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EstatP of Hermán l. 'mk. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of WW At sesalou of the Probate Conrt rr tl Control Waahtenaw, holden at ihu Probate Offiie, In tl of Ann Arbor. on Frlday, terentb day of Jauuary, In the yenr on thoaÜDd eit;ht humlml tod eighty-onc. I'rutuit, WilUiini 1). llarriman, Judi "I Probate. In the maltei of tb otate of llrrmnn D.Cook, minor. On ronding and nlinjr the prtltloll, duly verlfled, of David Kowe. guaidian, prayinft tliat be niay be licenj-ed to &ell (er;aiu rual estáte bl to Hflid minor. Thereupon it Ie ordered, tlutt Wedteday, II"' ninth dayot February next, at ieno'dock in thefore uoon be atit'ried fir tbi nMrtnx of eaid petition and thatlhe next ot kin of aui ininnr and nil otbir pereoBB ntereited In said -ttHU' n-qulred to apix-ar t a neaaion of eaid Court, then to oé bolden at the Probate Offlcc tn the city of Ann Arbor, l d phuw canie, If any there be, WBJ ÜM prayar of Uw petitioniT bhould not he grinten. And it Ie further ordered. that sald petltioner gin notice to the pernon intercuted in hM i'ntat, ol Um pendency of Baid petition and Uw beaiini; Ibere of, by causini; a copy of tulB order to bu publmli.-d In tbe Ann Arbor Conrier, h Dawtpapcr print.,] tod circnlatintr in Baid couniy, threc nccilve weeke pr,viou. to ld djj-JJ; tffiSüg? Judge of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Reeiotcr. WOl-M Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT o. I Soiilli nalH Slri'cl, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. The oldeet agency in tno city. Eetabliíhed a qoartH of a cenlury ao. UepreeiutinK the following flret clats coinpn'ii - : Home Iniorauce Co. of S. Y , Aset over {.WO-OW ContinenU! Ins. Co. of N. Y., AuBelu over Ja.OU; .( Nlaara Flre Insurance Co.. N. V., Assi-Ib ïl,4,UU0 Commercial Union Aenurance Oo. l Londou Aet8 i.S.OIIO.IIIW ar II A TM LO tV. Ie8 llberally adjnted and "SSfö1 O. H. Ut.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News