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- - - I Ttibwnlar HNease of LMffl ' Brolltllitls. Tubercular ronfumplion of thelnnjs i ihn lorm motl comuiou. lunst lata!, Wd "iiit c#t'y conMand incurable. Tmboctoi ttom Meé ilw mm U derived, i inirKid pnd ui. ¦lirp.irii. ! iimn diMMd llood i" Viirloue pan of tbe bodi : and in proportion a that fluid i imuur-, M4 toaftfe t lime ii renatua m, ill tubercular diaihef"" eomiuue. Kaii. Iíivsr, , M ireb 3Hh. 1S7S. ,llI I. FtLLOWS, K-v DM ADoiil tliree year tgo I atmeked with bronchitis and tubercular d teaae of i lime, and sulTered two yr o neveral thit I w unable lo attend to business. AJoui a ei wan advioei! to try Fel!ow'!yrup o( Hpoph-pMtet", and bafon I bad linnhedone i.otile niy apMliW nd i ftr.ntftii were greafly improved : iny cougn becaine les trouMei"rae, iny íleep (M oimd amt NMaint;, which had DOt b-'fii the case lur uver a year. I i had snfThrt-d Irom nervotisnessand diftlctilt breatblns; all the time I was fick; but yonr ivrnp ha cured It all. I advise all peraon aillicted u I wan to use r'ellow' Svrui) of Hyuophonnh (Sicm-d) JA.MKS H. STEWAKT. An endlPBs chain of goext eflfcctí ftmaad hy PeHown' CoiupoiiDd Syrup of Ilyuuphiwpbitr, and we aro afe in aylng from a long experliuce i" medicine, lis virmes an uot po ¦ '1 by any otber conblaatlon. 101 V10fi ce di CHERRY PECTORAL Kor f IheTliroat hiiiI I.iiiiíj. anrh a 'obIim. Cali, lioopinc misil, llrom-liiii -i li ¦¦¦: n (I 'oniiniption. ¦k. The few oompiieltion uhicb have won the GOD-fWHj j ndence of miuklnd aud L Mli! m 5. befóme liovi--lulii word. A llu-f D) mnonj: not ouly one luit álB SmYf=è, many natiotm. niasi have ¦ jHjuT LjL ixtraordiiiiiry viriuee. ZJBfc 110 ne rvfr m TM i7Í Di-ei uri'il s" il! a rrpiita¦ W" BBTtl''". or nmlntalnt'd lt o 4K 1" ' Cherry jC i HTE" i'.M-tiini). It bas been %B WwtíaESBk líuown t the public fttoui f ifl KïjK BW "rt} yenrc l loiitf conwJH FM Hw iluu (I -itu-h of marvelou '¦¦' 1 oras, tlmt bav won for t 'a confldcncc In its ñrtUM, nfirr . QiuM by ny otbar medicine. Il IIH the BMWl .ffectaal curen oi CoBKh, Colds, C..uuinptlon, ffit CM le nuili' t)V medical ikill. Indeed, tli. I herry l'ectoral hH rcllv rolilidl theie daneroiií dloeauve of their terror to a L-rent extent. aiul iiiven a feeline ol tmmunity trom thcir painlnl eflect. Uut I ell foundeil If the remcdy l uken in suaeon. Every lamily hiiuld have lt in Ihelr closet for the ri-ady and iiroiniit rcliet nf 11 inember. Sii kuc-, Hutlerlne, ind even Hfe la Baved by tlii timely protectioD. The prudent should not netlect lt. and the irtoe will not. K' it by y(in lor the i.roteclion it affordB hy ]tf early me rn ludde aliaek. PBIPAUD HY DE. J. C. AYER & CO., iièweT, Hu., l'ntt lial &, AnaljlUal h-mil Sold by all DrugEÏste and Dealer in Medicine. lOgO-1071-fBw RoP BITTERS 1 A int . mil a llrluk.) inNIAlSS HOl'N BI CHU, MAMIKAKK, DANUELION, ' AVDTHRPfRKSTAMi RFSTMFIHfAHil I T1X8 OP ALL OlUtK í' ITaK. THEY CURIi: AH Plseasoênf tíiStomíich, BowpIs, Itlood, I 1 irer, KidDcy, and Iriimry (irgans, N'i?ouae,sVetlewnpi8and especial ly ¦ CuiuplHiuM. $IOOO IN COLD. -fl M'lll Tf pald fOF a eflHe they wlll not cure orW hrlp, or for anythlntr iiiipure or Injurluu fouud lu tliui. Ak your drngglet for Hop Bitter and try I theiu before yuu sleep. Tiike uu ulbrr. I I T. C 1 an absohiteand IrreeïsttMecure for I li unketui-sB, n6 "f oimuiu. lubucco and narcotie. 