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li ia eiximatel in a recent leetwe ttint ixty toot .il loot arr ilaily sent int o il, e air hj the Iniiin. of Sheffield. The uptnion ia rapidly paiiiinjf ijround in Knlanil that the way to ITOtd is In burn ihc Rolid nd lm-, ooDKtituentf of il. e Foei soia t Tbelargmi Itbrary ef the world, al l'mri-,, coataina man; ;i ouriooi au. i nterestn work. ihem niay lie fourui a Chinese chart of ktttVMU, niadr al.oui SOU I! L'. (o (bis chart 1-itH) stare are correctly ineerl roborated by tbe obsonra- "f modern astronomi j It bren Ibund by mt A luioruscojp ihat the cause of' whooping ib itia ii rungoid grotrtb, wbich tii-t .ti minatei ander lh longue and tben „-r viflc - the kir pasMfes. Quinine ia foond to be a valuable latMota tv virtue ol ita trell-established power to oostro; mraroaoopia veceiable orgaoisms. N ir llrrcnlimeiiiu the ruins ol' a once inHutiiiicciit bktbing eatabliabment have lately baan diaeorerêd by Prof GioMppa NoTU TIh' i iin wit.' liiund iinder a la.r of mor than thirty feet ol' a.shes and Uva, ari'l an' sniil t.i eelipw all previous disooveriefof -imilar naliire both in HeriiiUnciiin and l'oinpcii. Tbe tbuntains .¦trui iiink are made of "rifntal nmrble and adorottd with oulptn.res, lh Hnir are of oolored t(a uomm, while tbe walN ot the rarknin baüdingí are elevan tiy ornan: wiili painlinff attd staooo work. Dwellinx" wbich have lons rearaiaed empty in;i becniue Fever-breeaers wlicn re occupied. Ii b uNried liy mi Knglisb Dsnitarian thal typboid, diphtberitio aod otber .yiiiotic affectioas have heen fouad to ander these circamatances, Tbeeaoat is mppoafld to lio in the diaaag ni' diteraa pipes and drain, putrefaotire prooeea ¦ ui in the impura iir tfaay oontaia, luir thia (bul air (radiially permeatet üm "iir. boa e I'' i-i. iis inoviiijt trom the city td their country home for the rammei sbould dcc lli;ii tho lrain an.l pipos arfl in perfect order, thal the oelan and cisterns are oleared of i abbisb, and the hole howe tboroahly ai red befbre beioü oceupjed. Carbohe aoid Preelj oned in tBc ocllaril ofaeap and effeotive diMofeolant. Aiuoag tbs potroleum 8riag of Kikn, mi the western uWoreofthe L'aiHad, isotic oomnuoioatiag with the na, whieh pro duoes al tjmes b rery si pbenomeooii. The floattag ml thal oo?ers the sorfi the tea frcqaeatly ignitod by aooideot, iiirniiiK the -iiH.i.ih watei iolo a rentable lake offire. The ni.r l'a&H)ai of tbee oonflagratioaa to whksfa the supeistitioD of the nativi gave ihe name of "ühaitaan Noor," k Üevil'i ligbl ocourred ia 1872. It l'r.ikc ooi in the middle .l the ni;lit. and was deelarcd by a Rowiao naval ot)i eer. who witoeased it Itobi the deck of ¦ kr 11 ii boat, te be the ntoal rentaritabk ppee taole be bad ever wee. The hbmi nf Istuc moved to and Pro in the wind lik e a Bag, IíkIiIÍiih up Ma and uom for miles and throwing a deeji oriuwon glow iutu tbe kj which was risible lo ihe inhaMtantfi o MveraJ ilatnl diütriots fiw oal ol siln o the sea it-''H'.


Ann Arbor Courier
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