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The concert which the Ann Arbor band boys were (o have given last Saturday, was postpoced. On Mondiy, the 31st uit., Mr. ('. VV. Brown, who lives just of this place, died of' heart disease. John M. Letts, of Chelsea, and Mr-;. Lydia Evans, of' l'nadilla, were niarried on the 26th uit., by Kev. J. L Hudson. The celebratcd Paine libel suit against the village of' Chelsea, lias beca settled, the villaje ]iyDg $300 and T. McKune $300, making #600 in all, fays the Herald. Mrs. ('larissa FI. Footediedat her home in this place, on the 2&th uit., after an 11iip.s-: ofabout ten day. Shc was born in New York Dec. 31s.t, JS14, was married in 1853, and left a widow in 1S(J2. She was an earncst worker in the M. E. church, anil liiihly rospecled in the comtuunity. MAN'riIV.sTER. F rom the Enterprise. It is the opinión of' several of'our farmers that the wheat is all right, except on the tops of hills where the snow has blown off. The Landing Kepublican juits senator D. G. Rose down as a singlo uian. Not yet, wait a littlc longcr, he may be before the session is over. Some one suggcsls that we do away with a. in. and p. m., by numbering the hours froinone to 24, heginning at midoight. IIow would it sound to have the old man say, "come bub, skip, its SS o'clock, and time Sally was in bed." Charlcy Robison returncd from Milan on Tuesday. He iofornis us that the store of Burt k Bessac, hardware dealers, was burned to the cround, together with considerable of their stock, on Saturday night. The loss is iibout $3,600; insured for $2,600. We loarn that Hon. K. 1'. Allen ha oxchanged hi house and lot in the city of Vpsilanti, with John Anderson, Km., for his wcllknown farm in Sharon. Whether the captain will come to Sharon, turn grangcr, and help on the productions of the earth, or whether Mr. Anderson will start a luw office in Ypsilanti, we are not iiit'urmed. ¦TONT CRKKK. Buney Besdlo ia attending school in New Jeney. Mrs. Harmoo lias retumed from hor visit at Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Oorden Begold- on'y six juninds, a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Magtaw are BZD60ted to rctur.i home this weck from thoir visit (list. James Ilcwens is buileing a house near the ruins of' the onc burned on the llewcn'shouiestead. Mr. Wm. Hewens having bought Mr. Oliver Stark's farm, Mr. S. iulvertises to sell all out, and no doubt will look westward. ÑMRi Wil.sey. Mallory and demento, of Ann Arbor, gave an excellent concert at the l'resbyterian church last Friday even inp, but it was poorly attended. Rpv. Mr. (abriol Campbell preachcd in the l'rosbyterian church last Sunday evening, one of the best .seruions to whieh the pcople have ever listcned. There will be a donation vihit at the Methodist iarsonagc, for the benefit of Rev. and Mrs. '. K. Dnnning, on Wcdncsday afternoon and evening, the 16th of this month. Ifthc wcathcr should prevent attendance at that time it will bc held thefolluwing Friday. Thn peooJe here wen1 ten muvh surprised to hear of the dratb of Mr. Welch, a more sudden dcath is seldoin recorded, while in apparent full health hc dropped dead in his own house without a mouieot'l warning. He had been driving out that day and had just returned homo.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News