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Sten the ïe York Pott A ilpdl Ixeii eaul hiiJ wntten igain-t ( lie oíd titnhtoned parlur. ludced, paopia hare gcuerally come to look upoo ii H a t'ailurtí, D'J to think slightingly of tlit tute which rendered it poasible. Whatever ni ;iy llave ban dfteets, there m a gmeatioa ib the miada nf animi people lo Iniln i thc modera parlor is a great improvetuent upon the ancieot one, andan , lact, whetluT there i-i ufficient rcason for ti rxistence. It true that this modero i miiii a not kcri ln-riuuiically aealed, as is ' alleged ot' the oldar one. Thore are more i fewt um wnich it i.i oponed, and cbildren ara allowe1 to situpoD its handwniK' ahabi and look out upon the atreet throuüh its la -urtains. Still t is not a room lo )(-¦ happy in, and c too often abMrbt int 'i mm th' ie-"t there is in the hou-, nol only in the way of furniture, hut hIk) of piotnreK andboökfi, lt;avin the living room of th támily as baro aa a dej sert a far an unylhiuK retiuiiiK and ¦ducatinti ia ooniiprned. That thia is not bcot, a litUe thought wil! show. W who are i -o woii'liTtully madu and wi njyceriouly , influonccd gaio much hji baring around us . vi-ry day surroundings which are elevatiii.' and guggetive. 3o if there is only Mura in the house which in worth looking at or Btudying, let it hang where it will inoM frciiiicntly attract the attention ot' the family. To the thoughtful inan who ; i-hi-. well to kind, it in I. 'iiing to r, people spending their mouey for that whicli not bread. People who think thcy can nol aflord t boy mm new book in t y-M, er M much a beliotype or , l'i.m! pioture, iini-l havo thüir parlor "set." a ohanp lat in imitados f tho who oao ¦11 aSord to hnv. tin-m Thcy ShiatnU tht WOefol' have OOOpyiDfi tin1 of OOI Mtghbon in-tea'l of their virtiii-. nut a plea lir the uttor . x 1 1 1 1 - i ¦ 1 1 1 f thc .arl"r. A ta-tclul tion roJiu, whiih may be in BRHf for guests and For auy siraugers hom you tnay Mi wit-h Ui iutoyour t;ituily lile, i a tffat L-otiveninice, and in lome, homes almost a Deoesaity ; hut if two plcasant, invitiiiK rooniK oannot be afforded it would bc vantly MttW to itivariably uiake the one chcurful, conifortuhly furni.-hed room, with the giod picture and the book. the room for the family to meet in and enjoy. The monuy, or a part of it, mftd by oot indulging in a ]arlor uiibt ba apenl to ooil advMiitajre in huying Kokn and objects oí tit -ru.-t and instruotiou. It la intert'tiiis to iioiiit' the valne plaocd apon books by inany who profeM Ifludly to wioh lor theui by their alwayH putting ilioiu aitor cverytbing ohe. They would hardly apjireciato 'Eai l t Lamb'a irotni: about in hi threadbareplum i.'iM.reii oaat that he miht buy a l'avoriti' l'oljo. Nr would they %rer Ije foiind wonderiog box much Oliver Weudi'll oa M thc faot that he " htasKered agtinst books a a baby." Wbo tbat ha ever tractd back any of hi own iapi'6- OM to their ,-ource, not bet-n r-urpri.-ed to find that doi -p and laitinjf ones hav heen dy MHBethin; in itv'lt'vcry tlight '!


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News