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Mr. Peter Larkins died in Salem, January 18th, 1881, aged 81 years. Mr. Larkins was bom December 22, Ii, in Siitlolk c.iiiity, England He emlgratd to the UniUtl States m 1i nu. carne to Michigan in 18.K), always residing on landn that he purebaaed from the governmen in that year, 1d gectlon one. He was converted to christ when SS years of age, united wlth the MeilicKllsl rhurch aud remained a memoer unlll hisileath. Hls Mckness commenced on the flrst Sabbath In June last, on hls way to church, and he Uved In ronllnual Hiifferlng from that tlrae untll the 18th lnst., wheu (leath rglleved hun. Durinu the last fonr munt o hls Ufe he has made lt a subject of prayerdaily that death mlght relieve hlm of hls ufferlng if lt was Ood'n will. Mr. Larkins was ailevout (Mristlan, honorable and tiprlght In all hls business relations In llfe. Hls mnny fripmlH and relat i ves deeply monru hls lom. LUCIA SCOVILL BLISS. S.-OVÍ11. wife of D. W. Bliss, of Uil city died January 19th, of pneumonia, after a few days' Illness. She was born in Phelpstown, Ontario Co , N. Y.. in 1H06. and was wlthln two months of Tiyears of age. She, with a twin sister and their respective families, moved to this place in 1833, where they have llvedfeide bysldefor the last forty elgbl year, with the exceptliin of a short time. She leaves a husband and six chlldren, twodaugbters and four sous, to mourn the loas of a lovtng wife and mother, aud the church of whlch she was a member for lorty elght years, a devotod and untlrlng Chrlstlan. She bas not only lelt us words, but an example of fuith, loving patlence aud foibearance Is almost unequaled. Her life Man been well 11 ved, and she lias gone to one of the matiy manslons prepared for the rigliteous. She was one of whom Chrlst said : 'Ulrssed are the peace-makers ; for they shall be called the children of God." We loved our mother. .rMEH H. M'ALKKK. The Hon James M. Walker (lied very suddi'iily in Chicago, of organiu dlsease of the hcart. at hls residence, No. 17 Prairie Ave., Jan. ', at 4:16 p. ra., aged 60 years. Funeral services Trom hls resideoce Mondar afternooo. The deoeased was one of the oldest and best kiiowii citlzeus of Chicago. He dled of heart dlsease, and quite suddeuly, bavlng just returned frora a business trip east. Mr. Walker was born In New York early In lfttl. He graduated rrom I !¦ unlverslty of Ann Arbor In lul!). He studled ftr the bar, and shortly af ter hls ailnilMsioii topractice was elected prosecutlng attorney of washtenaw County. He also bei'iiini' lucitl attorney for the Michigan ('cutral rallroad. In 18.53 he removed to Chicago as attorney for the Michigan Central rallroad, and soon alter became general sollcltor. When the C, B. & Q. was organlzed lie became sollcltor for that company, and frora Uien to the day of hls dealh, was the legal ad visor of that corporation. He was engaged in the practico of his professlon here from 1853 to 1868, ranking high among hls eminent brethren. He had been the senior meraber of the druis of Wulker A Sedgwlck, Walker & Deitor, Walker, Van Arman & Dexter, respectively. In 1870 he was chosen president of the C, B. & Q. rallroad whlch posltlon he held for flve years. Mr. Walker was a man of unusual learnlng and culture, and had rareattainmentsasaluwyer. He was incessant In his pursult of knowledge, and the hard labor of mlnd to which hesubjected hiraself flnally broke his health, and he had been a sufferer for years. His forraer law partner, Mr. Wlrt Dexter, says: "Mr. Walker accuraulated a competency for the famlly he lea ves, nhlch conslsts of Mrs. Walker, and two boy 8, Wlrt Dezter Walker, uow 30 years of age, a gradúate of Yale, and at present a student In the office of Dexter, Herrlck & Miller, and James Walker, a lad of 16." At the funeral services Prof. Swing offered prayerand Rev. Prof. Bartlett pronounced the funeral sermón. The deceased was quite well known In our city, both hs a gradúate of the universlty, and as a lawyer, having practlced here for a short time. While in the unlverslty he was an active raember of the Beta Theta PI fraternlty, which organizatlon has put on the usual mournlng emblems In his memory.