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Republican County Convention

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According to cali of üie county committce, a convention of the republican ekctors of the county of Washtenaw, assembled at the court house last Tuesday, Feb. 8th, at 12 o'olock nooo. It was called to order by the Hon. A. J. Sawyer, chainuan of the county committee, who stated the objects of the meeting. Wm. E. Depew, of Chelsea, was cliosen liniliorary chairman and Jacob L Wallace, of Pittsfield temporary focretary. Onmotion of J. W. Wing, of Scio, the chair appointed a conimiuee of five upon permanent organizatioD, and upon motion of K. II. Scott, of Ann Arbor, three upon credentials, as follow8 : rerinanent organlzatlon- J. W. Wlng. Solo, clinlrman ; E P. Allen, Andrew Campbell, Joe T. Jacobs aud Jas. L. Ullbe rl. Credentlals- Evart H.Soott, Ann Arbortown, chairman ; Jas. McMahon, nnd Wm. Judson. coiiventinn then adjourned till 1:30 o'clock p. tn. Upon re assembling the committce upon permanent orgaoization reportad in favor of making the temporary officers permanent, and also the following order of busilst. Heport of committee on permanent oftlcers. ¦id Report of committee on credentlals. Hd. The separatlfn of tlie convfijiion ly representatlve dist. let lor the purpose of chooHing slx delegates to the state couventlou, and recommenillng tfo numen for a delégate at large. i hiiih was accepted and adopted. The committee on credentials tben reported tbe following delégales as entitled to seats in the convention : Ann Arborclty, Ut ward- Joe T. Jacobs, K. A. lical, Chas Spoor, A. L. Noble. 2d ward- Frank Emerlck, H. Kraime, A. H. Ucn. Win. Herz. 'id ward-K. E Fraxer, Daniel Bently, Chas. B. Davlson, Chas. E. Hiacook. 4th ward- John Nowland, Jas. McMahon, John Boylan, M. E. Hhewcraft. 5tn ward- Qeo. H. Kliodes, E. LeSeur, L. B KtllOgg. 6th ward- A.F.Martin, J. H. Peebles, N.Eastwood. Ann Arbor town- Evart H. Bcott, S. W. Shunlefr, J. e. Mead, I N.s. Fosttr Dexter- Robert Coleman, John E. Hall, W. H. Newell. Lima- Jas. McLaren, W'm. E. Stocklng, Qeo. II. Mltchell, Freemn Fi. Tuckr. Lj ndon- Chas Confleid.Horace Burfleld.Le.", ter Oitifleld. N.rthfleld- E. E. Leiand, Andrew Hmytli, (irlson Loland, A. D. Uroves. PHtsfleld- Andrew Campbell, Wm. Burke J D. Wallnc-, II 1. Pratt. Salem- (Jeo. S. Wheeler, John W', Ilenwlck. aibro, Sllas PratL Sitlliu'- Hurvey Ui-nnett. Ja. Hoyt Wm. H. Dell. M. Revnolds, Kzrn RnMiwoB, i.. s. Plerce 8cio- L W. HrluK. J L. mlth, E. E. Auple..n, ltubcrt l'opklns. Harria Bal], Jas. W. Wlng. 8iiirlor- .1. A. Wllbur, Oeo. McDougall. U. E Townsend, O. A. Sober, Ira Crlppen. sylvHii- Jas. L. Ollbert, W. B. IVpcw. Kdward L N(tii, Wm. Judson, Jny M. Wood, Billy J. BHlInK, Ira P. Wood Webster- w U Weaton, Worster Blodgett, J. H. Arm Jr., Kdwln Ball. York-(5-o. A. Cobb. m. B Lashler, W. H. Warner, Jotin W. Blakeslee, B S.Conk. Ypsllantl town- H s Boutell, f. Flnley, Wm Cttinplwll, wm. I.iiy. Ypsllantl city. lm ward- Win. Robblns, P. W. Carpenter, Frank HlnckU'V. M ward-Wallaoe Phillips, W. H. Hall, E. P. Allen. 3d ward- John Fox, C. R. Pattlson, Hlram Batobelder. 11 ti ward n. E. Dlekenson, ManlyHolbrook, E. 1'. üoodrlch. 5th ward- Alonr.n Hralth, John Worden, The convention then separated by representative districts and upon rc-asseuibling reported the following delegates to the state convention : FIRST DISTRICT. Andrew Campbell und W K. L'hllds. PltUfleld; Dr. W. II. Hall, Ypsllantl city ; Wm. H. Dell, Saline; J. W. lilukeslee, York; H. S. lioutell, YpulianU lowu. 8ECOND DISTRICT. Qoo. S. Weeier, Halem ; Geo. M.I kun-ml. Superior; A. D. Qrore. Northflald ; JeT Jacobs B. D. and J. H. Peebles, Aun Arbor city] THIRD DISTRICT. Wm. Jiulson and Edwanl I,. Npkus, Hylvan ; Jas. McLaren, Lima; L. W. l!nk!s and Hiirrls Ball. Sclo; Chas. CanQeld, Lyndon. Upon rec.xnniendation of every district, Edward P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, and Rice A. Beal, of Ann Arbor were choteo delégales at large. - I pon motion it was resolved tliat tlie delcgation as a body be empowered to fill any vacancy which mijiht occur. Upon motion of Frank Emerick the secretary of thia convention was requested to send a crtified lit of ihe delegates chocen to the secretary of the state central committee. Tliis was done to lessen the work at the state convention.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News