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i iiti.Tcn i.i r dimmb r iiiii Bronchitis. rcalar cOMnmpIlon of tb ' '¦nn -i fatal, nrd olttll reemi "idered iBOBMblft Tnb rcle, from which the name i ut irltitl product, depnnited trom J MMd blood in v:ir!oi]" prtrt- of the bod} ; nd in proportloa u that fluid Ie Impar , nul langth ol Une it remaft t o. u ill tuttvnular dialhaela coatinM. Faii. RlTMi . .M mh -"'in James I. Kki.i.i. Emj. Huir air ; Abont ttirr. with bro tnberrnlnr il ¦"¦ f Ihe letl luns, and nffervd l I verely th t I w.iunablü to Altend fn bujinp!. A"boal a ji " ' rutdvi4 to ti v PeiK irt'Hyrupof U pophoi and bcfore I M kI fiuistaod nc bottJ mj ppel tn-npth L'rt-atly Impn-vcl ; boj toiilMi became mblasome, n y aleen wan nonnd aml raltnhIni, which had not been il' ete lor or a jor. I h-ui tifftirt-d trom nervoiiiiiipcsaiKi difllciilr ira1 hirir nll tlic ntnr I - -kk ; Imh vour m ru lm cuml il all. I advlw II 1" Pellowv' öypop of Èvpopbospliitat. SiKned) JAMES II. 8TKWABT. An endles chain of gooA II lormcil liy Fellows' Compon nd Bjrrup ut Ilyipho9pbite, and we are aTe in fayini; frtnn a lonj; oxperiBtedtclne, Ita vlrtneaart w ; by any other eomblBatlon. 1015 1068 c e m jKJÜPTtVEGaBLE SICILIA Thi KtamUnl nUcl 11 COmp imiled with th' i;rejte It cii (oderfal nd .itiffacioryaeever. It raaloni Vt) nr fadfl hair ti It youthful color It removí' all eraptlont, ncblng at.d tlai.drutl ; anil the sip hy (k dm bacoraea white and clean. lly itn tonir proprtia il raaf iplllary (hlDda to thur normal vigor, preveuting bi and Btaklng the hair t'row thick and Itrong. Au a droalns aotali ( bai btcn tound o eflSetnal ahle. i Dr. A. A. Hajrea, state Anayet of Haai iel aaatli, nayn ot it: " I conalier II tlt bett prtpaiation for it intefidi-d parpa BUCKINGÏÏAMS DYE, l'or UlC llikT. TW stofant )irciaration may be relied on to the color oí' the board frora i:ray or any othrr undeeirable fliad'-, to bcown t black, a4 dinrn-tion. -ily applled, belDS In onE prepantion, and qnickly and ulVctiuill) prodaoei a (ifiinaneni color, whicd 'l aeitbm mb nor :ih otl. MANTKM'TriiEl) BI R.P.HALL&CO..Nashua,N.H. BoU bj I M diiinc. ](hi0-1071--Cw HlOP BITTERS (A .Ie.ticiiu-, nul u Drink.' m HOPS, Bli'Ht. .HANDItAKi:, DANDELION AD THR ri'BKST ANIi TtKST MXPICALQVALI I TIK8 UK ALL OTlibU IÍ1TTKRS. TIIEY CÜBE All IUfcasosof theStomnch, Bowds, Blond, I I.ivcr, Ktdueys, and rnnaryorguns, Nervuuaness. Si M especially PotUaUi I nmplatinHi $IOOO IN COLD. -fl WIll t)p psld for a case thcy will not cure JB ,.. ur iir anvtliiiitf Impkre or Injuriuua i-mud iu Uu m, Kk ynur drnRtrlst fot Hop nittcra and try I tin ui befon you ileep. Take uu oiln-i . I D T. O. la an absolute anti Irresistible cure for I Drunkeniiesa, use t oplanii tubucco and tuu o ¦¦¦aMaaB Sk.ND FuR ( IKCTLAR. - J All kbov old b dniprltt. Hop BUtn Ml-, i , . K - 1...IT, N. V ., A TVn-nlo, Onl. I LO40C e ra TRI Al. BOTTUBS, 