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l'lit: tollowiug real estáte ."ale have Uvii recorded i thr refutar! offin hoos nur port ; R. Kempf toKunan w. Wellm-in. !.,t Foiinls' addltlon. ChelHra, fiüiO. Jlarv E.Whltlng r.. I Vsn Honghton. land In York, f J. W. ortMiti t folia O'Brlen, 11) seres ce. 16, AllUIIHtH, MÜI. Win. D. )Iarrlfn:tii to Mary A. Kraser, proprty iu Auu Arbor, $150. llarvey Kennrtt u I. Ii. Korsyth, 80acres seo. 23, York. $1 1 Geo. W. Taylor to K. .'Dllls, lamí in Vork, ?i.v. Prederlok Lindaur to Charles L'hl, M Hn IM. 8. Bridewiiter, átf.0.10. Mlchael (trostiiuHu to WíHíhiii iroman, lot 1 n. Hurou Htreel, Ann Arbor, l,500. Leonard Valium to Wm. O. Warner, property in Ypsllanti, f.'JO.Mi. Ueorge Taylor to Samuel and Albert Guthrle, 90 UIM Me. 16, .sylvan, 15.000. Ja. Doyle tu Vale.uiine B. 1 -!¦, land In sec. 3", York, 6ij. Kmiliue Cnimp to David C. Blakemore, propi-rty lu Ann Arbor, 200. .1. K. Basset t to Wm. Rohbins, property Ín Ypsüanti, lltüi. Henry A. Austin to Mary A. Merwln.lot 1, Win. S. May nurd'H plot of the s. e. W ol sec. 1, Ann Arbor town, i,ii. Robert Larable to Patrtck Martin, 82 % acres seo. :u. Superior, f 1..500. Eli O. Smitli and (ieo. R. Wheeler to Lucrella Mareli, lot 6 and 7 b. 1, vlllage of Salem, 130. Daniel II. Newton to Albert I. Newton.proptTty Ín Y phI Imii; cuy aud Town, 1,314.54. A1OD7.O K. I.luden lo I 1'. Haplln,70 aeren seo. 25. Brldgewater, !,780. Abraham Fllklns to Marina Kilklns, 40 aerea sec. 36, Superior, $1. 1). llolines el ai. to Wm. tí. Osband, property lu Ypsllanti, fttuu. F. W. Morgan to Frederlck OaufU), property Ín Ana Arbor. $17,,. Mary 1-. Baxter toHarrietM.Hage, undivided % interest in the Danforth property on Ann Hireet, Ann Arbor, l,ii". Samuel J. Oaerln to C. M. l'reer, property Ín fh.-lRt-a. 11.200. Wm. ti. i Kborn to John F, Ilauasler, 180 aere RecUons 19 and 2u, Hhnron. $11.(100. Iainbert Cocjl to Bernliard Bertke, 91 acres Rectiou iñ. Sbaron, S.rl ki Andrew Mlller Ui H. Camp, 2 acre neo. 12, Ann Arbor Towd, f 1,700. (ieo. Osborn to John Carter, 10 acrex sec. %, Saline, $KI0. Mary Anu Martin in I'atriok Martin, property In Ana Arbor, t30U. Lucretia Shuarl to Frank J. Moore, lots 6 aud 7, b 1 Salem Villae..-, $150. Kffla J. High to Josopli M. Lazelle, property In MancheHler, $300. Mary K. DePut' to Jamfs I'. Wood Í al, property In Chelxea, Wm. Burke lo fCdwanl W. i 'oddlngton, land In ec. 8. Plttsüeld, ?.").. John F. Kuiler to Frederlck Kerfess, lot 12 b. 39, Manchester, SiOti. Fred lieflincr lo Wm. Nelthammer, lot D, b. 4 n. Huron street. r. 'J e., $S60. Anna Hamllton to Wm K. Hnmllton. 160 acre sec. 17, Salem, $8.600. Margarel Madgclt tu John Ro, property In Ypsllanti, .50. Margaret Madgett to John Roas, property In Ypsllanti. 600. John Madgett to John Bobs, property In Ypsllantl.ts:. John M. Slater to John V. Sbeenan, property in Ann Arbor. $3,500. John Colllns et ai to Martin Brennlng, 3 acres sec. 16. Augusta, $1,025. E. T. Walker to Mary A. Ham, lot 6 b. S, Salem Vlllage, 2.000. John G. Reala to John Holler, 30 acres sec. 1 Seto. $950. Clara Webb to Isaac N.Conklln, lot In Patee's add., Ypsllanti. $200. John Van Uennlp to John Geddes, 30 acre sec. 1. Sylvan, $800. Lambert Cóol to Bernliard Hertk, land in sec. I, Hilaron, A,460. Adam Miller to lit-n i M ( i nu . '10 inm ii i . 