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Ayer sCathartic Pilis Tor all the torpoies of i ft&ilj Physic. CVBUM) r oM i rllrs.s. JjtUInlict' T Dyspepsla, Iinll(Li's on Mk ni'l ISnatll. II. K.lI ñ W ache, EryalI:' V_ IJë uiiiI skin Dlseiwv lit' a lti .iikiu, I.iver ('omplalnt. Dropsy. rtlcr, Tumors and Snit Rheoitt, WuiM, Gout, Ki " ntlKla.tiR k dUilMr pill.anii purif Ing tlie Mo,.r!. ri' tbr nu! r. míenla: piirirut.e -t "rfected ,!.ini.iui!y thon hu bw ttny mal all othor IM1-f" nd pli-n t" take, hoi powerful ro can t "" tttoIhamor of the blood : they Mmtilatr Hm f 1 trl-h or diord-rrd inlo acllon, and thy Inipart health U1 tOU.' tO '!i I -' TlH-J I Ut nol OtJ "' every day MnpUala "f W body, t'ni mnmii ¦ t.l.anú danfvrou ffUnJMlt Mo-t -kiilltil pajrHn. moat eminent lorio men, nud onr latl citli-n, iend certlficate tá care i.erfnrnwd. and "f Krat h.n.nt They air tlf af-1 nd beat phyi. lor children, becauan mild au woll a effectnal. Mal usarcoated, tbry ore ¦¦ l ukr ; ,n,i (,..,. ;-. lli.-y MltirelT Urrn. 1I!LPARLD HY Dr. .1. I'. Awr & Co., Lowell, HtM.t flMlllWl and Analjtlcal (hrnil-t-. -..'.I bg ,11 lrui!KUuid Duim in Midiciuf. l'iH)-1071-ew nftMUg II t POPIIOMPIIITKh I a combinatlon of Hypophosphlte. origlnatfd by me In Canada wblle unücr the procen o( pnlmouary couBtimption and wblch bat aloco been employcd by thf medical profi?ion thronghnul Amtrca and Englaud witb unprucedunted ttOCMl. It contalns the uiemt'nts Hentlal o the animal organiztlou, the oxldlJng anenta aud tonica. In combinatlon wltb the gtimulatlni; aci-ut phoc phornt, poniOMine the murit of belUK lightly allcaline, and ia divpensed In the convenlout aud palatabl form of a nyrup. It i'fTuct are nually vieible wlthm tweuty-fonr hoar( and ar marked by a ítimaiatlon ot' tbe appctlt. the diirentlon and aalmlla'1in, entering dlroctly luto tbc dren lation; it tonco the neirex ao musclen: eïerts a beulthy action of the eerf tionc : ncither dlaturbc tho stomaeh nor Injnre lh nttam nnder protoned nse, and may bo dfscontiuued at auy time without inconvenience. In a word it poaaereea tbc stimnlanta to arounc Ihe ptrencth, the tonica to reuin it, and merit ot a hlishdeïrec. Very reipftfnlly, JAMB8 I. FBLLOW8. Do nol tu dectitei by rtmtdie btaring a tlmilai name; no other preparat ion U n tulatitvtenr thitvnder any clmonttance. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 10iöl068cem TRIAL Itoill.l.v 50 (EVTS. CADWELL'S LACTEALNERV1NE TUE URCiT BKHEDT POR Xeiiralqia, flhcvmatltm. and all otur palhful Sfi-uoia Afftction. Acute or Chronic, without regard to Age o, AMD IN 1 I MBAG0, SCIATICA, AlfD XERYOÜS The relief oflered by lts ne Ii prompt and complete. Hon. Qorqr V. Langdon, Koe Mayor of DrtroilMtïh., tay: 1 have repeatedly nl the Nervine for Ni-urslKic üffiTink', nd have never (ound it to rail In (rlrlng almost iramediate relief. I wonld not be withoot It in my houoc lor ten tlmee ita cost. Too mnch cannot be aaid for It, o - in lts favor. Some may tblnk tbls stronï laimuagr ; none too strong for ihose who know what Nenralgia Ik, and lind raUef from iu ni-. sn rcupectl'ully, [Biirned] GKO. O. Ï.ANODoV. Mayor üfflee, City of Detroit, Feb. 5th, 1878. LARGE #I.OO. For Sale at all Dras 8 torea. FAKKAND, WILLIAMS 4 CO., Sole A(,-om. BT VV. HaV 1Êfj Pa ij ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEYS Kladder and I rl nar j (Ircani by AbHorbinjc all humors, every trace ot dicaae, and forcing into the ityxtem through the port of the skin, nour - lflhinK and atrcnetbeuiug vegetable tonica, sivini; it inulfrlul iiowrr lo core at unco. PAIN IN THE BACK, Mide or liiin I iilln m iiiiiltoii anri ICl ÏKhtH Kl-.