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l'rivhton lucnriates in pnmil loeSalt. A iifw tul and pail fi tory at Bij Rapids. Tlie Qrand Haven hlwlioi' i i ly ioe. An etefant ik'w oombioatioe p%si coach on tlic Si. .lo alley railroad. lïuclianan larnifr.-i' institutos raice the wimJ ducnmng the liill' Ia ihe soliools. l'i'ioskcy dmimi to htre had etérea Gm( of nnw thi': wmter. Nt all M one linio, liuwcver. The bouae eommittee on iit-office and post-rontea have proposed a mnnberof new roatei ibr tlii Mate. If tho stato telopliono cxcliangc is e lished, good lij-c to telegraph stock. It will in value. A tiill has been introduced in congress, t'V Keprosentalivc Newberry, looking to the briding of the Sault. The Eaton and [nghan Coanty hislory jiubüshers are beinjr soundly berated by the people and papers of those counties. The Big Rapidi Knijrhts of bad a pand maaqueradfi vVedoesdav of last week, and ditto llie Kalaniazoo K. I''s. It ltstated in tbenowtiUmiiof tbedailies that Iin [IeodersoQ, of the Alleman Jour' nal, propase lo start a daily at Grand Rap The Marshall mntaal id assodalioo is the latesl iliiii in the bap Dfa lifa inMtMce '"in iiiv li w.nks on thepaidnp plan. Berrien Conirty ha lil'iy panpen in La pOOrhOBM. In I lic Dell lx T i-ti tu U':ishtena aml ooly two from Waync, the highetr. 'Ihe Adrián Times lliiuks lliat i-ity pedíliarly tirieil for llie Mate fair. ánother Journal iaaÍBnttea lliat their grand ftands' ín tac way. Superintendent Ilowo, of the fannng reform sehool tor boys, has resigned. Itia "a'ul be has been offereá n similar position i n Rhode Mand. Vith an pjv td lutuii" and bu' a Tecumseh boot and shoe dealer oliera a ncw pair of hlioes to crvery baby bwn 11 the county during the year. The village of North Branch had ¦ narrow escape, recently, l'rom beinc; destroyod byfire. Prompt work savod it. The firc originated in Dr. Bi t'l (dea. A man by the name of Hrown WM put in the l,ake C'uinity jail last Friday niht, set the same on tire, either accidontally or purposely, and was burned to death. Tho Monroe marshes are sought after by some speculators, who, f they obtain control of tuem, will sliut ont tlie vulgar crowds frotn duck shooting. "Shoot 'em !" I p in Jackson and íooni, a new disease has broken out among horses. It attacks the Iegs, whicb swell noarly to burstiog. anl vfholly OCtpftOtUtea th animal for work. It is stated that a lot of old maid.s in üeooa, Livinitston County, an 1001 to be sold to the hijthatl bidder. They miccht better reuiain niaiil-i thtn become an Blarioum matrons. The tambor mtrket ia reported nuite stiff, prices at East Sacinaw raniiii.' Ironi $7, $14 and $.3 to $7.50, 1S and $3", and $10 fur stock. Several large Balea have been made at these Sgnres. There is a ciirious raarriage of maplea near Shelby in üceana County. The two tVMB, whii-h st:ind about two rods afiart at the ground, have apparontly irrown into one solid body at the lieigh't of aboot 40 feet. Chas. I'oe, two uieD and a dog, atarted with the mail froni Little Traverse for Beaver Islaud, recently, and were su] to have been lost, but they caroè out all right, after being two Jays on the c'. without food. A youth of Bevt'nteen summers, giving his name as ('has. Bortob, eot 00 subscribers, at$2.00each, at BattleOreak, recently, for Harper's Bazar. He has never been heard of since, arrJ the papers couie not. Sold aeain. Seventy sis of the principal firins of Detroit signed a remonstrance to ihe i by coogress nl' what is known ai the Lowell bankrupt bill. Tliey claim thut uch a lawwould be of ííreal danige to botMtt buMDOM men, and toinl toward euconraging rai-cality. We DOtioe the kerosene oil law is up again before the legislatura for change in a few uniuiportant particulars. It otight to M bebeaded "eomplaitiy" u the Irwhman would ezpreae it. Thern 's no justiee in taxing