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A Cross Baby. Nothing is so condueive to a maus reuiainiriK a bachelor as stopping one night at the house of a married triend aod being kept awake Tor five or mx hours by the urying of a cross baby. All cross and crying babies need only Hop Bitters to uiake them well aud smiling. Voung man, reniember this. - Traveller. Physicians claim Hope and Malt Bitters are the best. Do Dot buy cheap medicines on the score of' econotuy.. The best are not loo good for the siek, and are the cheapest. Such are the Cherry Pectoral the Sarsaparilla and other standard remedies ofJ. C. Ayer & Co. They are worth all they cost and should be in every house. RpiDEMics- Jnst now coughs, colds lung aod bronchial complaints seem to be epi demic. In thege cases of suddeu colds ih best thing to do is to get a boltle of N. II. Downs Elixir, whichinvariablygivesspeedy reliet'and ultimately effects a cure in all cases wherethebreathingorgaDsarearFected. Use it in time and prevent serious hing difficuliies. Sold by all druggists. Agents anti Can vassers Makt' trom $25 to $50 per week seliing goods for E. C. Rjdeout& Co., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and terms. 1000-1II52. Fres or Doctors. The lee of' doctors is ao item that very many persons are interested in just at present. We believe the schedule for visits is $3.00, wliich would tax a man, confined to li i- bed for a year, and in need ot' a daily viait, over $1,000 a year for medical attendance alone ! And one single bottlu of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $r,000 and all the yeas's sickness.- Post. Til E UON MALARIA AND LIVER PAD. ;i ii k Cure rR I.iver Iiiübi. When the liver ccases to perforiu propcily ite functions the wholcsystem bccome.s derangcd and discaso followjj. Tbe treatmeut by ahsorption in the use of the Liou Malaiiii ainl Liver l'ail and Body and Foot Piasters is most astonishing. If you are afHicted with Stoiuach or Liver disorders try this remedy. The whole coinbined for one dollar. For sale by Druggists. lts Just a Booming. Such is the expresaron from all druggists aud dealers everywhere who are seliing Du. Kinc's Nkw Discovery for Consumption. No like preparation can begin to have such an extensive and rapid sale. And why? Simply because of ita truly wonderful merits. No Cough or Cold, no matter of how long standing or how stubborn, can resiat itn healing qualities. Asthma, Bronofaitia, Hoarseness, Hay Fever, Pain in the Side or Chest, and difficulty of breathing or any lingering diseasc of' tbc 'l'hroat and Lungs rapidly yield to its tnarvelous powers. It will msitivelij cure and that whcre everything else has failed. Satisfy yourself as thousands have already doDe by etting of your druggist, Kberl'aoh & Son, a trial bottle for ten cents, or regular size bottle for one dollar. For sale ly Kberbach & Son, Aun Arbor, Mich. Mothcrs! Motlicrsü Nuthorsü! Are you ilisturbed at night and broken of yur rest by a sick child suffcring and crying wilh the excruciating pain ol cuttin.L1 teelh? If so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. VINSLOrs SOOTHIN; SÏRUP. It will relieve the poor littlc sufferer immediately - depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a motbcr on carih who has ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and givc rest to the inother, and relief and health to tbc child, openitin; like magie. It is perf'trtly safe to use in all cases, and picasant to the taste, and ie the prescription of one of the oldest and best f'em-tlc physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cMits a bottle. 1007-58 A ('oiijfli, Cold or Sore Xhroat ibonid be stoppcd. Neglect frequently resuks in an [ncurabu Luni Duetue or dm tumption. Brown's Bhonchiai. Trochi certain (o gwt relief in Asthma, Bronchitis, Cought, Calarrh, Consutiiptn -nel Tkroat ÏHmoses. For thirty years the Troches have been recomiuended by physicians and always give perfect tisfaction. They are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and con.'-tant DM tor ncarly an eutire generation, they have attaincd wcll mcrited rank auionir the few staplc remedies of the age. PiMic Speaker and Singa use theru to clear aud -trengthen the Voux. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everj'where. WW llucklen's A mita Salve. The Best Salve in the world fir (!uts, Bruies, Sores, l'lsers. Sak Kheniu, Fever Sores, Tetter, Ohapped Hands, Chilblaius, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eniptiotis.. This Salve is warranted to give perfect natisfaction in every case or inouey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Ann Arbor. HK)2 10Ï4


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News