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Chanfrau's Little Joke

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ttJCCBl tkatll Cêih to lililí I Chaofrau'H tntipainy tt tlie ?rcit Dundreary ud BMOnMM MMrtMM, that Mld comedian owed bis populnrity chiefly to the advertisemeril retultioc l'ruiu liis practical jrL'_ White pkliag bis last engagement in thU city. l'lianlrati wan dixgusted t the Miiallness nt'lii-i houses, and detertuined In perpétrate viimc Solhernish uddi'y dial would nel i In: papers lalking bout uitn, f.jr Frank jio-ifi-cs oneot thoseaboorrnally frugal minds nol nnoomuion in rioli actor. rbich lully appieciate the eeonomy of (roe advertÍ8ÍD{. hieevening aller fcuerfurinano, 'lian frau carefully dipiiaH liiin'il M t he swunliy complexión, black beard and hair ud Mrangely cut clothes of a travelling Cuban, and repairinx toGrimm's saloon he walked u to a table where were Meated a umup M ptM writers and ciiiics. Ad¦ Iresing tlie driinatic editor of one of tbe dailies, Chanf'ran aid. with a deekkd Spanixh rent " Am I tddrCMÏDf Mr. f" " You are, senor," was the ooorteooa mpopa. " 1 have coiin ¦ trom (Juba e.ipccially to sec voii.' (iiiitiiiued the assunied Castiliao. "Ware yoo aware thatacousin of yours -m t !eil tiicic somc forty-(wo yeara ago?" " Í was, " piniuptly responded ibe critic, niuch to tlie twpmecf tbe actor, who was laken bok at tlie moment. " Very well," iie went on, " but you are doiilitles ignoran! tbat he dieil tliree BIODthl Rito, l'iivini; yiu MlprOOtU property '.' " " 1 wa aUu avrare uf I bat faut," aid tbe othcr calthly, " but, as I gave hiui hil tir-4 Mail in 1 1 1 V ¦ . il ia ouif JUOI." Tbr actor was f'airly dumbfounded, I'm-imiI.v ha f tam wc red : "Then you an IMriMd tliat tbe saiil fortuM oonsistt of - " " Eijtlit huiKtreil slavn, liiui Kam-ls of Spanisb dolían aml tlirei' ' " mier rusted tlie otlicr. ('banfrau lookcil ibi: tcakcr Itoadily in tlie ejt liu soinc uiuDieot, but tbe lattor svidcntly petfectly imwm. Finaily fitm-liidiriK lliat M had iw-ide ntally elianced upon a luiiatir, wlio iiuii bc liiinioreil. tB6 Mld : " BxMtly ribt. I ¦¦ppnwi you will have no objpetionf to appniniini; DM fOW ajICIll to l'ollci't Hll'1 K'lllit ' " " Oh '.' but I I „l mbr?" "wUlW il' you ai no bctlei a;ciil tlian you r nructiual joker, Chautrau, you wouldn't Im' worth your salt." And tbey niacle the discomfited aetor rt up tlie beer loiir lime all around, and any one wbo knoWH the per.oiiïtor of " Kit will appreeiate wbat a lenible blow that must have lieen to him.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News