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lt was witli ('tiüngs oi'gMM MdoOM ihat very uiany in our city reccived the tilnii:of the death Of MrS. Young, (fbrruerly Mns Ida Mount of this city) whicli occurred at her home in Akron, Oliio, on Sumluy J:in. KHk. Tlic ways of' l'rovidcnce wwn in(KimI past our couiprelicuxion wlien we sec tliií young wil'e and ïuother, belorcd by her fmuily and esteeincd by all wlto kuew her, taken away trom them by the hand of' death. All tlmt can be done is to reaiember tliit lic . 1 iii r li til i 1 1 1 ii ii .. tv . .1 1 ¦ -i i i I ttlntiivt mprmiHi ti.-t it sccni to friond md kinIn il, to a-.-.-(i th lOrron whioh n hand liad power l stay. No ardaoao b wikten which can comfort the honrts of those berclt, no tympatliy, howcver tendcrlyand Lindly oflered cao MMafl their grief. Time, the great healcr, alone has power to remove the sorrow from those kfiietrd hcarts. The following account of her life was writtrn hv herpastor, llev. T. K. Moaroe: A large circle of frlends In Akron, OUto and Ann Arlmr, Micb., inonrn Ibeloaiof Mr. Ida M. YoanK, wii.'oi llolM-rt J. YomiK K"Q., w'"' dlad al their bomaon West Mark el ln half-pul foarp. ia., 8udH, Januarv Su The ii lenda ol tan )Toon( had known ibal )¦ ara itangeroualj III ftrenU tlay, bal had 'Uiik; to Ihe hope tbat aha mlahl recovar. Ht-i p teveral dayiiwmalDed wlth her, and all umi liiiinnn WIH louia uiaxesl waa dona, Mra. Young liatl wnlarfn1 b : i wiif kiu'w har, iy ikt wurm frlend 11 pat of raannar nml an'xctiuuate henrl. Her barial asn conducied :it the Congrejrallooal church, wn atlendol by a largo Hudlence, wlio uw lo inanlft-Ht thelr ympntliy wlth Uta f.tinily and Ihelr altertton for the dead. Many eyes wire wet wllh tam as Ihay looked for tlin last Uffla upon her face. Her wurm. pDMni heart won the lova ol nll who knew her. Mra. Voimii was liorn In Aon Arbor. Mlrh., Keliniarv .. 1836 and wao'-Myeursnld wlthln " days. Her parent, Mr. Barclay and M ra, 8a unt. wen early raatdenta "( tliat city. liurliiK the winterof 1S71. wlu'ii Myearsold she uniteil vciili the l'iesbyiiTinn chnrch of whlcb she reraalned au ennit-st tnember iiil ber mar rlage -ith Mr. Robert J. Young, .Iiine-K. 1877, anT her removal from the home l ber yooth. Afler resldlng "ne year In Toledo, Mm. Yon nu came to Akron wilh her husimnd in ihe suin1878, wheie she has reslded ainoetbat 1 i int'. In July ot 1S7U, nhe miited wlth OonrrañtlODal ctiurch of Akron, of whlch ab i'nialned a member till her death. Mr YnmiK leave two phlldnn, MHliel.born ¦liimiary 1, ls7M, and hla, bom Jamiary 17. 1881. Uhe had prevlousiy spoken her desire concerniiiK iheni shonld shebe taken from Ihem, aml. near the end expressed her final wlidies. Ah her lat hours drew near, she called for thein and took the tender leave a mother'l mn-i be who embraces her chüdren for the last time. she hore herillneKs wiili nnbroken fortttude. aml Hssiired her hushand that death brouglit no li ar to her. Her religión llfe was asliadfai falth; uever excited, and nevar depri I mi mm her lift ith lis. linear,' ofhef children and a long illnoaa of many montliR made It Impoaalble for her to enxage exu-nslveiy in In isi i:i ii work. bnt her qalel devotlon dlu Bot chanKe. As the end drew neai slu met il In Ihal '¦ peace ol (íod which paAseth all undersUindlliL.' and assmvd li.