit, iioe Judge Mrown rcigued. The 'umfifin people are urgin the name of llon. Thaddeus (J. l'ouod upon the pioideuleiect tor acabinet potition. Jiurglars blcw open the safe of the South Chicago iron aud steel works last Mouday tiiülit and alistractt-U Í IU,iKX)#thercfioni. Hou. .1. U. Sterling, ol Monroe, hasbeeo b mantatj of the state agricultural oeiet, PM OM Pi Juhnstone, imtmai. I utM c Swajnc, ui the Mipreuie court had rañgaed, aad Trc-idem Bajw has uouiinatd Stmilcy MattlMWl to iill the vacancy. The btteM otimate ol'the cost of the aricars ol peDsion act, passed by the present cuonouiicki democratie congres, s #500,000,000. Chicago, always ahead ia cverything, addi Muall poi to diphtheria in the way oi diaMM, aad lita twain are doing a ghastly wcirk there. Kngliafa tTOOfM Imvc arrivcd at Soutli Aliini l'roui Homliay, and the Natal UatÊÊ will doobÜCH now have tu put their neck iuto tin: Britkh rik. Hun..). 15. Muore, of Ijapeer, has come out in a letter Ibl Boa -lohn T. Kich for üoniraM, in the place made vacant by the promotion of Mr. ('onger. 'l'lic I '.iiM-ylv.itii;i Wi.-laturc ha slruek a dcad lock on the senatorial iticstion, and 4oMB t MM lu de lle lo IgfM upon any of' the maDy able mon of that state. It is itlttd thal ' Md-s' Kelley has gone to lecturitif,'. Kxiectcil M uiuoh. When anybody gouCoopor-ed o their legitímate business, thcy oaoatij liill Kaok ijpnn (hc Icctinc field It costs the düUiioioii ui Canada $U, I T per ycar tor lier .spri ol' royalty. That is, Lome and Lmise oost lliom that much last ycar in hard e.-li. " Long liv ÜM i'iceii, though. Major David (i. Swaiiu has boen appoiatod ly PrMÍdoat llaye. judge advoiaii' general. Hu is au intímate friend of l'rc-ident-rli'i-t QwiétU and has lxen lli privatn secretary. The gnre robbers down al Columba, Ohio. K'i't M tlicy don't wail for tlie OOTpM tu bt l'iiricd, hut try to tal il out of the hflOM liclbrc r l'uiHTa] .'ven I5ui then. Ohio i-i a funny slale. Pfof. Henry 8. Holden, of tin hÜOmI ol)scrvatory ai WwbÍDfftoa, has been choscn director ol' tbe 'a.-htiurno astronoruical ohservatory of the Wisoonsin nniversity, and accepted the .same. The Michigan peoplc at Washington now think that the recent action of the legislature of this state in lobbying for ex-Gov. Bagley, lias spoiled all chances for a Michigan man in the next cabinet. II. L. Ilillyer, of Washington, I). C, has been electcd stcward of the reform .school liir girls at Adrián, and his wife, a gradúate of the Washington fuñíale medical college, has been elected phy.sician. A lile insurance policy of #5,000, held by the late Wm. Orton, in the Connecticut Mutual hasjust been cullected, with intercdt, by the Union Trust Company of New Vork for the benefit ol siid Orton'. chil dren. Dr. JauicsC. Wil.son, of Plint, has been appointed comniissioner of the state institution for the deaf and duin h, at Flint, in place of Almorí L. Aldrich, editor of the Flint Globe, whose term of office had expi red. The Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific 11. II. lias filed in the .several states through which the road passes, a mortgage to the Central trut rouiijany. of New York, and James Chency, of' Indiana, for the sum of $50,oao. onn A man naiucd Win. Wcstervelt, who has scrvcd out a scven years' gcntence, lacking liftecn uionth's commutation, for conspiracy in kidnapping Charlie llosp, sayshebelicvcs thc boy to bo alive and that he can liii'i limi if he haa time. Chas. H. 'an Wyck has been choseri I oited States Senator l'rom Nebraska in place of Senator l'addock. He is a large farmer, was brigadier-general during thc war, was at one time representative in congress iroui New York, and is au anti-railroad man. Good for Chicago. A new tclcgraph (iompany lias been formcd n Chicago, with $1,000,000 capital, for the purpose of running a lino in opposition to the grand monopoly of thc coiubined linos. The New York meroliants pledge their upcirt. Sooma to it, Tlic advanced positioti takeu by Senator lirown, ofUcorgia, at the outset of his senatorial eareer, is being sturdily maintaioed by liiin and it looks some as though lic might become thc leader of a new liberal element for that section. The Bourbons' day ought to bc numbered. Laat week the fire fiend destroyed $7,500 worth of property for the village of Iïellevue. It was all done by a wowan. She put a long stink of wood ia the stovc, standing it on end, and it feli against the door, Imrsting it open, and throwing fire on the earpet, while she was absent. The state sanitary convention has been in session at Flint this week with a large attendancc. The opening address was dolivcred by Hon. Geo. II. Durand, and instructivo and entertaining papers presented by diffírent medical and