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When we reflect that a power of emitirMM can be imparted to the brain, and that weak minds have been restored to sirength by Fellowa' Cotupouml Syrup of Hypophosphites, we cannot but conclude that the subtle power is really pondenble matter. Persons wlio study hird should use the Syrup. Physicians claim Hops and Malt Bitten are MM hwt, TwoOrgnns. Regúlate Orst the stomaeh, Becood the liver ; especial ly the fir.-t , so as to pertiinn tlieir lunctions perfectly and you will remove at least nineteen-lwentietlis oi' the ill.s that human flash is heir to, inlhi.sorany other climate. Hop Bitters il the only thing that will give perfectly natural betlth to those two organs. - Maine Farmer. American Ball-Blue is a favprite article in American laundries Try it ; you will never use any other. It is just what you want. Kpidemk-s- Just now coughs, colds lun and broncliial couiplaints seenu to be ept demic. In these cases of ili best thing to do is to get a bottle of N. II. Downs Elixir, which invariably givesspeedy relief and ultimately effects a cure in all causwhere the breathing organs are affect ed. Use it in time and prevent serious hing diftieuliifls. !-sold by all druggists. ifWti and ('anvassers Makc l'rom $25 to $5U per week stlling goods for E. C. Kideoit & Cd., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for théir .¦:it;i!.irnp and terms. tO80-1092. Mrs. Partlnirton MJI don't takc any of the quack rostrums, a they are regitnental to the human cistern ; but put your trust in Hop Bitters, which will cure general dilapidaron, costive hab its and all comic discases. They saved Isaac frotn a sevcre extact of tripod fever. Thcy are the nepttu ttnnm of medicines. - Bottoo lobe. THÉ I.IOVMAIAKIA AM) I.IVKU I'AI). (tH( K l'lRf TOB I.IVÍI DuulB. When tho Hver cemses (o peribnnr propcrly il funptioiM the whole systcm beoomea doianpc'i and diseue MloVS. 'l'he treatMBl liy ;ilisnrptiim in llio use of the Lion Mnlaiii tod liivri' l'ad anl Bodyand Koot l'Ustois i nuist astunishinu. If you are ifflicted witli Stomach or Liver disorders try lili- reniciiy. The whole combined for one dollar. Kor sale by Druggists. TIn1 Secret of Mapplnoss. llow (iliin liiivc wc longcd lor perfect etijoyment and have seldora i'ound it. M i fortune has come, or ill hcalth overtaken u-. l'erhaps a SOSgh has cotne U[on us which tbmltiu that dreadcd of all diseáaes, oOHomptioo, and we feel thatdeath is ncar. With what joy should we bc tillcd tlien, when such a renicdy as 1)r. King's Nkw DiaCOTBT for coMsiunptioii is placed within our rcach. Il has cured thousands who ere ncarer the grave than oonelvos and made thcir uves peaccful and happy. Asthuia, Bronchitis, Hoarscmss, Loss ol voice, difficulty of lucathing, or any affection of the Throat and Lung uejMMiitwdy rmejt by t his Wondcrful Hiscovcry. Now tn cive you satisfactory proof tliat IR. Kim; 's Nkw DlSCOYIKT wiMeurt, i f you will cali at Kberbach k Son's Drug Store yoo fan et :' "i'l bottle for ten cent-" or a regular size bottle for f 1.00. Motlicrs! Mothorsü Motlicrs ! V. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of' cuttinir toeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of MUS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH[NG SÏRUI'. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatdy - depend upon it; there is no mistakc about it. There is not a motber on carih who h8s ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it will regúlate the liowels, and givc rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, opcrating like magie. It is perfectly safe tu in all casos, and pleasatit to the taste, and is the precri ption of one of the oldest and best leimlc'physicians and nurses in the-íTnited States. Sold everywhere. _" eenfs b bottle. 1007-5S A ('oiigli, Cold or Sorc Throat should be stopped. Neglect frequcntly results in au Incurable Lrntg Dótate v OmgutnplioH. Bkhwn's Buonchiai. Trociies are certaüt to giot ir' in Attkma, Bronchitit, Cbuata, Güetrrh, Consuinpir, mul Thi'int ï listín.. For tliirty years 1 1 1 - Troches have lioen recouiniendcd by physicians and always give jerfect satisliiction. Thcy are not new or untricd but having been tcsted by wide and constmt r nearly an entire generation, they have attaiued well incrited rank atuongthc Irw si.iplc remedies of the age. Public Si.'ih: n and SátQCrt use thein to clear and Btrengtheo tfce Voice, Bold al twenty-fivc ivmiIs 1 l)oi everywhere. 1007 "iV Hiicklcn's Árnica Salvf. Tlie Best Salve in the world for CuU, Bruiaeti, Sores, Uktn, SaltHheum, Kever Sores, Tctter, ('happcd Hands, Cbilbhuns, ('orus and al) kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve is warranted to give perfect wi isfaction in every ease or money refundej. Price 2.r tmU per box. Kor 8al by Ebei bach t Son, Aon Arbor. 10Q2 1034


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