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llenry V. Hogers has bon very 11 lor laldays past. l'ork dow brings $7.26 per cvrt., and heef $6, by the qutrter. - - Washington would have been 14'.) yoara oíd liad be lived uniil next Tue.-day. Min Laura Warner, of Dextertownhip. il ie 1 on the Cth inst, aged S2 years. Win. Ball has purchased Chas. Boylan's business, and proposes to add thereto. The Ann Arbor City band is advertised for ;i concert at Chelea to-iuorrow night. Next Tuelay nigt ooeurs the Yigilant Bre oompany's Dalí. D.n't you forget it. A rail i n progresa by the owner of the Cook house to ohtain possession of the same. ____ Prepara tions havo been oorameooed for (henew I Hitarían eluireh structure on State .-tri'rl. A nt'W pinte glas front in the store of J. F. Schub will be an improvement to Main streot. The Saline people gave Re. I). R. Shier a donation party the olhcr night, leaving I10Ü for his benefit. Prof. Franklin'-slrcturebeforethe relorm club will ba delivored next Tnesday evening, at the opera house. Ida J. Litohard sei'ks a tlivorce from Seneen LitcharJ on theground ofdesertion and fnilure to suppi rt. Jacob Bissinger, of icio, lost a nine old daughter last Wedn diy, from ioflamuntion of the lnntr. The nt'xt nieotinii of the Washtenaw Co. pioneer society will be held iu Dex'er on Wêdnesday, Maroh 2d, 18811 The bei -k.-i para assooiation of f his county, are to have a niteting at the court house next Thurday, the 24th ioi-t The Daily News has got on so.ue new type and is fitting "1' an oflBce in the old Joiirnal rooms next door to tbc Argus. shr nimi.v a sultor dlU refuse, . Wltb air com(KMd mul culiii ; Hul wtien the riitiT nne usked hel' hand, Hp carrit-d otf the palm Clnctnnatl Oazette. Klla B. McGonogal, a little ten months old grand daughter of Samuel Morgan, of PittsSeld, died last Saturday of searlet fever. The pulpit of the Monroe l'resbytorian churcli bas leen lilled by Uev. Dr. Lockwood, of thii city, for the pist two days. The Machen and pupil of theUnitarian chureh were cntertained by Lawrence Whitlark, of Aun Arbor lown, last Saturday aftcruoon. Mr, lv A. Warren, of thiscity, secured sizteen ?ignatures to the pledge after giving the Superior people a temperance talk last Sabbuth eyening. At tlio eTening meeting to be liold in the oper.i hou-e nest Sabbatta evening, at 8 o' dook, addresses will be delivered by students of iho university. II' a man .'een coiuingf'rom hismcalsnowa days lias a little egg yolk clioging to liis inustache or wliisker?, he ia iiumediately placed upnn the list of millionaires. The demócrata of Washtenaw C'ounty will be t ntitlcd to fourteen delegates in their state convention, which a called to meet in Lansing, on Tuesday, the Sth day ot Mareh. (jolden Hule lodu F. and A. M. presentcd I-aar O. liandy, with a beautit'ul gold and siher past master's jewel one day last week, IIin. A. ,1. Sawyer delivering the present ation speech. TUc samen of Rev. J. Alabwter at the M. ]¦;. c'lnirch last Snnday evening, upon the proposed prohibitory aruendment, was one of tbe-mo8t complete lectures upon the subject evir delivered in the city. The editor of the Courikr would tender liis thanks to (be Detroit Light Ouard for one of their clepant invitation to the govprnor's letéj amf soiié, given hy them on the eveniugof Thrsday, February 24th. - - + - The Yp-ilunti fir'e department's annual ball, wliich isieventof theseason intbat city usuiilly, was ni the program for Wuine-day e,fnwig la.-i. We have no doubt the antiiipation of all were realized. 'r We havo received a OofiUER of March 19th from B. O. Clark, of Sudhury, Ma., for which we return thanksi Our filiM are complete; thanks to frienjh wlio appreciato Mm C'üi kier and keept on fik'. ¦ ? OU Sol gets iip early cnovigh in the aornUg n,,w „o artificial light s not neoMMrj kt 7 o'obek a. ui., and he w;u SOOn set up late cnough to enable ten h(-,ur workmen to eompicte thoic day'a m, by his [ftba kwor town biidje bad ben wortli aoything it woulj have I , aw8y lit eek, bui it was carefully prot_'cled and Ted to go down sonie time wher. thcre is a load upon it, and then tbc blay cast 'ïpnn J'rovidenee. The Cook houie look dark and sullenat night It wemaaUtdeHogalartOMelifhU ral oa tliat eorner, wbere for fo n.any fMtfl - nearly erer linoe the foundation of the city- thoy have gloame.l invitingly for the traveliDg public. Hev. John Alabaster has ounMOted Ui repeat his address upon the proposed prohibitory aracndment, at the opera bouse, next Sunday aftcrnoon, under the au'piees of the reform club. The services will com menee at ',j o'cloek, sharp. The followingcitizensofthiHcounty have been drawn as jurors