5O EXT. CADWELL'S LACTEALNERVINE TUK I.HEAT IHm FOR ¦ iUi. RheumatUm, ai,d all ul)i-r , i'i . Hoê, - ¦ or 'ft o rartt tu gt ., ANI IN LUMBAGO, SCIÁ77CA. AND ifEKVOÜS II KA I). Wil K. Tbe relief otlered by its ne is prompt ar.d complete. Bon, (horge e. l t.i.,nr of DetroUM i l ., sai" ." I have repeatodly OMd'the Nervine for Neuralic puiVcriDu', anl bare never tound it to 1'ail in gïvinK ahnoM iiunK-di.'iii' relief. I would sol b without it in my houíc for ttíii time ite cot. Too innch catinot be said for it, o ¦ In i', lavor. Borne inay tliink itroDg lanu'uaKi' ; non too ntroog lóribote rbo know what Nruniliria 1, nd ftnd relief irom use. Verj reapectftallj, [sienedl l. C. LANGDON. Major' Omce, Detroit, F(-b. "illi, lr. LAROE BOTTLES, I.OO. For Salo at all Drus Storep. r AR RAND, WIIJ.ISMS 1 eo., solc inMi, Kt'U-1071 AMERICAN" I " - WjBALL BLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜÏINC I3ST USE! T [3 NOT POIS0N0US! nELPS BLEACHING and 6ÏVE8 BÏAUTIPÜL TIMT! 8ForSale by all iirwors. ,:_- American Ultramarine Works, .¦.% Malilcn laiie. e Vnrk. 82-lyr Hl PAD ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE KIDNEYS Klndilor and I riniir Prnkabj AlmorltÍUK all humor, every trace ot üir;i-, inti iorcii inio tbe intern throuch the pore ot ikü and itrenRthening regetable tónica, l,!víhl' It oiKlcrfiil i er to cure at oa o, PAIN IN THE BACK, Hilr 0T liOllIH. lli!!:illllil: i umi Itriuhln ¦ ? ¦ - - :-.¦ f (In Kldnys, PiaiMicM. Imi". (-lavcl. 4'aliiri-li ol tin' Klailder, Ilili olorcil. Hiit) or l'ainl'ul 1 riiiiitinu. lrt'-it., iiHl. or NI, i-mI. tu the I iin'. Ol !S iikI l'HVSK (i, ItKltl LITA i in facl nj dlaease ol these Uli wlietlu'i )iitii,( tril by over Mtit k, Mraiu, 1 ¦ diink, the abnse of nature, orotherwiie. It lapereedee entlraly bMoaventeMea and trouhk of n luivaoi and palsonout internnl mei i'itn-s. It i iirn i'Tiictly ln-rr needed, Dezl to tbe bo4l and immedluti'ly over the k;. It ir. oumfolable t, Ibe satleot. m and rellable In ii effects, bat pcTerfzl Is its iracB. be uní al all time, in any cTltnaM, anti II eJlially ínul tur MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. Do not be prejudict-d. Qin ir a'ikiai ,t ronviiice.d thut it iw honent, reüitbie, elt'-etr-jnHt wimr toebte nul exhaaated tmiiv req rhoaaflndfl Lre taliy addlng thelr teBtlniooy ii the wonderful enretlTe power ut this gn who are betng u-iored to pertect heHlth alter all uther treatnrtaU ud remedlei hay falled Aak yonr druKfrlX for It, and aic-eit no i unios oa B0B9TITOTB, lf he not o', aend lo hh and re. 'v r r in n mail. EESCEIPTIVZ PBi:2 LIST. -Regnlar I' ld, W ; s,„-,-. ial l'ad. for Chronlt, n.-ep neated. or n itandlns, $3 ; Chlldreo't Pd, rormmmei cin, enk kldneTi and bed wetüpg, fl.ri. our 'llow ¦ Ure ;i BaTod," eoutalninü a hlutory .r ¦ (ii-ctvery, inaileil I UW lilHMl I"AI CO.. O. Hl!


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