scientific people from various portions of the state. K. A. Sothcrn, thc actor, who was'probably more popular among the membors of his own profession than any olher man, dicd at liis home in L)ndon, last Friday. His funeral, at his own request, was strictly private, and his body was interred at Southampton, in thc grave conUining the remains of his sister, Mrs. Gwynne. K'illi at ('incinnati and Chicago they are introducing a new nvention for running strcet ears, which is to do away with li The new pl;m is to have powerful stationery engines at each end of the route, and betweeD the track have an cndless cable in continual motion, to which thecars grapple or lot loose, as they desire to go or stop. l'olygaruy ia eithcr wrong or ele it is right. ïherc h no such thing as a halfway position in respect to theis devclisli doctrine. The paper that are po terribly afraid of liurting the fcelings of these law breakiac, lust-brecding, fin polluting peopie, botter move out there and abide with them. That would at least bc consistent. The different intcr-ooeanic companies for building a canal across the isthuius ot' Panama, had all botter pool their capital, coniprotuise their diffcrences, let Ilnclc Sain's jiockots alon, and go to work and build a canal if th.'y want to, tic same as any business enterprise would be accouiplkhed. Thore íh m reason why it cannot bc as succcssíully built as was the Suez canal. The .¦iin-icMi BtjyptÚB i'lulii-k, rappoMd, Thutuiese III., some 3,000 40, rc.-cutly hrouht to this country a ¦ pioont l'roui tho Klicdive ot Egypt, has at last Iteen orected in Central l'ark, New Vork. It will bc lookcd upon a few ihousuml cars heneo as a wonderful curiosity eructed by the heathen natious of America to connneniorate nome great cvcnt: The dcthronctnent of "I Kelley for instanco. Wm. J. Sewall, rapubiioM, boen chosen United Sutes senator fioni New Jerwey, n place of Kindolpli, democrat. Johnson N Camdm, demoorat, thenew senator chosen by the West Virginia legialaturc ; and S. B Maxcy, democrat, by the logi.slatnie. In Wiaconin, I'hiletus Swyr, repuhlirati, mu eleeted. In Ten¦Mee the two (iemocratio factious uoited and chose Howell K. jMksoo, state-credit dciiKK-rat senator, defoatiog the repubti caos by two or threc rote. An inhuman lallier at Ncwurk, Otiio, took liis son who had disobeyed tiim in some trivial tliinx. plt a biokory safilinR, put the boy's tliuiubw between it nl aailed it together, and thun lifted the boy to the iik' of the barn and -nailed him there, hanging l)y bis thumbs. In which po.sition he kept liim from 4 o'clock in the afternoon till 10 at night, brutally and inbuuianly bcaiing him. PhMN by heard the piteous waiU of' the boy, and i'crlaiüing the cause, had the wretched fatlier arrested. A great torm ragcd in the tlic lati' r puit o! laai week, and the ice aecumulating upon the wint and poles brokc them down. m tliat lor a time New Vork, with her "I RUW ninoinj; in every directiun mi omnploli-ly rut off, telegr;iph ically, from the outsidc world. Thi.i i llie first time in the history of llic tity .siuce tlie lofeflnpfc bas been established, that muIi a ÜMMtn lias come to the (jothatuite, and itsccuicd a little bit curiuus for them tobe aohted Tnat ihc outside world in tlii.s way. It made them ask huw muid tlic bu.-im'ss of' this rountry bc carried on with our immen-e y.ttem of telugraphy obliteratcd. TIil' fotfowiog military appointuieuts liavr Incii niailc liy (iv. J(rome, aml tOBlii nin] by tbc tWO hoont in joint Mt ii ; A'ljutaiit funeral, John Kobertson, of vvaync; lMartertua.-t'-i (n-ncral, .Nal lian ('liureh. ofOnttiot; Inspector General, Wm. (age, of Saginaw. (en. KobcrUon rei-idcs at Detroit, and i.s well known to the peoplc of the stete, liaving served in bil prei-cnt cupaeity MM 1861, doiiig grand service during the war. Mr. Cliurch U ;i lanker ot' Ithaca, and highly mpactcd, and went through the war with tbe -i'iüi Michigan. Mr. üage is a lawyer of East Saginaw, and for several i-aptain of iheir military company. TIn1 Mnry of Aladin'.s lamp wa.a wciidorful ttreteh of imagination, liut soinetimes trulh is stranger than fiction. Therc come!1 a tale (ton New Haven, Conn., hardly belierable, of lloeleffo 'on Baren, a Hollander, wlu) had, with hisfauiily, .-ubsisted upon eharity in that city for sorae time, having fallen befar hy the death of a greatgrand únele, to an estáte amounting to between $25,000,000 and $45,000,000 in Rotterdam, Holland. It coosists of two large shipyards, and a fleet of 70 vessels besides a large amount of real estáte. An American lawyer offered hiui $25,000 per week to manage the estáte for him, but herefused it. Later tplograms say it is all a lie.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News