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1880 Belongs To The Past

1880 Belongs To The Past image
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Tliis irorld bas projrressed; men and romen have gmwn otter and sor. 1881 flnds the hall roitlng on the road to improvunient, and MACK & SCHMID Siill MWidlng the ladder. 'i'licy open the huil lor the nnv war ud ruarantee to keep t rnllinrr by friving one of the most Mtlsfying Clearing Salea ever teen Piense notlcc the differcn'ce betweon oiir December aml .lanuary priees. We start flrst witli SHAWLS. Wc have MW 8M shawls 11 be clearod out as follows: M All-Wool Shawls at i 6.86, Dectmber price was $8.50; ¦: at $t.f0, December prlce was fü.OO; 20 at $3.00, December priot was $1.0(1, and almut the same reduction throufruout the stock of Palily, Imlia and other Wool Shawls. Xow is your time to buv BLANKETS and COMFORTERS. From tliis d:te we .hall sell tliem at a reduction of 15 percent, from December price-! p make a general sweep in thU department and Uie priees wlll be sure to sell them' CLOAKS and DOLMANS. A good Cloak for $4.00, sold in December for $C,00; n heavy Bea ver Cloak. splendiUly gotten up, at $S.U0, sold in December at $10; another lot, extra fint, stylishly trimmed, t.r $9.00, December price $12.00. Our whole stock of Cloaks and Dolmans will be sold at the same ratc of rcduolion. Thta is done to affect a speedy clearancc. We expect to have them all snM by the lst ,t Pebruaiy. Those wantinfr n Shawl. Dolman, or (Moak ghould hniry uj and Ree Mark & Sc-hmid before it is too late. FLANNELS. Let every one cali and oe uur Gray, Red, White and Pascar Flannels and beconvinccd there is no house in Ann Arbor nnywhen; near our prices. Cali and look at our CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and JEANS. Dont fail tq ste uur Ladies' and Childivns' Ve.-N. Kxamine our Blwohod and Brown Cottong ; Crashes al tive and ten cent; Quilts at 85 cents, $1.00, $1 -.'."i $1.50; Xubias, Hoods and ConetS. We mean to start the new year wlth a greater vini thati ever before. SILKS, SATINS and VELVETS. We have struck upou the blegest Bonanza ever seen herc or ÉnywMre elli The best brands in the market. Come and see them. 30 ptecei Dress Goodi at ISeenU, Dei ber prices for these goods wal -Ju to IS cents. Uur enti'e stock of Famy Dress Goods Iral been mhicrd in the saine way. BLACK and COLORED CASHMERES Have all been reduced. This advertisement is nat a windy effuiion, merels to stir up trede, but a statement of the rcductions we have made. We do not wal! t'ill si.rinp to give you winter goods cheap, b,it do so now while there l manv weeks of cold weather before US. MACK & SCPLMID.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News