in the United States CDurt: Martin Howe, of Chelsea; A. K. Clark, of Saline; David A Woodard. oU Mi'an ; Chas. A. Matthews and S. fli Douglas, of Ann ArW City. Gen. Jas B. Wt-aver, late di'feared can didate of the greenback-natiorml lubor anti Chinese-communistic-socialistic fiatistic-8 houristiottc. party fjr president, is an nouneed fur a speech in this city sometjme next mooth. He will probably teil U9 of his lost cause. Mr. J. Kriesser, late master mechanicof the T. & A. A, R. R. toe back to his ld home, Fremont, Ohio, and goes to work for June & Co., eouine budders of that oity. "Jo " wasaliverailroai tnannndniade many friends in this city, who wih hiui succeas wherever he goes. The weather of the past week has been a decided mixture, but old zero has managed to keep in sight of the top of the mercury most of the time, if not quite able to bring it down. We have had sunshine, snow fqualls, clouds and breezes. It has not thawed much since Monday. We understand that the greenbackers have api ointed a conimittee to raise the necessary fund.s to start a newspaper here af their peculiar faith. That's right. We re getting lonosome here iiow for the want 3f company in the newspaper line. It's an jnormous bonanza for somebody. On Saturday evening, February 19th, it tlie residence of Dr. Frieze, Prof. Tylcr will read a paper for the benefit of the laBh' library. Subject: "A Wbig Satirist sf tlie American Kevolution." There will lo be be good music. All are invited. Lecture will commence at eight o'clock. Mrs. Francés Monroe, of Ilowell, the lady who, our readers wlll remember was juite severely injured by a runaway accident in the lower town last summer, died it her home last Monday morning, the ]4th inst. , aged 03 years. Caneer was the iramediate cause of her death, butjt i thought that the accident malerially hasteoed it. The fire departniont was called out last fuesday forenoon, by an alarm from the ¦iixth ward, and promptly responded. Before they arrived upon the ground, how aver, the 6re, which was in the house of Mrs. V. B. Jolly on North l'niversiry av enuc, and occasioned by a defective flue, was extinguished. There was but little damage done. ?- The next in the oourse before the students' lecture as-ociation will be Laura Dainty, this, Fiiday evening, asaistei by the Ann Arbor choral union. Miss Dainty is a rare reader, and neverfailsto entertain an audience. Her readinits, interspersed with music by the choral union, will make an entertainment well worthy of patronage. This is in couplet witl) the Bernhard Listeuiunn eoBPUUT. The postoffice ffieials reporr quite a general observunce of St. Valeotine's day by the young people, while ihnse who sell this ppeciesof missive i-ay that nvre el gunt ones were purehased this year ihan ever before. The cotuic ones have bad their day, and the peoplo are once more adopting the pleasant custom of makine the day one of interchange of tokens of love and affection. Thi-r a grand step in the right direction. And still the tellow who stole (hat chair out of the circuit court room, right in the temple of justice, remains at large. An officer told us last week that he was known and would be sciemifically scalped ia a few days, one link in the long chain of evidence connecting him with the chair, and the cuair with the room, was wanting, and it was thought ()r cutt that, and he could weid it again. At least this is a chair-italile statement of the case. A special train carried two car loads of excursionista down to Toledo last Sabbaih, to see the raging Mautnee, and last Tuesday another excursión train took down about two or three coaches of curiosity seekers. Tuesday the water had fallen considerably, but those who went Suoday report one of the greatest sights they ever saw. But none of them seem to have powers of description sufficient to describe the terrible destruction effected by the eloments. Here is a simple reniedy for diphthcria going the rounds of the press, which will not cost you anything to try, and may, powibly, save a great deal of pain and doctor's bilis: " Ooions are an unfailing cure for diphtheria. They must be placed in a bandage in a raw state, and then beuten into a pulp, and the cloth containing thcm, juice and all, bound around the throat and well up over the ears. In cases noticed the result has been almost magical, diadly pain yielding in a short time tosleepy com -. ., n A llttle lov A littleglove, A litllc rosebud for a token ; A llttle slgh For day gone by- A Hule glrl hearlbroken. - Boston Oourter. Another man Woos Sarah Aun, Wil li bank book well extended. A social ei (.wii, A house In lowa. And Barab's heart Is mended. - N. Y. Commercial. An "Innocent " klus, Kor the prelty Mlsi, Who thedomestic work dld manipúlate A llttle blll, In aJU8t!ce rnlll. And the case 1 still on thedocket while he Is paylng 150 per month allmony, whlch the Judgedld silpulate. IiEw F. Wade, at the ciunty clerk's office has a valuable curiosity in the shape of a drift of the resolution passed by congress adopting the 13th constiiutional amendment, with the autographs of the senators and representaiives attached. We fimj the signatures of Thaddeus Steven, ji Chandler, Reverdy Johnson, B. F. Wade 1 Henry Wilson, Senator Grimes, Jim Lane' I and hosts of others whose names are protni I nent among our people. They were 1 tained by Chas. H. Wade, a brother of Lew, at the time he was a page in the I senate. ____. The tricd and faithful followers ot me greenback faith met n the court house laat Saturday, and appointed the following gen tlemen as delegates to their state convention held last Wednetday tt Lansing : Jas. M. Forsytli, Vpsilauti ; JamesDoyle, York; Qeorge Davenport, Saline; N.C. l'utnam, York; Lewis Sherwood, Ypsilanti Town ; D. P. Markey, N. B. Covert, and W. E. Walker, Ann ArborTown; T. l). Lane, and W. Murray, Salem ; T. Donovan, Northfiíld ; Warren Kimble, ahd A. Conklin, Manchester; C. F. Bates, and G. A. Peterd, Scio ; E. A. Nordman, Lima; W. B. Osborn, Sharoo ; with Horatic Burch, Manchester, delégate al large. attorneys In a r„r "Pwlfy, will be allowM ' dal. DeJ81ua foreclosure.-Mouroe ( Thia decisión ia tn exceedingly import ant one to the members of the bar, and will ' make quite a differeoce in the foreclosing ' these instrumenta. It places the rcmuI neration for services entirely in the hands of ' & Judge, and should he be favorable or un' favorable to a lawyer, he wï.l have ihe power ' t- rawwrJ or pooith, as he may see fit. I' r, ' as we havn ,,re.-i ,nly ie.uark.-d, yvl - arV ' bui buiua It o ksto u , ibuuli t.. i thing ,-l),,u.d be arra.,ge,J by saiu e, as are J other fees, and nut to tbe will of auy man. A merchant at Klmira, N. Y., has put up a oontrivanoe at hu store which La a ' gand thing for iovalids and laty people who wish to give ihoir order fiom the ' riage. Ii conMsts siiup y of a p t erected at the edge of the sidealk f rom wbich liaiiit. a tassel and coid, by which i bell is io the ture and a clerk of ' 0 tona iinui 'diately answers the summon.i. We akail expect to see the innovation generally adopted, as there is no patent on it, it is said. Resides being a capital thing for invalid ladies and lazy men, it will also be a nice thing for the boys who go off on a " lark " nights. Theycan stand and pull tbe bell cord by the hour, and thus serenade the clerk wbo sleeps in the store. Company A's bazar closed last Wednesday evening, having been eminently suc Oeaafbl and securing beyond peradventure the necessary fuüds for the Washington trip. The lucky individuals in the drawing of prrzes were : The bedroom set valued at $75, J. G. Oall ; silver tea set, $C5, Mrs. O. M. Martin ; silver water service, $50, Beethoven Gesangverein ; lady's gold watch, $50, Miss Emana Schairer; Seth Thomas clook, $40, Mrs. Morris Gregg. Besides thee there were numerous other elegant prizes distributed to owners of the lucky numbers. The boys feel very niuch elated over the success of their enternrise, and thankful to the citizens for tbeir patronage. The receipts were over $700. About the middle of last December we received from Frankfort, Beozie County, wbat purported to be the tuarriage notice of ono of our fornier Ann Arbor boy?, Dr. A. A. tlallock, and at the bottom of the page a litlle note politely requesting us to jublish, the whole belij rigned "A. A. Hallock, M. D." Of course we compiied with the request. Last Monday Dr. Hallock stepped into our office and wished to see the notice sent us, pronouncing the thing a forgery, at least if he was married it was unknown to him, and he certainly shnuld have been posted on the subject. The fellow who sent u- the notice forgrd the doctors name, and bas laid huns if liable to severe punihment for his peculiarly funny transaction, for the doctor has the note and pjoposes to find out the author A person who would stoop to such uieanness ought to be kicked to dt-ath by u Rcky Miuntan mule. Next Friday evt-ning, February 25th, ihe Bernhard Listemann conc rt company are to appearai univerity hall, under the augpici'S of the htudents' leciuie assuiiatii n Thi en'i-rtaiiiinent't tued a very i xt o4ve Dotice a' O'ir haii(i, as ii is au we I knuwn a!.a'ly t" the people who attei.d enteriainmeiits. Thedutineiive features uf thU entertainment are : 1. Cla-ical mu-ic fur tri rtjfs, frun the trio of B etl oven u io the briliiani sextet te of the modern buuiter comp er ; 2. Solus for one, two, or tbree vi lins, flute, viola, violonceüo, .