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TQ RENT. The store on Liberty" trect, back of Mack Schmid' dry goods house. Keasontblc term. Apply at No. M Main Ureet. 1024 tr "ÜARM FOR SALE. Wishinz to retire from active limllHll I ofler for sale my larm of llüi acres in the towiwhip ol Web ter, andoni' mlle north of Webeler Cl'urch. Small payment down, and balance on long tinic. W. H. WALDRON, W-N Dexter, Michigan. "POR SALE. THREE FARMS ín Slniron and Sylvmi ft, S0 aml Ut aeras, ln ll 1 ol JA Y EVBRETT, Chelscn, Wich, "POR EXCHANGK. 1 have a farm of HU) aeren In tlie western part of th State, valued at $U,0OD, which I wlll exrlmngt for Ann Arbor City property. KICK A. DBAI.. WANTED. BV A Competent & Experienced Nurs9 t Sllimtlon. Apply, Wl . MAWBRM, P.O. PJOFFINs'aÑÜ" UASKS i FULZ STOCK AT MARTIN1 S Alt nHt promptly ttoied to. ATONEY TO LOAN. At neven per cent, Security must bo on ftrst-class fftrm- in thlacounty, or city propjrty in Ann Arbor, In centrn) and deslrablelocallties. J (. A. 8ESSION8, Attorney. Office : S. W. Cur. Main A Hurón Su., up-stairs . 1006-31 PO lt 8 ALK. I have a ood KI.OUKINO MILL of tour run of etonc, that I wlll eell or exchattiie Tut property In Waehteoaw f'oanty. 9ltf R1CK A. DEAL. P ARM FOR SA LH. r'nr kt pui of clo!iDg a pattiiCTHhip, the undersined offers tlie Flnley farm, In the township of Scio, for filp, tithcr in part or the whole, on long time. Fot particular enqnire on the prenilm-a. DAVID M. FINI.BY. 8cio. December 2t, 1SS0. milt.:! "pj"OTICE. Noticc is heiiby glven that a meeting of the the stock-holders of the Dttroit, Butler A 8t. Lonio Rallroad Company will Iw held at the office (il the company, In Detroit, Michigan, on Thursday, the twentyfourth day of Marcli next, at ten o'clock a. in. to conider a contract for the consolidation of the stock, property and franchises of lid company with thoae of the Dutler and Detroit Railroad Company, a Corporation orgaBtead under tbe laws of the stitea of Ohlo and Indiana, 'ind to ippron or j pnve of the same. Detroit, Jannary 17, 1S81. JAME8 (. MILLKI: Secrutary or the Detroit, Butler and St. Louis 1: R Co. and of the Bntler ind Detroit R. R. Co, iiKB-a i Kstate of James O'Connor. QTATfi OF MICHIGAN.Connty ol At a eesston of the Probate Court for the Coonty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probite office in the city of Ann Arbor, on WedneBilay, the second day of Febrniry, in the yearone tbouiiand eliiht hundred and elghty-one. Present, Willlaui D. Harriumn, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of James O'Connor doceased. Michael J. O'Keilly, the admlniHiator of I sald estáte, comes into court and representa that he U now prepired to render bis final account as su 11 adminlstrator. Tflercupon it ia ordcred, that Saturday, the ! teenih day of Febroary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assiened for examinini; and allowin;; rnch account, and that the helrs at law of said deceased, and all other persons lnterceted in sald estáte, are reijnired to appear at nsespion of sald court, then to be holden it the Probate office, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, In sald connty, and show cause ir any there be, why the tald acconnt shoald not be aflowed. And it is lurther ordered, that sald admlnistritor glvc notice to tbe persons intorested in aiid estáte, of the pendency of sald account, and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of thls order to be pubMshed in the Ann Arbor CouHtr, a novrspaper printed and clrculailnR In sald county, two sucersshe weeks prevlous to eald day of hearing. (A truc copy. . WILLIAM D. HAKHIMAN, Judgeof Probate. WM. ). DOTT, Probate Register. HM Ji; Estáte oí Edwin Vandewarker. