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"PARM FOR SALE. The nnderslsrned offer for ule his frm of 45 ACRES, situated in tb nnrthern part of Webster, Washtenaw County, in seetlons 4 and 9 elx miles from Dexter and tbree from the celebraied Dover milis. Said farm isacapted to all kinds of grain as well ae stock, haring a Une never-faillng stream of water running throiijrh lt, near the barn, makeIng a fine waterl g placo for tock nummer and winter. 1 he buildings are t-ood : Farm home, oue barn, 30x80; eood horse barn, 40x50; Al] In jrood repair. All 6 ted np in good atiape lately. Two good apple orchards, all grafted fruit of the best varietles In the country : also peaches, ncara envtt. qolncei, 4c, c. _ J. B. ARJMS. Webeter, February 10, 1881. JJOTICE. Notlce is hereby given that a meeting of the the stock-holder of the Detroit, Bntler L 8t. Louis Rallroad Company wil] be held at the office of the ompny, In Detroit, Michigan, on Wednesday, the thlrteenth day of April, 1881, at ten o'clock a. m., to consider a contract for the conolldatlon of the stock, property and franchtses of sald company with thosc of the Butler and Detroit Rallroad Company, a Corporation organizad under toe laws of the states nf Ohlo and Indiana, and to approvc or dlsappruve of the same. Detroit, Febroary 8, 1881. JAMES O. MILLEH, Secreur; of the Detroit, Butler and 8t. Louis R. R. Co. and of the Boller and Detroit R. R. Co 1025-2 "ÜARM FOR SALE. Wlshlng to retire from active business, I offer for sale my Tarm or 160 acres In the townshlp of Web ter, and one mile north of Webster Chnrch. ttmall payment duwn, and balance on long tiuuW. R. WA LD RON, 1024 27 Dexter, Michigan. UUR SALE. THREE FARMS In Sharon and Sylvan, 00, 80 and 120 acres. Inqulre of JAY EVERKTT, 1024-29 Chelw, Mlcli. ÜOR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres In the western part of the State, ralaed at 18,000, whlch I will eichange for Ann Arbor City property. KICK A. BEAU WANTED. BT A Competent & Experienced Nursa Sltuatton. Apply, 1015 DKAWEIÏ3I, P. O. ' QOFFIN8 AND CASES i FULL STO UK A T MAR TIN' 8 ' All orders promptlj attanded to. jyjONEY TO LOAx. At even per cent, Securlty must be on 4ri-class ! 1 farms iu thlscounty, or city prop rty In Aon Arbor, in central and dealrable localitler. ' J 4. A. tESMONS, Attorney. üfttce : S. W. Cor. Main A Hurón Sts., up-aUIn 1009-31 . OOR SALE. J I have a good PbOHttM MILL of tour run of (tone. Uut I will aell or exchaiiK for property In fj Waabtenaw Connty. WJ! RICE A. BE AL. T PARM FOR SAi.; For t!ic purpose of closing a partnerablp, the _ underslgned offers the Flnley farm, tn üie townshlp i f of Scio, for sale, iltber In part or the whole, on ong time. For particular eoquire on the premlaef. DAVID M. FINLBY. Hein. December 21 lul fll A


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News