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W. TREMAIN Instan AfíEiicy ffm rx OVLE CASPEB RINSEY'S OROCERY STORE, 1 m in Rtn and rorHTH si . oHll In.iiritiKf oiui') (i-t [jOodm uj KilmUiiyh,) Capital tru",!!, HoM lroll rirean.1 Marine In.. „. Vut Aanrl flVmiKKi. ¦pilatÜali in. om'). tritiHM., Cash AieU 11,!,!) Hnwnrd In. '., oT r Vork, 'ab A atete tl.HOIi.UH). U' i "Hm ui lllliri(IM' 4MM') C'Mh AW..-IK ll.DWI.UUU. lilerally adjustcd and prompth ]aid. yr VOU?DRUB?rQ - o r _ Hops & Malt BITTERS. Rirh in the ::iaterials that -Vourinh, InTlffor mi', and Strengthea. They M,pply BrnlB, JluHciil.r ,id Kern 'arr. Visar lo the .nf.-,l,li,l. Tone and ,S)rufth la th r.xltftuNtod, ourUtiment to the youug ud e I.ife to the aged, IntUt on trylnfibfin. AU Druggl1" cta obula both ¦M n t 'ulkr me butll. lase n in. S. SMITII A (O., (iinurnr ui .1 mul .IH' rm Aim., Ittlroil, invito ulM-mion ol Iiiiji i to lliclr mi l olIooiIimi af si i lui Mtrer Wwre, ¦-im-Ii nK'k. Wiirc, iti on , i'HrixiHii o eltles. ihhiiioihIn. Jewclrjr, Wlchf uni Rifver i'iuit'ii iii-, 4-iiiIih-Iiik Itl'll l' I1IOI ll(l'll IHlt lol I 11 ng Aiinltorxitry :in.l II..H duj Glfls, Orderi r ininlil. ij iiihII ulll recelve tur ironi( rimI arcini aii'iiiln. Jeweton and inioi ¦¦ i ., i i in i oi HDiiilUlllil illl.l li'lli l-oll -UIM-, ¦'- iroli. 109S FERDON LÜMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufactarer aud Dealer in SACINAW GAN6-8AWBD LUMBBR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We ti. al! to gle a cll, nl rmiulni Wl toeL twlhn parehanm flfewln-ri-. ALSO AHKNT KOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLI-S KIKK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBF.RT, l'rop. T. J. ktWH. Hupt. feb.l 1. '.!i IN. H. DOWNS i VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR ï a ture cure tor Coughf, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Uisease, when taken in icason. People die of coniumpüon timpy because of neglect, when the timely me of thi. reniedy would have cured them at once. M'ifiy-one yeara of conttant use prore the fact that no cough remedjr hat tood the tett like UotrtiM' Elixir. ttiat 35c 600. nd II .(JO pr botU. Fur Bale Ererywhert. I Di Baxter's Mandrake I BlTTËRÜ ¦ Will cure Jaundice, Djappia, ¦ Liver Complaints, Indigestión, land all dueasea arislng from Bil I iousnesa. Price 25 cta. per bottle. ¦ For Sa! Kvry wluro. I 1IKMIY JOHNSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL ¦LINIMENT ior Man ana Beatt. ¦ ¦ The nj'ost perfect liniment evet 1 fl competunded. Price ï$c and 50c. ¦ tur 8al It 7lir. % 1011) i Helthls Wealth. Ua. K. C.'VE8TNlRVl!ANIBBINTRKlTirNT: BpecücloriHyriï.Diwlueiis.OuuvulBioL, Nrroiis Hedchfc MeDUl Depreíflou, Los ol -Memory, SpcrmatorrhUa Imputeucy. Premature üld Ai-, cunad by oiftr eiertlon, elf-bu.e, ur owindolgeuc,-. wbicbicads to miaery, decav uod detb. One box will cue "cení Can. KalL box CODttlDl oue montb tratmeiit. Ooe dollar box. or iix bou - Ior Uve dillrB ; Sent by muil prepaid ou receípi ol .n. ,. Vfr ! -uarautee ib loxe lo. cure any ae W,lh ai order reclr. d by ""oraix U.xef,.c.-oi. lianled mCíiu Üe dullarx. wa ill MBd purrt ' our writteu mi.raiii.-e i" M-turii ib,' mena) II IW lreatm,,1 nol ell.ot a rure. ümnW I"''"' Im líi.,,n, i Co..oJ Aiilliorteil A,-"" !'¦ Ai.' a',i,iii,i, JÓhlTc.W8T0O., ítonCBlcito, III. Fl ""' AuwiU.Deiroli.Mlcti. 1UÍJ


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