12 Ann Arbor Xown, l,7Mn. Kyjvanus II. i;uliri to Daniel P. Keer, huid In sec. 4 York, I6.U00. Susan Kalkner to Nettie W. ONeM,land In sec. 29 Hitaron, 1,000. Adam Wurster lo Miohad Wurttter, 85 acres ¦ec.a Freedom, $1,140. Natban A. Easton to John R. Boles, 160 aeres Hec. 27 Ptttöeld, $8,800. I.yinmi Burnliani to Alva W. Hardy, acres York. 1,300. James McGulre to David I.iudsley, 13 aonti -c. 29 Saline, 3200. Josph Rawdon to Hinm Maniu. land in sec. 18 Bridgawutor, i-Vi. hawyer UiggH to Ji'nnrtl tpilykr, ni acrw sec. 3a Sylvan. $,200. Mary Anu UIlHhanon lo Auton Elsclo, property In Ann Arbor $T00. John Oeo. Laubengayer u Uavid EdIiIk, Jr., 180 acres siic. 18 Lodi,$h; Cbauncuy BrancU (by heirti) to Ilenry F. Haezlit, 13 acre sec, 21 Ann Arbor City, $2,000. Charlen J. Lord to Tlios. W llklnsou, 4H acre sec. tl Lima, 275. Joseph ötiercle to Dnvld 8tlen:l, land In sec. 2 Preeiiom. $2,071. John Oliver to IJowarit T. Nlchols, lot H I-nnet's add. Saline Villag, 500. Geo. R. JohnoutoWm. Davcnport, iiüiucn sec. 5 York, f Eli Regal (by lieim) to Henry M. Hagarty, property lu Ypsllanti, 350. 'V in. H. Davonport to loseph II, FUh, property in the vlllage of Saline, 1,600. Uottlob I,:iyer to Joseph h elilknmp. 140 acres aec. 1 Freedom, Ki,2iu. Henry Feldkump to Fredcrick Hieber, 4 aerea seo. 11 Freedom. $2,750. Almon Vethler lo Oramul V. Holt, land In nee. X AugUKta, 160, ('liiinilau Webher to Jaoob Wnrster S acres sec. 16Hylvan,(150. Bernlianl Parker to Varker, pro].rt In Sylvan, f,(xi. Wm. 11. Uavenport to Geo. R Johnson, 7 lora mo, 81 Pltitleld, - Krastus N. l.e liaron to Chrlstlan K 1 : acres Her. 24 lirldgewater. $4,100. ChrlHtlan Mack and Frederlck Schmld 10 John (ieo. ilaarer, land In edocn iMto. Ql'IT-CI-AIlt DSCD3. Glllwrt sli(ittii-k to Ja. McMahon. lot 7, b. 9 Orrasby and Page's add Ilion Aun Arhor, $!¦. Jan. McMabon to Luko Coyle, same descrlption, 1. E. W. Morgan to Patrick O'Relloy, lot T, b. 5 Ormsby anl Page'a addlllou Ann Arbor. $1. Chai T. White to Nathan T. White, land In the townshlp of Ann Arbor, $400. E. T. Walker to Uud-on Alsbro, 120 acres sec. ? Salem, $1. Joseph B. Herrlck to IIudKon Alsbro, 1-1) acres sec. 8 Salem, tl.S60.tl8. Lyman Wlard to Geo. D. W.lard, land in sec. 11 Ypsllanti. 1. Oeo. D. Wlard to Lyman Wlard, same desertptlon. $1. Medad F. 'rittenden to Chas. R. ('ritten. 1,-n , land lu sc. 13 Ypsllanti. 1. Mary Brown ri al to Junctie ('rittenden, 20 acres sec. 14 Ypsilanli, $1. Sheldon C'rllienden to Chati. 11. ("rittenden, same, $50. Kdward Crlttnden to Cha. II. ('rittenden, name, flOU. Robert B. Deviney to James T. Honey, lot 1 1 N. H. Wlngs sub división, b 6, Dexter, $1,000. Gottlob Zeeb to Allert Zeeb, 9 acres sec. 25 Plttafleld, Í2.2S0. John J. Roblson to F. I). Cumlngs, 25 acres wo. lSHharon, $1. Rowend Hlge to c. w. Kiggs, 300 acres sec, ni, Sylvan, 1. John A. Mttchell to Patríele Fttzidmons, prtiperty in DexU'r, (M(JO. 1' M. Cooley to J. T. Hallock, property In Ann' Arbor, 1. Wm. Robblns to Ellzabeth Bassett, property In Ypsllanti, 160. Chas I. Colman to Wm. P. Grove, property In Ann Arbor. 500, Hiram W. Hammoml 'ly helr) to 11,1. n II. ('orljett. 0 acres sec. 'J, Augusta. 1 . Helen H Corhett to llalllu II ll.uiunond, et al. 60 acres sec. 19 Augusta, Ji. Martha Cobbell to John OobbelL land In rittsfleld, Itenry LH'Pue to John Oobbell. IhiuI In Plttnfleld, 1. Sarah J. Winner to J. I'. aud H. L. Wood i proporty In ('helsea. t J Devlncess Allport to Walter C. Bnuts land In, Webhtfi. Kurnan H. Oulnlon to M. r. Gulnlon, lnd In 100. "IiJ yoQ break that window, boy ?" tüiil the, grooer, catchiog hold of the fleeiog urchiu. "Yessir." " What d'ye men. tbeo, by ruDuing off in ibis uiauner?" " I'lea.-e, ir, I wa ruoning home to get the money. I was 'ÍYaidif I dido't run quick I mightforget."


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