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By His Own Hand

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The pcople of our city who do notsit up late nights, but who are around carly n the iiorning, were horritied lant Tuesday inorning by being inforiued that a young man liad suucettfully blown his brains out thj night previou-i, in the (Jregory hoiü-e parlor. I mim ¦TMtigtfiwi itjwas found that the victiru ot' his own insanity wan Henry Addington Fairbanks, u student n attendance upon the pharmaey departtuent of the university, aud president of class, the junior. He was froin l'etrolia, Canada, and had boarded nt the ro8idenee of John N. Gott since his residence liero lai-t ('all. He waa about i!4 years of age. The real cause of the act is as yet shrouded in mystery. All that we are enabled to aseertain at tlie present writing, is that on MonJay evening two ladies from Detroit, carne to the (jregory house, and enquired for Mr. Fairbank.i. A porter was dispatched for the gentleman and he carne to the hotel. ïhe three passed the evening, to all appearances rery pleasuntly, conversing, and playing eards, until shortly ader 11 o'clock, when an excited discutsion was heard by a man occupying the next room. This was iinrnediately followed by the screaming of the ladios who rushod from the room, and soon thereafter came the report of a pistol. Help was immediately summoned, but the bullet had done its ghastly work, anJ its victim died in loss than ten minutes. One of these ladies who gave the name of Mrs. V. A. Leighton, claims to be the wife of the deceased, asserting that they were inarried last December, by justice Sihwoikurt, at Hamtratuck, a suburb of Detroit. lt is statod that she remarked soon after the deed was dono, that she was was to blame, that his pride was so great that ratlier than recognize her as his wife, he took his own life. There is some niystery surrounding the case which ean notat present be brought out, and over these troubles hashe brooded until tbey seemed unbcarable, and the uncertainties of the beyond preferable to meeting the difficulties which loonicd before him. The friend of the lady who claimcd to be his wife asserts that the glare of his eyes during the entire evening frightened her. AUo from testimony given, an inference niay be drawn that it was his original design tokill his wife before taking his own life - a thing which too otten ooflan theso day. Coroner (eorge was notiGed of' the deed, and immediately came, and prjbed for the ball, which he found in the lack part of his head. He summoned a jury, consisting of A. L. Noble, Andrew Bell, L. (J. His don, (J. II. Richmnnd, K. Mann and L. Gruner, who se( upon the case in tlieal'iernoon of Wüdnesday. From the testimony taken we quote the fullowing : Dr. Qeorge ifrorn. Made the -- mor tem examlnatlon ; fonnd Um man lying in the southeast eonior, witli hli boe bespattered witli btood; iearcbd for an rx ternfil mark but coulil not Bod :ni ei iiniiiiril tlie tonjrne and found it cut ou the top; direetiou of -ut itraiaht back; oMild not open jaw, rigor moitis bein; too linn ; opened the Splne; nuicli dnrk colored blood; coiild notflnd the bultet; openedjthe skull and found the bullet lying In the back purt of the head; traced it to the entrence oí tlio -kuil Bad found t :it tlic boek purt of the roof of the mouth; found a letter on the ]ersoii of the deceased torn iu two. The f olio W Ing is the letter: Asi Ah hor, Mlch. ) l-t l-fhruaiy, 1KS1. ƒ J.ilni N. Qott, Esq. Deak Sik:- The mnwaur who brinai tins note, lf It Is takeu to you, wlll nndoubt M tbl to glve you an account of what lias imppened. I wrlte i Iiih to tell you I do uot want the mus sent dlrectly to my falher. Telegraph to I,. B. Vaughn or K. J De moche (Thnl Is, on message addressed to both these gentlemen U one Ís not Ín retrolla tlie other wlll be.) and tell tliem to break the newa to my fntlier Wlth many thanks for the many fclBdneaaea 1 have recelved while umler your ro)f. I am very truly yours. H. A. 1 AIKIIANKS. A.DcForest swornr-Rcsidc n AnnArbor; eleik at the Gregory house: HW two Lidies go into tlie parlor; non after theycnlled a porter to go and register; wliilo lie was ti the gentleman carne iu and looked at tlie register; he asked f the five o'clock train was ta; 1 replied I dld not know; he tlien i-m out; sent porter with paper and pendí to get the ladies mimes; I pnt tliem on the register; Hre. '. A. I.eigliton, Detroit, Mieli. j Mrs. K. Killeder, do. ; thc ladies said they expeeteil ;i man ñamad Fairbauks; went toJ.Louey; and asked him if he knew Fairbanks, he went out ra lite stnct to lind Fairbanks; and tell him tliat two ladies wanted tosee him. Mis. Killeder was ,-ulled and testified as follows: I did not see rinnnmrrj Bn Ui e pilol; went to the door.opeued it and went Into :lie hall, Mrs. Leighton followed me, w hen [ got out heard pistol shot, she was rlght öehind me; went to the door together, she remarked " oh my husband is shot;" lrve in Detroit, came here last eveninf; both called for help ; nobody wal in the room when shot was fired. The coroner's jury returned a verdict that " the deceased came to his dcath by a pistol shot fired by his own hand." An investigation of the marriage proves it to have been made and rcturned as etated by the woman, and that .she was in reality what she claimed to be. his wife. The lady who came to the city with htr was an intímate friend, and both are considered respectablc ladies where they are known. The dead student was a member of the Zeta Psi fraternity, the members of which took charge of the corpse until (rteadl airiveil. The fathcr and other friends came on from Petrolia Wednesday night, and the body was taken to that place for ntejment. Bo elo-es the clmptcr in another life.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News