our ponr pcople (o build ap ¦ ricb monopoly at Cleveland. Hm fil'lb annual meeting of the crand lodge of the Aiicient ( )rder ui' I ciiled Wurkmen bj beeo held this weck in Ji'troit. The order is reported in an extremely rous cooditioD, having over 5,000 menibers in the state. This order pji bc dealhs only which occur in this state. Theri' Hert 4,96 I arrestsmade in Detroit laat jvir. Of ilii-, number (113 vrerr fe niales; Ü,74l! wore single persons; 1,542 were married ; 4,011 wen' white, 273 ooiutr.l; l'.imim W(.r,. native born mul foreigiMni AhootaU tbe trk4es ao4 proM- knowg o the oitj bad a rei i olive. Some Chieago people puabc through ('harlevuix lat nimmer were u tooroacDly plesed wiih the phMe that they boofftt a lot of land and have luniied a coinpany ealled the "Chicago Summer Resort Company," with 1O,U()U capital. They propoie to m;iki Charlevoii ntmoua m iiummor rem L AU strangers are favorably impi with our villaje, and thoe wilhing cate at a county wat, wkM tliere u go d, pure water, fine Bah, a remarkahle healtliy rümute, good Kil, fine water privileges, railroad facililies kc.} fco., thequieker they pileh thetr tMt in our nnd-t the botl liart Journal. The propellor St. Alben, owncd by the northern truwpertatioa i'omjiany, went down in liíke Michigan last 8unday. 'l'lie passengers and crew, oooaialiog of 5 wonien and 17 uien, were all saved with great difiBculty. The boat bound frotn .Mil waukee for liudingtoD, loded with flour, and is a total loss. 1 1 iraní SlBith, of' Plint, known throughout that section u "Hudwod Siiiitíi,1' died on tha 26U) ult. Be mi the mod cxtcn.-ive iiíanufacturcr of ainl dealer in hardwood luiuber, timbera, siaves, bding, etc., in the state, lie larai ;i lark'e family aod property and a lite ímiuce policy of 1 40.UU0, we are lold. A littlf tOO li isty lul werk, it mhb in announciDt; that t lio lc(roit, Howcll & LaoÚaf piauk road e nnpai.y had throwo u it. charter. The eompuy ownini the road Proa Howcll lo Lúñag did sach a thing, but the Dotmit and Howell cliarterites clins to i'icir 'impoaitÍOD upon thc public," and h:iv n i( d in n-ible deed. The rtriIitiin CilÍMO Myi th:it ihtj will not foM a cria Inr a naw court boue at llowtll, and, that if lliat plaM wanls i, she nm [tro for a (tester portioa of the expense berwlf. Pnrtheru Hrichton, benelf, will we $20,000 to rt the couhly Imildi Thtt'l til v.ry wcll, but what will the Fowlervllle people say (o Mich i i iiiposition ? In tlio trial of Mrs. IhrnarJ, at Lapoer, for the murder of Mm. Curtiaa, the defenso proposea to advancv the theory that the deceased was a victim of a lamp explosión. What ! a laiup explosiou, with our flash test ! An explosión with oil that oost the people f .Michigan oiillionsof dollarn mure tlian peopie of nther stales have to pay, beoaoM of'its aoa-eiplosire quality ! The Mt. Clemens young people behaved N badly in i:liurch thnt the Congregational minister refused to preach any more serïii. ins uatü theywere in some way puuished l'ur their actionü. So the prosoouting attomey had to be cal led upon, with a view to sending them to the house of correction. This action scared the naughty boys and girls, and they are now as .still as little mico during the prayers, and don't whisper or giggle a bit. It does look some as though the Bay City, lakt Shore & Alpena railroad might become a reality. Stock bas been subseribed to the amouot of $ 1 ,CMX per milc, and live per cent. paid in. The following officers and directors have been chosen : 1'icM.iont, W. H. Potter; Secretary, Geo. L Maliz; Treasurer, A. W. Comstoek Directors, II. I'. Merrill, of l'.av City; B. I'. Sinith, of' Alabaster ; R. . Hobert.s, of llarrisville ; E. F. II.lnifs, of Onodt; and A. V. Cunstoek, A. l'cck, W. 11 Potter, (. I.. Multzand 'I1. üotlina, ..f Al pfiiu.


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