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wanhtcuaw. s. Ata esslon of the Probte Coart for the Connty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, Id the city "I Ann Arbor, on Wednesdajr, the nloeteenth day of Jannary, In the jcar one thousand clght huudred snd elghty oue. Preeent, William D. Harrimun, Judgeol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Edwin Vandefcarker, dtccaoed. Selden W. SburtK-rl' and Herman Krapf, the adminlsirators of said estáte, come lino court and represent tbat thej ate now prepared to rendir tbcir final account as tuch administrators. Thereopon lt Is ordered, that Saturday, the flfth dxy of Kebruary neit, at (en o'clock In the lorenoon, bc asstgned for examlning and tillowlng such account, and that the heirs at law of aaid deceased, and all othcr persons lnterestcd 1 n aaid estáte, are reqalred to appear at a sesslon of raid court, then to bc hulden at the Probate office, In the city of Ann Ar. bor, In eaid county, and show cause, ifany there be, wli y the aid necoant should not be allowed. And lt Is f urther ordered.that raid admlnlstrutoraglvc nottoa to the perxons interettted in said sald estáte, of the pendenry of paid account, and the hearing tbereof, by caimiiig a copy of tbla order to be publYahed tn the Ann Arbor Couritr, a newipaperprinted and clrcnlated in said county, two ucceseive week previou to said day oí lit-ari uk. ( A true copy.) WU.UAM D. 1ÍARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Rejlster. MM-HM K.state of Arclitr L Mil.can. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washlemw, s. At a neivlon of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OfBce. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, the eleveutb day of January, in tbe year one thouaand cight hundred and fightj-ouu Present, William D. Barrlman, Judge of ( Probate. In tbe matter of the estáte ot Archer L. McLean, deceased. t)u readln; and flling the petition, duly verifivd, of Mlchael J. Noyes, praylne that a certain ItiHtrunu-ut now on file in thli court, purportlnz to j M the ImI will and testament of sald deceaaed, mny bf adniittcd tn probate, and tbat hc may le ap. Dointed excrutor thereof. Tbereupon lt is ordcred, that Monday, the seventb day of February neit, at ten o'clock In the agfigncd for the hearing of said iH'titlun, and that the devisees, legatcca, and helrs at law of Jtald deceased. and all other pentona intcrcMtfd in said estáte, are requlred to npp' ir at a Hgajloa of naid court, tin-n t be holden at tbe Probate OIHce, In the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, If auy there be.whythe prayerofihe petitu r bould not ne LT.intt'il. And lt is further ordered, that sald pelittoner give notlce to the pt iuterested in waid estáte, of tbe nendency of taid I ix'tition. and the hearing thereol, by cauüin a copy of thls order to be publUhed in the Ann Arbor L'ouritr, a newsiiaper prluted and clrculated In sald county, three araajki prevlouu to sald dny ot hfJÉIUg (A true copy.J AII.l.lAM 1). IIAKKIMAN, .1 udee or Probate. WM. (I. DOTY. Probate Rculster. 1021-31 i j Oulflt furuihe.l Tn. Kb fu'l tailnvlluui ru lik duoü&c Lha luunt proflMbte buitocM ib t au joop can l ¦ II Nii to. Tht builwM li Hm; (o ktnt, u ir i I ¦ In trurliooi are to limpie ad plaia. that aajooc I II caa nil (raat proHU froai tae ncf itart. Na oaa , 1 ¦ f ¦ cao fail wbo l wIIIIdk lo work. ViWB krf u ncJ I II eaatful a nut. Buya aoj irU aD earo laraa ¦una MauT hava madr at toa bualDM ovar oo huadrd dolían In a .iutl. eak. Notbloir lile it cxer Í uown brfora. All wno COfM ara aurprlMd at tbe eitaa aad rapllit7 llh whlca tbjara abla u maia antaef You oaa anfaav In thla buiin darinf toui apare lime at greal prudt. You du Bol bava to loveJt capital lu lt. We uk all ih? rt.a. Thoaa who Dd raady j ¦ bouM wrlw aa at ua.e. III fuii, ,.t.' 1 !¦-.- liUruTavil Oo Aaf uta, Haiu. uk,; w


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