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"POR SALE. ...! Family Home, With Carriage, Kobes, etc. Apply at No. 7 South SUte Blreet. HAK10N C. BLISS. 23 TpOR EXCHANGE. I have a fann of 100 aeree in the western part of the State, valned at 6,O0O, which I will exchanjte for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BBAL. WANTED. BT Competent & Experienced Num a Sltuatlon. Apply, 1015 DKAWEK34, P. O. QOFFINS AND CASKS," FÜLL STOCK AT MARTIN'S AU order pmmptly attondn1 'o. About Cyclopedias- Important. All dcslrons of obtalmng a Oyclopcdla, the Brllanica, Appleton'a, Zell'e, or any otber, will routult tbelr own Interest beforc purchaslne by calling upon or addresalng W. B STICKNBY, Publisbíb, 1022 2! Ann Arbor, Michigan. jyONEY TO LOAN. At neven per cent, Securlty must be on flrüt-claas farms In thla couuty, or cliy property in Ann Arbor, in central and deatrable loc&lftie. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Attorney. Office: S. W. Cor. Main & Hurón 8t., up-stairs 1006-31 TjURM FOR SALE. For the purpose of cloeing a partnership, the underalgned offers the Finley farm, In the township of Sclo, for eale, elthtr In part or the whole, on long time. Kor particular enquire on the premlaca . DAVID H. FINLKY. Bcio, December 21, 1880. 1019-31 "POR SALE OR EXCHANOK roa CITY PROPERTY A Farm of 62 acre, two mile east of Ann Arbor, on the Mver road. Dweiling house, larfre and convenlent ; two barna, a never-faillne atream of water, orchard and abundince of mail fruit. Ver; desirable property. Prtce low. For term apply to owner on premleea. (JEOROK B. DAY. loms JJ"OTICE. Notice ia hereby glven that a meetüig of the the stock holden of the Detroit, Butler A Bt. Louis Railroad Company will be held at the office or the company, In Detroit, Michigan, on Thursday, the twenty-fonrth day of March next, at ten o'clock a. m. to couflder a contract for the conaolidatlon of the stock, property and franchise of sald company with thoae of the Butler and Detroit Railroad Company, a Corporation organlzed under the lawa of the statea of Uhto and Indiana, and to approve or dieapprove of the same. Detroit, Janaary 17, 1881. JAMES G. MILLER, Secretaxy of the Detroit. Butler and 8t. Louia R R Co. and of the Butler and Detroit R. R, Co, 1022-26 GET THE BEST ; Fire Insurance VS #42,000,000 -% s Security held for the protection of the i policy hoklers. ; CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the following first-class compa nies, of which one, the iEtna, has alone f paid $55,000,000 flre losses in sixty years I yKtna, of Hartford $ 7,400,000.00 Boston Onderwriters 2.S00 UOU UO Franklln, Phlladelphla „ 3,300.000.00 Herman American, N. Y _ 2,800,000.00 Londoo Axsurance Corporation 15,800,000.01) 1 National, Hartford 1,200,000.00 North Uurman. Hamburg 3,000,000.00 i Pha-nlx, Brooklyn_ 3,8nO,0O0.U) Underwriter Agency, N. Y 4,000,000.00 Losses liberally ad j usted and promptly paid. l'olicies issued at the lowest ratesof premium. 102173 CHBISTIAN HACK. Estáte of Edwin Vanden ui k, r. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countj of Washtenaw sa At a sesslon of tbe Probate Court for the Connty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the nlneteenth day uf January, In the year one thouaand elght hundred and eighty one. Present, Wllllam O. Harrlnwn, Jadgeot Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Edwin Vandewarker, deceaned. Selden W. Shurtkn and Herman Krapf, tbe admlnistrators of aaid estáte, come lnto conrt and represent that they we now prepared to rendir their llnal account as such admlnivtratora. Ttaereupou lt Is ordercd, that Saturday, the nfth day of February nezt, at ten o'clock in the loronoon, be asalgned for examlning and allowing such account, and that the helra at law of said deceaaed, and all other persons interested In sald estáte, are requlred to appear at a sesslon of sald conrt,tnen to be holden at the Probate Ufflce, In the city of Ann Arbor, In nald county, and show cause, ifany there be. why the said account should not be allowed. And lt Is r urther ordered.that sald admlnietratorsglve notlce to persons interested in uaid said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof; by j causlug a copy of thla order to be publtehed in ihe Ann Arbor Courier, a newopaper printed and drtnlated in sald county, two succeBsive woek prevloug to sald day of hearing. ( A true copy.) W1LLIAM ü. HARK1MAN, Judge of Probate WM. G. DOTY, Probate Rerteter. 1024-10! I -t.ii. di Archer L. McLean. ÜTAI' K OF M1CHIQ AN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a seslon of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Taesday, the elévenlo day of January, In the year one tbouaand eight hundred and eighty-one Preeent, Wllllam D. Harrlman, Judge of Probate. I ii the matter of the estáte of Archer L. HcLean, deceased. On reading and flling the pctltion. duly verifled. of Micbael J. Noyes, praying that a certain Instrument now on Ale In thls court, purportloK tu be the laxt will and testament of said deceased, may be admltled to probate, and that he may lx: ap pulnted executor thereof. Thereupon lt Is ordered, that Monday, the aevenih day of Febraary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon.bc asBlgned for the hearing of aald petitlon, and tbat the derlsees, leñatees, and heirs at law of sald deceased, and all other persons Interested In sald enlate, are required to appear at a sesBlon of aald court, then t be holden at tbe Probate Office, ín the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause lf any there be.why the praycr of the petltloner , ihould not te vranted. And lt la further, that said petltloner glve notlce to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of sald petitlon, and the hearing thereof, by cauMnn a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arlwr Courier, ñ newspaper prtnted andcirculated In said county, three aucceslve weeks prcvioun lo aid day c of hi-.iriin'. (A truc copy.) WILUAM D. HARKIMAN, .1 udge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 10211 i nuint r. wim fullOitruotlowlDreoo. . U ¦ II Juouot IU nu ronublbu,ln.M 1U1UTÜIKCU LI ltíiu Tke Milu ii ui u ln. h oír VI II I"""""M " "" impU ud ptels. thl utu ¦ I c" F-t praau tnm Ut irj HM II etx il I '¦"''¦ 1-wlllin, tó.ork. WoMnun. "; I ¦¦ orul . Hoj. M (lru co si-n mrmt _ I T ¦¦ " "J ' aud 1 Iba tnulnau oar iMkulni dolUralo Idk wk. Notaiat II ban befkn. All ' wbo Dfan mn lurprtMil al tbr aaaa ud ruldlt; wlib wblcb tbe; ara abla u aula bom; Toa ou aofaa Id tbu bualaa dannj ;our ipara Uu at (rrat arvSt. Y ou iu XX bara to laraal oapltal lo IV. ua bil il rlik. TbOM ko nl radi bom; abouM rlM aaluuoa. All furnlabai rraa llliMTai'. . Aogaata, Malae. lyo;


Ann Arbor Courier
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