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1880 Belongs To The Past

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¦ ¦ ¦ Tlfis world has progresscd; men and women have grown older and wiser. 1881 finds the ball rolling on the ruad to improveraent, and M ACK & SCHMID Siill asccndinr the ladder. They op;n the ball for the new year :unl guamntee to keep it rolling by giving one of the most satisfying Clearing Sales over seen Please notice the difference betv.een our December and January prices. We start first with SHAWLS. ;'i )i au ]s tliat will bo cleared ont as follows: 25 All-Wool Shawls at $6.8o, December price was fB.W; -.;: m ...., p. .._..¦ ,_.. enn. on .,t 't nn December prlce was $4.00, and about the same reriuctinn throughout the stock of l'alsly, India and Uier Wool Shawls. Now is your time to buy BLANKETS and COMFORTERS. Froin this date we shall sell them at a rcduction of 15 per cent. from December prices. e make a general sweep in tliis department and !he prices will be sure to sell them CLOAKS and DOLMANS. A good Cloak for $4.00, sold in December for $6,00; a heavy BeaverCloak, splendidly gotten up, at $8.U0, sold in December at $10; another lot, extra fine, stylislily trimmeti, lr $9.00, December prfc $12.00. Our wliole stock of Otnakl umi Dolmans will be sold at the same ratc of rtiluction. This is done to affect a speedy clearance. We expeet to have them all sold by the lst of February. Those wanting a Shawl. Dolman, or ( 'loak shonld huny up and sce Mack & Sohmid before it is too late. FLANNELS. Let every one cali and Me our Gray, Red, White and Fancy Flannels and beconvlnced there is no house in Ann Arbor anywhere near our prices. Cali and look at onr CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and JEANS. Dont fail to sec our Ladies' and Childrens' Ve.-ts. Examino our DomcMics, Uleached , nd Brown Cottons ; ( 'rallies at tive and ton cents; Quilts at 85 cents, $1.00, $126, s $1.50; Nubiat, Hoods and CoiMUi We mean to start the new year wlth a greater "ini than ever bflorc. 8ILKS, SATINS and VELVETS. Wc have struck upon the blggest Bonanza ever seen here or anywhere else The best brands in tlie market. Come and see them. 30 pieees Drass Goods at 1 5 cents, December prices for tliesc goods was M to 25 cents, üur enti'e stock of Fancy Dress Goods has been reduced in the same way. BLACK and COLORED CASHMERES Have all been reduced. This advertisement ís not a wiiuly effusion, merely to stir up trade, but a statement of the reductions we have made. We do not wait t'ill spring to give j-ou winter cheap, bit du so now while there la many weeks of cold weather before ns. MACK & SCHMID.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News