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The Educational Question Again

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The Eveninf Newa still persista in its antagoui.ui Ui wliat it i- ptaaed tO t.-rm "hiirhor clucation, ' and in muwt ta ur irticle of last week, says this; The p'xr mani n, fier :i tvw tenna In the immon school, u n ezpanae ol b uw dolían tniiKt, by ni'n'ssiiy ol his poverty, t ¦ wurk to mpporl hlnuell or pAretsU. Th:it muy '"' true tq ¦¦iiain extent, liut the News will God that the i r incn's ¦ :il tliin.L', tro the OHes who havo made th'ir edacation a ladder by wiiirli tn dkub up M Buceen. It wil! alo fuid tliat il' n youtfa ha the BoKutkwmd ability, willi our prmeifl -toni of e4oM lioD, it posible for bina 1 1 eoter aoy of' ilii; profeisioM hc niay ohoose. Wipc out of' existenco our ftt&tmi qpitem, :itni, a wc have aaid befbre, only the mous et' the riob can secure cducation, Bttiog theno lor whatever thcir cbosea field nay bc. The history of oar univentity will úmm that the poor boyi o thoM (' modérate meara, c imprue a nr: proportioo of the itudeatoin itteodanoe, ot wlm have been in attendanee, wliilc ihe gradeatea wh ha e been mos( Buocesrful are tba unes who havo al tlicir way throagh the university. Had ihcro bees l largo tuition fee to lt' riiey eould ni havo done it. rdiug to the argumeol o!' the New?, my childrcn must liave these doors of learning closed agaiott thcra because my oeighbor'a ohildren do not have the peneiiu-liii:ilioii to iinprovc thcir rantage. Thai exaetfy what ii townnta to. 'l'lic in ui wlio ¦ . pooi lint lii-4 cttildren ham tu go to w.irk as loea as uld enough. te rapport taaseWaa, co not c ovcrbur tkaed wilh lnc for educational puri aii'l nriaifily oiiirht not to romplain vcry mihli. liui :i'M ,in immense taitioo fee to u univerrh; eöarxe, ia iny dopart nx-nr ¦d yon cffcctiially liar out hi chiMrrn. wlin miikIiI OtbciWWe, if they liail the will, txoomc learned, weful men, and mak a - icoefK "I lili'. This poènl rm(hl t" e. a plain une t i ererybody. Purthrrmore, wc -1ihI! beg t" diffr witli tlio on :i-stri:on tliat one litas ím taxeil lor lli" educalion of another. You nighl woll s;iy ihat one poliiical party is taxed tr ( lic lienefit of die other, becuuse the BM wlio botd ihe otBces are of thi or ilm n]i(ii-al -hade if belief. The doon lierc un; open lo uil. No one is ilobarred by reason of his religions, politi;al nr other belief, and it is possible for any om to -eciire its advantages. If tliey í il lh aliility or nclinatinn. it i no Kmoo ¦'" -In i il I be -Inii out. Ani whatevcr profession or vooatioo of lift any pwaoo may desirc to follow, they oan select suh a oourse in the universiiy as will (it tin-m specially lor it. There is no injuHtice in tliis particular, as alleged by the MOT VM of ovir education! intitutiona Tho l-'n i' Proa has at last made a conlession? It saya that " it has uo desire to ciiitrol ilic republican state eonvention ! It only lUnim t warn said convention of itnM adiai daagBt ¦ certain contingcncici. How kind, " Jedgc." Huw truly beautiful sueh di-intert'sted i'haritable acts are ! Doesn't the confession come just a little late, however? Aren't you too far cnmmitted m " i-nnfesn" now?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News