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1880 Belongs To The Past

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This world lias progressed; men and women have grown older and iser. 1881 finds the ball rolling on the road to Improvenient, and M ACK & SCHMID Slill MODIlliilH, the ladder. Thcy open the ball for the m yenr and guarantee to keep it rolling giring one of tbc 11.. .si satisfying Clcarin-r Sales erar ieen Pleaae aoUce the dtflfcrence between om Ucoenilici .iii.l .lanuary prices. Wc start first with SHAWLS. We have MM SOU ihawll tliat II lif cleared out as follows: M AII-W.1.1I Sliauls ;.t $6.86, December prtce was $8.50; 2." at $4.60, December prioe was $t.00; 20 at $3.00 I tecember prlce was $1.00, and about the same rcductton throughout the of Pal india and otber W00J tttiawta. Now is your tiint; to bny BLANKETS and COMFORTERS. From thN date ra shall teil them at a rediictiou of 15 percent, froni 1 ),, , mli.r Mieei We ¦ frciicial ipeay in tlii itof iiniClt and Ihe prtOM wil! !. suic to cll Hu-in' CLOAKS and DOLMANS. A good 'loak for $4.00, sold in Deceud)fr for $0,00; a heavy Heavcr ('loak splnndidly rotten up, at $8.00, sold in December at $10; another lot, extra fine, stylishlv trimmed lor $ii.(H, December priee $12.00. Our whole Mock of CkMki and Dolman ill be ¦Old at the same rati of rednctiun. This ia done to all'cct ¦ HMedy clraramv Wt tXpret to bare tbem all sold by the 1-1 ,,t Pebmuy. Tboee irmnting a Bbawl Dolman or cioak ikoold lmrry up and iee Hafik 6 Sriunul before it u too late. FLANNELS. Letevery one culi and sec onr (rav, R.d, White aiid Fancy Flannels and br cun incrd there is 110 house in Ann Arbor anywhere near our prices. Cali and look at our CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and JEANS. Dont fail to see our Ladies' and CtaOdreaa VeeU Kxamine oor Douiolic-, Btaehed and Brown Cottons ; Crashes al tive and ten cents; Quilts at B6 centt ?1 (Kt $1 "" $1.50; Nublas, Beodl and Ceaid. U'c mean to start the ncw y-ar with a mater iin thnn ever before. SILKS, SATINS and VELVETS. We have struck upon the blggest Bonanza ever scen here or anywhere else The beat brand n Ule market. Come and see them. M pieces Dress üoods at 15 cents, December prices for these goods was 20 to 25 cents. Our entire stock of Fan v Dreee (oods bal been reduced in the same way. BLACK and COLORED CASHMERES Have all been reduced. This advertisenutit s not a windy effusion, aterelT to stir up trade, but a statement of the reductions we have made. We do not wait t ill spring to give yon wíiiUt goods cheap, but do so now wliile there muiy Weekt ..f eold weather before us. MACK & SCHMID.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News