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Palmer And Striker

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Tli' cry of Douglaa and ú illies 'u : Nmuinatc metí whii are independent of ¦ ither l'nction in the univorsity ' Uut .¦very timo tlioy namti a man for the office of regent he is fóund td bc oneof thcii in ' " i-rcw. Let us have a fair vote in tbc next stau; convention, and il' it h not ftrand tli:u tbe (nood of l!o-e have al of ih' ïnii legale, we will vc up. rt aod Tribmw, and the rst of tlie cruwd, havo announccd their choioe lor rej{?riH to bc Wm. H. WmmOi of Detroit, niU'li'i. I i-on, tt ('oldwator. As wc havi' no dhpomtion to avoid the i-ue. nnnoaooc s th oaodidttee of Dr. Hoíc and his frieods, the of Hon. Tho-.W.I'a!nirr,oi I (clinil.and llon. Danic! Striker, nl llatin-. Th cue two men are well, and lavoril)ly known to the ioole of md thi'irl'.irc nood im cnloiry at .'ir hand, May the right win. Tlio Detroit Free Prtta U3 tako dflliglM in the Btterancca of W, 8. lieorgi', n( ÜmmIdi RepabKcao ; T. S. Applegtte, OÍ the Adrián ; Vio. De 1uhL of tbe Sftgiaaw HeraM. and Little Aldricb, of (he Ooklmter HepWion. mw Rerald i S iginaw Vallcy mail noniinaiid lor jaagt ui' the suprema eourt, anothrr OM nominan-. I fbr :it of the university, while il alnaily . -i i ciii t judgBi oti-.. eta. Noiliinjr lio(2-li abont tin' Henk) man at all! The frantic endcavor of thr Detroit Uie people by ylhng .¦ontinually at tho lop of it voioe, " Boü HeaJI" " Bom BeaJI" resMBda ane, in a iicauri'. of (he lad wbo wnii llirough the pravc yard whistliog to keep liis courp, The Free Press would liko very maeb ta n irr tomebody, bat not -;. rv weU il bM taki'n lo llowl ¦nvay. Th mld-be dictator of the republiean party and policy, the Dtitroit Free Prest, has been anauDg the public and pk-'aMiiL' itsclf' by ubuaing aod telling the deleng rcpiiblican coDTention, a( [tMiiog, their duty. That's all rili t , The more yuu ravc ilie broader view the people get ot' the cloven-liool beneath, which you are so l'mntii-aljy endcav orint; 10 cover op. It was bui a .siert linie back n h story that 'mr Detroit morning daiiies were severcly csndemning one W. '. Thompson, of that city, ealüng Itim a renegade and Lsserting that he had etrectuaHy bnrwd e he had opioiont of his wn in the Chicago national OODTODtion. Now he is patU'd on the back, callcd a l.oy, and gcncrally lionized liy thc-c ournals. All his ideas in respect to variely theatres coincides with thoir own. llnw long beforc thoy will bury 1 1 ï ui again '.' li' a man hircd by the Detroit Frec ihonld publish a letter condeiiiniiiK and abusiog the managers and stockholders of tliat paper, bccause they difTöred with liiin in judgmenl apon oertain thiDgs, how long would wtd Pree Pres retain uch a person in its employ? Jos( abont two minutes, probably. Yet, hcro we have a man hired by the board of regenta to attend to a particular bruoh "I' educatlon in the univer&ity, who tpnd hi.s time abusing hi.s employcrs. Anil the said V. 1'. pats him on the back and calln tiim a nice, pretty, smart lellow, for bk iuipudenco. How consistent. llaving reail the raspish Miarling of our Visilanti republican ontemporary, all we liavt' tO Mjf is this: That any rcpubüean uwning and runtiiiiR a nevopaper in a ooanty, who is continually fault-lioding, and who will denounee the action of a convention fairly called, and fully represented by the able-t men in the eounty, and eonduoted in perfect liarmony, without any strife or discorJ, DQt deserviog oftepubfican patronage. And we fully believe that all true republicans, who have the ny and bei of the party at beart, are coming to hfilil the. auie opinión. A man who haaa't sufficient interest in lus )iarty to Bttead tlie primarics. or, if he did, not infliieme cnougli to secure au election a delégate, the last une whi ought i" sqvea] ever wluit the party lo.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News