-a. of the Killir}N. lil..l . -. lri, .rn. I. 4'atarrh of the Bladder, Ilili 4'oloreil, Mpanty or l'uinl'nl I rinatinK. ltiLwi-H,l nsi or Mhrodx In thf I rlnr. M U l H iin.l PHY8ICAL DKBILITV and In tact any aleeue oí theee íjreatorírttürt whether routructed l,y over work, train, exrewlve drink, tbu linc of nature, or othcrw ii ¦¦. It superredei entirely tbe inconveniencen and tronblen of takiu and paironuus interim! medicine. It la worn ex.iclly whero noeded, next to tbu body and iminediatt-ly uver tbe kidueye It la comfotHbh: to tbe patiënt, nafe, pleaiant and reliable in ite ettecu. bul fOTirftü it .: DM, It can be wom ut uil time, in any clltnute, and if equally goud for MAN, WONIAN OR CHILD. Do not be prejndlced. (iivi rr a trial ml be convlnced that It la honeat, reliable, etIVctivo and Jut what your feeble and exhauatud body raqolrM. Tbou-andü are dally addlnc thelr tertlmnny to the wondtsrful curative puwcra ol ihie re-tt rvnedj, who are belnu rertored to perlect health after all other treatmentü umi remedies have fatled. A-k your draKglBt for It, and accept no hhhtaiion on BUBtTiTDTi. If he has uot sol, it end 1o n and rccelve it hy return mail. tïSCmfTIVÏ PEICÏ LICT.-ReguUr Pad, ¦ ; Special Fad. for Chrouic, deep-aeated, or canet oí lotiBtandin. i'.l ; ChiidrenV Pad, for eummer complaint. weak kidnevK and bed wettinK'. I1JW. Our book, "Uow a Life wat Saved," contalning a hiatory of thia great di-cuvery. malled free. W'rlto for it. AV HIIIXKV PAU O.. Tolrdo, O. 1011-33 Hops & Malt BITTERS. Rich in the malcriáis that Xourlah, InTÍa;r (te, 1'orlfy an ,i Strenrthen. They tupply lirain, Vuatular and crte Forcé, rigor to the Enfiibled, Tone and Ktrength to the Kxhaustrd, ourlnhment to the young and Ker Life to the aged. Inl't wi trylni them. All Dru(glM cfcn ebula bA Qr, aad regulir Ul lOtü, 1UUT)-1 Th lpr...( nci 11,-1 1. Jicmc ev.r Jludr. I Acilmbinati.;i, of Hop, Buchu, ManI drakle "¦'! Oandelon,tii : inbmt and ¦ most emmtlv properttM "t all ochat Hittrf ¦ uihW) HtUKi.u i Blood Purlfler, Llver I RcgU latorf a"'1 1''" aji1 HlUi It-.-pt-orüig' ¦ Atfent anWBMÏHHHil ¦ ''¦ No dla anpowihly hm -iirt wher# Hop I Hilara af uiVmIv ti iod Boi prflal arethtlr operaliouF.#HBA TbegiTi ui u%lt asi TÍfir le '.U ijil asi isflm. ToallwhoMi fcnpiojnn-ntJifai irregularl tjiflhcbuweIorVllr'nrT "" or wl" "" qulro il Apprtlioik loul" iiil inllil stlniulnt, Kop Kitur art inTalaUe, without IntOIloatlng. BaMaV Mo matwr what your f èf Unir or rrraptmni are wht thtf diiHMirteorallW21111 '" 'llM1 Hup Biitera. Don't walt until jou %" a but If yon ouly fSil bd wr nilH..rnli them at once llmay areyourllfe.lthAsI 'oU Imndnxla. 500'llb.!ilforclM thi-y 111 not eoreorbetp. Do not suffer lorlt rour frlenda auffur.but uae anil urjce themk uae Hop B Kem.nil r. Hop Bitton Ui nok "U". drumred dnink.-n nostniia. but the PurMt & d Beat M'li-inf ¦¦-!¦ UMU . '1UUD ntlDO anti ¦OPK' and uo pervoa or fumll gl aaoujd be without tum. ¦aVHaïalaam ál ÍÍ.LO.l'anabtoluteanilIrrtBlut l H rtrunkeun(4, tu ot opium, tobáceo asdllVH narootica. All told br anuirlKta. snd ML. M tor Circular. Mt klttan nj. tv, VaWH RoohjKtjrnornTifrtl 90S-1M9 c e m 1 M OutSt iot tne to taoM liu ld to euftge in the niot !- mj plMMU'. anri .rofluble botloaii küon KTrytfalD( tlv Rfw. CKblul di rquirwi. V wl'.l furalab 70a rtrr% y ttlSf. 10 dt j 10 1 upwnli U .llj BU lltoui m ' ¦ lUrftif wi7 frm boma ov.r stfbl. No Dik kikm alai Klj Bew urkeri uKd l otiot. Uut ui miklm 71 If t ttt bu.lur.1 i.miei ntte u mu u mrs .T f al Jf oojom lrli Bk. jretpJ. M lm .to li VOUaf to wtrk billa te makt mo:au.oty evvrr dar tb ui oma ba mada Id a i atas; ordlnar tmpWjmaot. Tb itonnn ttauxwniaacaatrartrcdtorartrna. 1U--1 I. t Co., PenlAad, kfal&a ](}-¦:


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