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The spring term of the sute agricultura I college is to open next Tucnlay, Feb. 28d. A stock coupy m bei nu formed at Palmyra for the purpose of building a grange hall. Seven lawyers are rendering all possible assistance in the famous Ferrin estáte of Mahall- aisisting it to vanish. Dcarborn Iras struck a sulphur well at 30U feet. Always thought that town was near that sulphur and brimatone place. The Ludington schools, which have been closed fjr several weeks on ace ïunt ot ilyphthcria, have again been opened. Hillsdale people are to hold a county musical convention, commencinic on the 28th inst., and oontinuinguntil Maren 4th Another furniture company has been orpanizH at Grand Rapids with $30,000 capital. Where will they find room lor it? "We want a bank." savs the Clair County News, published at Harrison. All right, we haven 't the slightest objection. At Ionia a company is about estaDli-hitix gas works, the maximum price to connumere being placed at $2.50 per thousand feet. Coldwater has no public library. She has a private picture galli-ry open to the public, however, which casts just ai much tnoncy. Wm. Schrieber, a Macomb farmer, 30 years old, living near Mt. Clement, dim bed the golden stairs by a rope in hi.s barn, la-t Saturday. K.'ilaniHZ "i is crying nut for more hnMBi U Aun Arbor. At Battle Creek they fine men $14 for boxing their wif'e's ears. Tbe Statesruan thinks the market hould be kept at that price for this luxury. A new manufacturing company, organized for the purpsn of aianufactuting white bronze, has been incorporated at Detroit, with a capital of #50,000. A bny named Victor Aiubrey ft-11 over the buluHiraiie ot' thi LJatile Creek higli school, and will probably die froui the ef fects f wounds bo received. And uow Siugatuck peach people say "half a erop." Ou, shaw ! Peaches will be plenliful as hops next year. Don'l bclieve we have had any cold weather this winter, anyway. The city charter business mM aguates the denizent. of KaUmazoo. ThoMj who want to be mayor, aldeimaa nnd city attor ney are in favor of it. The tax payers are a ftttle bashful. Frank Osborn, who diod recently at Tecuuieh, was one of thu few who survived the Aslnabula railroad disanter, and the Lake Shore R. R. Co. paid him $10,500 tbr his injuries. At Lansing there has been one death from trichinaosis and it is reatad others will follqw. There are two families in the city afflicled with it, both haviug e.iten of the same pork. H. B. Orbinson, of Ithica founJaburg ar in his house the other nicht, and ne got up, knocked him diwn, tied him u and carted him off to jail. lle was found to be Oeo. Gibb. Ex Regent Maltz of Alpena, has been orospecting with rsferetice to the new rail ¦oad project for a shore line rcaching from liay City to Alpena, and is quite elated over the prospecta. The Detroit and Bay City R. R. was sold lat Saturday, under the hammer, to Win. II. Vanderbilt, to be run in connecion with the Michigan Central. The price paid was $3.625,750 cash. An elegant ebony, gold-headed walkingstick was presented to 1). Uetbune Duffield, of' Detroit, last Friday evening, which was ent him by the legislatura of Obio, because he went down there and told thern ïow our liquor law worked. Horace Becker, an ex-deputy U. S. marshal, wa.i convicted, at Kast Saginaw, a few days since, on a charge of highway obbery, in tak ing $200 from a man named lenderson, from Livingston ('ounty, and entenced to state prison tbr fifieen years. All sorts of interpretations are given to he bill inlroduced by Senator Mars, amendtig the law exemptingchurch property and he property of clergymen from taxation ust what the effect of the ainendtnent isio ooe seems to know. - Brrien Springs te, The Battle Creek Mood has been pubshing the nauie-t of soma of the most inful of the "street-walkers"of that place. Now, if the Moon sh nes for all, give the mblic the names of the boys who are their artners in shame. It would be butjus ice. The Kalatnaïoo and Jackson military companies are getting too high-tnned for malitiamen and desire to wiindraw and ganize as independent compnnies. All right, there are 9everal companies waiting for a chance to come in, as soon as an opening is made. Capt. A. H. Bogardui, the great shootc.t. huo inrittd O U. Jowett, ui Howell, to go to Europe with lnui as a member of the team he will take over the water to match against Carver's team of ving shots. Bogardus says he regards Jewett as odc of the best shots in the United State-. The mili men at Mani-tee have s'ruck a hnnanza in their sak wells, and two blocks will be erected at once. Salt has a saving (luality, and may even be powerful enough, together witli thesernions which are bi-ing publi.