'M MaBBB Sïxb fui (_ irculae. aaaMMMMfl All bor. ioia by drupil.ti. Hop Hun M%. Cfc, K'. i-Ut, N. ï., T.JTinlo, CHl. JW8-1049 c e in TRIAL ItoTTLM-:, "O CEMTfl. CAOWELL'S LACTEALNERVINE 1HK i.RFAT BXRST POR Xfiirulflitt. UhevHUÊtêm, HM uil filiar itnint'nL Nel zou Aff'tctioiw, Acutí or Vin u. without r?jari tu Atjc 01 8t AND IN LI'.UBAOO, SVIATICA, AND y KI! Vu VS UKA ÜA VII K. The relief ofl'ered by Itg ose if prompt and com plete. Lm. Urorge V. Lanidon, Kj Maijor 0 DetroitMwA., wj- : I have repeatedly nsed the Nervine for Nenralgic auñ'eriDg, and bave never found it to l'all in glviDg almost imniediute relief. I would not Iw without t in my houne for ten lime it cot. Too ranch cannot be uaid for it, or In lis lavor. Bqme may think thi lrone laiiL'iiaee ; none too .trontf for 1 hoce wtio know what Neuralgia 1, and flnd relief from i t u.-. Very renpectfnlly, [slgnedl QKO. C I.ANi.DON. Mayor's Office, liy 01 Detroit, Fet. öth, I LARÜE BOTTI.ES, il. 00. For Sale at all Drue Stores. FARRAND, WILLIAMS CO., Sole Agenls. lftiO-1071 AMERÍCÁÑ" BALL BLUE. THIS IS THE BEST BLÜEINC IÍT TJSE! IT IS NOT POLSONOl: I1ELPS BLEACIIINi; aml (MKS BBAÜTIFÜL TINT! íFor Sale by all Grocers.1 American Ultramarme Works, ! 33 Maiilrn . o Vork. 982 UW I franklinITouse DETROIT, om. r.ifBnlo umi l.niii. .1 Mti-reln. Centrally located. Only one block from Voodward and JetVernoD avenue. This house haa been thoron-jhly renovateo, and wlll be fouDfl the BEST COMMEÜCI Al. ROTHL in the city. Rates tl. 50 per day. KKK A JAMES. Manager. 1009-.H4 each, ") In. bcdu $6, fine J .KjjA.. dry picked Feathers rc BBI ï' -fe lb.,l'rime Geeiw Kiather .-aw Zf Lk -""v 65c, J. W. MorriBon & 3MB Co., 44 JelVerHon Ave.. sburftPtfBPMaBi Detroit. SAMI'I.EFUKK MlHfl ¦ Cbeapet Feather DiiHter iS E In the World. ¦Sp W22 ai I WÊÊSM. : Ift v (nitnt fu rui be! tïe, iib fu'l lunlruciUm for con. ¦ jlk duoting ihc mat proiUbletmiDMM tbt }'¦. at cm l ¦ II aogagt 10. Tb busiucas tu wvíjj U lnru, tx] our I II luiiructlom re ta limpie aiui plio, iht iovou ]k I II eau mtlte rent profita itniu tbc verv trt. Nu ouc 1 I 1 1 cid ril who Is williug tu work . Wüutnt irc m ucW I ¦ Wl ¦ tneo. Hnj üDii Kirl cüu Urn BUDl 1 M. XF nttlr bav istJr .t lb buina o.-r woe buutln-d lullftn in ¦ tiugte week. Ncibioc ike il kuuwu l..-fnr. Al! who ue art atirpriMd l the raM ad rpi-liiT wUb wtalcb ibrywt ftbl to nutke muur. Vui cu D(k lo ttiU bn4ll4i duriLf uur [r' tuui t grra.1 pruilt. Yon du Uut bsva Ui lavet .-(.itl lu lt. tftke II thf risk. Th.e win Dtel r4? BODry hvulJ wrli ui t unir 411 fu1 niiljtd tram il ¦irrit Ti'i 4 O. Aatitt, Uilki 10J7 &


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