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AriiMican 1511 ISiui h favorita amele I D American Uuii'lrifs Tiy it , you will never use miv .th-r. It sjaal wht you wnt. , EsUtouf Isaai Klliott. At a scssloo of the Probate Coart for Uw Coontjr ot Warhtvnaw, holden t the Probate Offlco. In tbc cuy of Ann Arlior, on Tuewiay, the flut-enth da of Fehruary, On the n-ar ue ilim-u! etght hundredandel;{hty-oue. I'reicut. Wllliaqi D. Harrinian, Jud'cof i'rolmt'. In the matter of tl; state of Isanc Kltiott Horeaeed. On readiDe atid Illinjs the petltion. duiy verlDd, of Samuel II. Kllioti praiiii; tli. adiiiniiatratiun or Kald estáte niav hc grunted t Sarah II. Klllott or ixune uthor sultaMe paraon. Tliereui)!! it i ordered, that Mouilay, tlie r.iurteenih day of Marrh next. at ten oYlook in the forenoon l' a--su;ed for tlie koarlng of aid H".inoii,ni Ihat the hf in at lw of aid df ceaed, Hud all otner per..?! lOttrWtod in Kid .-lal.', ara r,.,Ulre.! to a poarat a aeiwinn of aid court. tben u bv holden at t.nProbate Office. n tho city ol Aun Arbor, aml ano enie.fany there bi-.why the prayerol Uie patiuonei tlould nat .TiinteU. And it l lurlhi- onterf, 1. , that i-ald iu-liu,) Doticc to llie U.W1I lu'er. eted In xaid tattte, "f tur ModeBCJ "t faid PWtw and tlie lu-ariuL' : urn-of, liy chiixihk copy n l"" order H b p.obliibod in the Aun Arliir Coiinrr, Mwspanaf aadcircnUtad In aÉM ODonty,thra aucceainvf wc, jhcviomh Ut aid tUy ol MMtag. lAlrUei"l"v,I.,.A.M...UAlIMAN. .liidt-e ol HrobaW. WK (i. DOl'V. l'rohatr Ki-ïiKlir. Wit il Notlce to Credllors. SI TK OF MK'IMCAN, CoOntjr "I WuhUtMW, -- Notk-e ia liarcliy Rtvwi, that liv an order..! lh Probate Contt l"r tneCounty "f Waahtenaw, nm.i on the eighth day oí Febrnary A. 1). lfl, II months from Ihat date allowed lor credllorf to thelr claims agaiiisi Iha eiate of ,lcob Hangstwrer, late of aid counrj', di-ct-arad, nud that all creditora of sald deceancd are reqmred to pretvut their claim lo gaid Probale Court. at the Probate Oflicc, in Ihe city of Ann Arbor, for exarnination anc' allowance, on ör betere the eighth day ol Angot neit, and that such claims will be hi-ard before naid court on Mondar, the ninth day of May and on Mondajr. tlie eighth day of Auguit next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon ol cach of aald day. Dated Ann Arbor, February S, A. D. 188Í. WILLIAM D. HABRIMAN, 102.'-10i Judire of Probate. Estáte or Nthan Salyer. OTATE OF MIC'HIÜAN, County of Wauhtcnaw,. At a seealon of the Probate Court for the County ol Wanhtenaw, holden at the Office, In the i.lty or Ann Arbor. on Monday.the fnfrteenth day of KbruarT in the year onc thouaand eieht hundred aud eltthty one. Present, Wlülam D. Uarrlman, Judj;e ot In thé matter of the estáte of Nathan Salyer decensed. Jndson Salyer, executor of the lant will and testament of sald deceased, comee nto eourt Hnd represent that he is now prepared to render hl flnal account as such exeentor. Therenpon it 1 ordered that Saturday, the twelfth dy (.f Maren next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be asnined for examinlng and allowine such accoiint, and that the aevlsees, legatees and heirs at Uw of aid deceaaed,and all other persons lnterented In said estáte, are reipiired to appear at a seralon ol said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City ol Ann Arbor, In sald county, and show cause, ir any there be, why the tald account slionld not be allowed. And it ie further ordered, that said cxecutor Rive notlce to th persons interested In satd esUtc, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thcreof, by cauning a copy of this order to be publlshed in the Aun Arbor Vouner, a newspaper prtnted and circulatinj; in said connty, toree snecessive weeks prevlous to iaid day of hearinK. (Atrnecopy.) WILUAM D. HAKKIMAN. Jndge of Probate. WM. . DOTY, Probate Register. IOÍU-4'J SUITIN6S RKBIVID T!V umi imi THE CLOTHIER, Selected Directly from IMPORTERS. All Parties Wishing a PBRPUDT-PlTTINIi SUIT, MADE UP IN THE LATEST 5ÏÏLE, Should Not Fail to m os i vl Mr. Josh H. Dugrey, our Cutter, whose work is giving entire satisfaction in every respect, is the best advertising medium we can ofler to the public. Little Mack, THE CLOTHIER, NO. 9 S. MAIN ST. 1 l!l r CÁNCER r CAN BE CURED. rui. L I. Mi Mi. tiAix. n Nlafara si., üuiialo, N. LI V., lias a HuiHrr Und ¦nt't'iflll CUTC tor CiCCtT, without the use of the Knile or Cauatic-KatitiK Medidnet. ÜLCISS. TtTMOK. anl all GCÏOrULOTJ: EI5IA5EC-"" ¦¦-iHlly treated. 8rml lor Circular giving full particular. 10 ¦ COMBINED CATALOGUE OP ¦ I iriii bt Mailtd Fret to all vsho apply by I Ulier. ¦ I Our Kxprtmental Gronndi In ¦ ¦ whlvli tra trut our Vric-tablc aud ¦ ¦ Vlower Si-ui are most complete; ¦ ¦ and our Grernhounet for Planta ¦ ¦ (roTrrlns 3 acres In elu)t are ¦ ¦ Ihe largent In America. ¦peter henderson & co.l 35 Cortlandt Street, New York, !¦ chkuc li utforei), thcrahr Iwtji kcvto pv II erlX froiu jout duur. Tboe wb ]yi tak II I I WW ftdvtoMjfc nf tbt (ood cbftDcfi fur makiog 11,1,1 mouer iht re olfcral, forallj becuiu I w.-itiiy, wblle tboe wtiu do Dot liuprov sod I I i I I =l"0w ruuftln Id iovrty. We wui uib ¦ ¦ WLSMAm m#Qp womea, bova u.l pirls i work fur u rlgbt to ihwir own lo--ia]iii. Thr hu.itie. will t j mor tfwateti (tuit unHoarv wftfea. We farulib au rp-iulvc omtlt ud ft] tbal jou ned, fre. N onc who euicftfa ftla to nic moo vtij riijly. You cu devou voor wbcle ttme to tbe ork, wulf jour Brt UHimruU Kult ItifurniKtLuii u-i ill Ikat i. t.. . 1 utfiM. daicu iifií.i.! A i1.. . il„1iin..i kiki'.r 1ij; 4


Ann Arbor Courier
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