-i IiumkIs that Jesns watt uil ii her and precfous to her heart, Thus ¦lu' saiik lato bar last sleep we hope in tin anus of her Savlonr. Her reinal ns were d epos i led in I In r. uit-t, i vault for tba praaanl time, bul will be remoi ed to Ann Arbor ahd lald heside her mother, wbo went betora Ihthih year ago and by whose slde she had deslred to r m IAI. KI! WIIKKI.KH IlltOWN. I)lc], ;it bis res 1 1 lenco. Ín Ufe townshlp of Lliiui, líin. 81 st, 11, Caleb Wheeler Brown, afad reara, fi moatba. anl 11' iays. une of I he oíd rurilan Kloek, aml possessing a good practical fihu-at ion, bom al Sudsberry, MAM., Angnst IDtn, 18M; niurrird at theageof 21 toMlsMai Barber, of Wlndbam, New York. Went Intothe oablnel boatneatal l'ishers Kalls lime, ni llie sume stute. He moved and settled in paffiüo. and roaumed bla tonner business lora ? amber of yeais as Ion -man of i he ahop, Daltaate health Ibroad lum to ivmkh I i v BoafUOB. He cante west to Jaekson, cham;ingliix occupation fot a farm. hile m lak son his family beoaino broken up by Ihe death of hls son in 186, and blawifa, In May, lsuv n Ihe (all of ú'i he moved lo Wnukeuan, III , and encaetl Ín mercanllle purnults. In April, he niarried Mías A. 8. Marcy ol Ihe same place, and liiilnctllately carne Iwrk to Lima, nnd has for the last !:; t-;n s i esided in l hal luwn. u ims Ing a networkof endeorraenUí in the hearu of tus lrll' ciliciis. l-'ehruary tlio-"íd.e niel to pay Ihe la-sl Inhnle loa dcpailed lileml UOW leeplng In the lolemnlty of death. The oorasión ís mlensiiicd wlirn we remeniher thal lilis ín bala rcpilitiou ot' similar scones fresh In Din meinory of all. Dealh has bsm hnsy in oor milst,and within a lew weckt han marked for t lie tomii aomeol our lesi and moal honored citizens. As to his personal (iiiahlus nll oore a llvlnu testlmnny to the entlp amenIttea, whieh characterl.ed hls daily w Ík and oonversatlon. His nuftttn nraa to always and conscientionsly do his whole iluty. He oever hicked the courage to act aecordlnií to lils hon¦ si convictions, and in dolng so nis acknowledied Integríty of purpose never falleii to shield hin froni nnfrlendly critieism. His personal characlerlstlc were of the highnit order. was a i rué iíentlenian, a liberal clli.en. an ubllglog Detghbor, and a sinccieirlend. No une an&ong all hit aatoelates wu more lnstly ealeeraed brthOM si.-rllng, lntellcctnaí. and social iiialilics hiinl men i ' I her i n the cloacal banda ol oonfldence and sympalhy; and he mvariably atttacbed to nimxelf those who caine wilhin the cuele of his mlercíourse. His hesi and most endurlng moonnienl. will ie ihe laatlog i em. m i and onquallfled rt-spect his lelhiw cilizens. We mourn. but hOW weak is (his expression, nf thosc outward symbols of woe compared wllh tears of heartfelt soitow, whieh tlowed unrestramni down the oneekaof bis belovad aompanlon, who. In lus dí'ath. sustained a personal bereavement in I he loss of adear companlon and a devoted hnsband to snslain her ttorOOgb and tleath. n. N. ALLYN. Mr. Allyn dled at bis house. In Chelsea, on the l'.lth of Jan. last, of paral y sis, aged 52 years. was oom af Y;M 'AVón',".H'. V'S ttt'tt'L.,,,1))! Octolxr, 1K38. He carne to Michigan wllh hls father'sfftmlly when a lad of 11 years. He was marrled March llh, UST When the civil war broke out, be was one of the noble spirits who went írom (,'helsea with a wllllngness, If need be, to 8acrlflce hls life on the altar of hls country, so leavlng hls wlfe and two children, then youiiK, he enllsted in company K. of the auth MichiKim Kegiment. He was one of "l who were laken prisoners, 5n of whom died Ín fjbby prlson. He and one otlier raade their escape before tliey reached Libby. He served ' years In the war, at Spottsy lvanla Court House, he recefved a wound from a fragment of a shel 1 in hls face and left shoulder, whieh wound and shock occasioneel by it, was the cause of his long and painful decline and death. He has beenagreat sulterer since hls anny life, but while he was able to work, he refused to take any pension, saying "the governraent shall not support me and my faiinly whlle I ain able to work.' He leaves a wife and ti ve children to mourn liiin. He u as a k i tul husbaml. an Indulgen t falliera good nelghbor and a loyal citizell. He relailie.l Ills coIlS'-liiusliess until the last.