-ax (iphone, and duuble bas- ; 3. Urchesna uiu-ic, fpicially atrangtd liy Bernhard Liteujann for this orttatiizatin. The fine-t Italian instmment.s are ued by tbe rneuibers of this organization. All the olos, whtther instíumental or vocal, will be ac compaiiied by the entire club. This couibination has at it di-posal such a number of effeciive selections as to offer the greatest vatiety in its programmes without adding the customary vocalist. Our musio loving people will certainly never regret the price of adtuission to hear this company. The University Palladium for '81 is a book which will meet with a warm reception by the students in particular and the public in general. It is fully equal, if not superior to any of its predecessors in point of merit, and has been prepared with great care and accuracy. The editors with one exception, have been hard working, conscientious labarers, and they have their reward in the shape of a work of true excellence. The secret societies, the independents, and all other organizations of the various departments are given their usual prominenee ; the list of students is as accurate as possible to obtain ; while the miscellany and department of " phun " is rich. The illustrations are meritorious and full of' brilliant point?, many of which the general public willbe enabled toappreciate who are not familiar with university and student lore. The book is a gem of typographic art also, the mechanical work upon it, both in composition and press work, far &urpa8sing any of the pasteditions. Don't fail to secure one before the edition is exbausted, a only a limited number bas been s-ued. He who delays purchasinK one will be fortúnate if he don't find him i Ann Arbor bas general] been noted fc í the gentlemanly conduct of its mala popularon, and altuo-t entire freedom from that ¦ most despicable of human loafers, the one ; who follows up respectable women on the , streets, eveuings. But of late gome of that breed of reptile have made their appear. anoe, and one or two nstance wherein someof theladiesof our city who happéned to be i assiog home from an eveniijg's en. tertainuieut or visit have been followed, has been brought to our notioe. There waa one in:tanoe where four big, burly fellows followed a young girl not over 16 years old ; 3 and anotUer where one of our business women going from her place of business to liso oth_r ladio who have hapiwmd 10 l:e )ut in tliu evcning have been doggi d by )ne or more of these contemptible species. 3ome of these fellows will get more than :hey bargained for one of these fir nights. We know of one or two ladies who 8ay they propose to walk the streets of this city in the evening without being insulted by some brain'ess puppy, and that if they are in jnyway intrrfered wi'h, ihcf ilw who doe it will ni-vcr.h iv an nfpl r imiiy to w mmi suiridJp G ""I f'' '' in Th irofi par '1 ' ¦ ca r i th hl , ni me n wha h v -a. A d i au ül th iliing if the law il Uihild ihciu in it That there are tw sides to every question is a Tact which newipaper men have to face Bootinuilly, and a Uwna they have to leirn more thoroughly. perhaps thno anyo'her olass of people, and the case uf ilie reoent trauedy in LiviTigston Coun:y, wherein Win. Vran Blaricurn t ok the life of nis wif'o, and then killt d himself, is n t an ex c pti m to this rule. Sime of Mr. Van Blaricuin's relative-, who are respectable, hard working people while not in any way ezcusing the deed or actions of the deoeased, say tbat there were circumstances not given to the public, which would account in a great ineasure for the course pursued by him, and that the reports given to the public respecting his life, and the circum stuncea of his death were highly colored to hii prejudice. They also affirm that bis marriae was not in opposition to the wishes of her family , and also that as far as respectability goes, tln;re are as niany honorable upriglit people upon one side of the house as upon theother. Newspapermen are apt to use these occasions to draw moral lessons, and impresa upon the people tbe mre result of evil cbing. But in every case it must be remembered that there are friends who suffer trom these arrows, and a great chance of needlessly afflicting innocent people. If the truth could all be told respecting this case, the poor wrctch who took the life of his wife and of himself, might have some reason for the dissolute life he lead for years previous, and the sympathy of the people notbe all upon one M'li!.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News