-hed by the papers of that place, to save soaie of tlie MuistM people. The fire coiamis.--i.iners of Detroit have adopted new ruien which plaoes every building within the fire limita under the personal supervisión of the cummi.ssionerB taken frotn the fire companies. They intend to prevent further conflagration1! rosultiog f'roin uarelessness, as much as posMble. TUe present superintendent of public instrucuon, C. A. Oower, hs acoepted the superintendency of thu state reform school for boy?, at lansinr, receiving a salary of $1,8UU per year, $200 more ihan was paid Mr. Howe, wh wa.tacknowledged to be an excellent man for the position. Howe has gone to I'enniylvania. Bert. Clippinger, a mosenger for the journal clerk of the house of repre-eniative, whose parents reiide at Lun-irn?, while playinp on the ftxirib floor uf the capítol, last Friday, in florae tnanm r f. II over the bani-ter to tlie firt, a dii tanca ot eighty feet, killini; hitu insiantiy. He was a youth of more tlian ordiiiarj promise. In the Ionia circuit court, Mr.'. Ellen C. Bemis U on trial for the inurder of her son-in law, Will Hinjerson, January 18ih, 1S80. Judge Henry Hart, of Midland 'ity, presides. At thu time of HenderMTn's death it was surmised that all was not right, so hts body was xhutned after burial, anl bis stotnach n-nt to Ann Arbor and aaalyzed. it was found that he died of strychnioe, cjmbioed with other oauss. The trial ended last Monday. The jury retumed a verdict of guilty of ruurdor in the first degree, and Mr. Bemin waa genteneed to hard labor for life at tbe state prison. Lat Fridayand Saturday were dajsloig ta be reniembered n Mooroe The river Kaisin got on a raiiinane and ture things at a lively rale. The túrnense Cañad S'iuihrrn K. K hridue, with a trsin loaded with railrond broa plawd uion it t hold it down, was swept away. besides a larjre aniDunt of propcrty iu the shape of outbuildings, sheds, live stock, hay, etc. The river was higher than ever before known. Bad Axe is to have a new Episcopal church. Berrien Sprines has establi-hed the First Presbyterian church, witb F. W. Wethcrwax ai pastor. Baltic Creek has a new Catholic parish school. Negauoee is to have a new Pret-byterian church next summer. A new Methodist churoh bas just been dedicaied at Alcona Center, Alcona County. K ci)iuuion needs sonie churehes bad, as he has 500 inhabitants, 11 saloons and one houe of ill fame, and it is said that Harrison, Clare ('ounty, is ¦ good secüod in wickednesti. The list of fatal casualtie of this winter in the Michigan lumber woods wilLoutnumber that of any pruvious year. Last night three corpses wcre brought down from the north on the Gaylord train, one going to East Saginaw, auother to Fort Huron and the third to this city. Hardly a day passes but what we hear of some -turdy woodauian losing m life while at work in the northern pinerie. The accidents are alo in excess of those in yeara past and there is more sickness in the caiups than usual. - Bay City Tribuna. At Monroe, the boys at one of the school (rot into tbe habit of piiching on to anv lad ihey micht find alone, and unmercfuly snoballing him They at last went tnuch too far with a litile son of Auibrose rinn leaders were arrcated and fiuéd, aod have probably learned a lesson they will always reinetubrr. For any number of boys to pitch upon one alone is cowardly and umnanly. Boys, remember that, aod assit the weak, instead uf injuring them. The Dowagtac RepuMican tries to raise the hopea of the people ahiut next fall's fruit erop in this way : '"Several of nur exchanges have been borrowinir. trouble over the supposed losa of peach bud from frost. We ttiink it raiher early in th season to determine the damajje done to fruit. In couversutioQ with an t-xperit-nced nur.eryinan, we Iearn two things in regard to fruit trees standing If the tree goes into winter quarters iu good shape, uot in activa growth, twenty doitrees below zero will not eff.ct it 80 much as ten degrees balow if winter close in on it otherwise. We bolieve the peach uves in this vicinity were well prepared for winter and that the buds have not yrt dcveloped sufficient ti cau-e aporehensi in for fear of having beon bitten oy frost."


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