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BMMm4 Krom Dcatli. VVilliam J. Coughlin, of Soruerville, Mase., says : " In the fall of 1876 1 was taken with a violent blecding of tlie lungs, followed by a severe cough. I was so weak at one time as to be unable to leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 1 was admitted to the city hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I was so far gone at one time that a report went around that l was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. W.m Hai.i.'s BaLsam FOR'HIE LüNOS. I got a bottle when to my surprise and grati6cation I commenccd to feol better, and to-day I feel in better spirits than I have in the pastthree ValS. 1 write this honinc ƒ{" ,-- - a"" with diseaea ijlings will be induced to take Dr. W.i. Hall's Balsam eor tuk I.i nM and be convinced that cotisuuiption can be cured." Sold by Druggists. EldriigkSimpson M. D. of IlnUson, N. V. WTltes: I have used Fellow's Syrup of EJypOphosphites in cases of Con.umption and other Lung and Throat troubles with the most gratifying results. Of the various fornis of adiuinistering l'hosphonisand the Phonphatic forms in use, BOO6 tiavc been found so completely adapted to (lic requiretncnts of the age as Fellow's CompoaMl Syrup of Hypophoaphites. Agentg and Canvassers Miike from $25 to $50 per week selling goods for E. C. ItlDEOUT & Co., 10 Karclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and terrus. 100O-1052. American Ball-Blue is a favorito article in American laundrics. Try it ; you will never use any other. It isjust wliat you want. _ lAUM POR BALE Tho underslgned offers for sale hla fi;m of 45 At IIKÜ, sltuated in tila nirllieru part l Webster, VVashtenaw L'ounty, in sections 4 an i I, (ix miles from Dexter and tbree Trom ttu1 cetebmed Dover milis. Ssld farm Isadapted lo all kinds oí gnin aa well as stock, having fine never-failing atre.iui ., water running through It, near the barn, makeinL' a tiiic waterii g pl'" for stock summer and winter. The buildings are (rood : Farm house, one barn, 3OxS0; eood horse barn, $6x50; All in good - r-:-. a n n t -ü up ln gooi bape lately. Two good apple orchanli II imfiorf '-it nr ih.. ii varicties In the country siso pe aches, pean grapes, quinces. Ac, Ac. 4 .1. It. AUMS. Webster, Febrnary 10, 1S1. lOiVf "PARM FOR SALE. The nnderslgned olTere for alo a farm of !tOO ACKKN, that has come Into his bands hy axsií,'ument, handsoraely situateil In the townvhlp "i Aut'UíU. tí miles 9outh of Yp-ilantl, on thu Ehsi Monroe road, and within about a mile of a station on the Detroit, Butler S St. Loáis K. K. There Ís a flnely-condacted chcese factory opon the opposlte side ol the hiirhway and a good steam saw mili, blacksmlth and wagon-repair shop, two stores and a poxt-oflice within abont Sl rods of the dwelllnt; house. Haid farm i weil adapted for graln or grase, hM uvcr ÍDU acres of improvemeots, an ahundance of paeturlng and plenty of ood timbar. alm a uooá orcnard of cholee fruit, and comfortable building. Will aell the Bame for $'Í3 per aerr. 1026-28 J. WKBSTKK ('lili 1), YpsiUoti, Mlcb. JJOTICB. Niitlcp hereny glven that a meeting of the the stockholders of the Detroit, Butler A tít. Louis Railroad Company will tie held at the office of the company, ln Delrolt, Michigan, on Wednesday, the thirteenth day of April, 1881, at ten o'clock a. m., to consider a contract lor the consolidatlon of the stock, property and franchise o( said company witb thuse of the Butler and Detroit Hallroad Company, a Corporation orautz'-d uuder tb; lawa of the statea of Ohlo and ludían, und to approve or diaapprove of the same. Detroit, February R, USt JAMES O. MILLEU, Secretary of Ihe Detroit, Butler and St. Lmis K. R. Co. and of the Bntler and Detroit H. K. Co. 1025-2 Xotiw to Croditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, se. Notice is hercty given, tiiat by an order of 1 1 1 l'ro bate Court for the Cotmty of Wanlitinaw. made in the tweuty-nrst day of Kebruary, A. Ü. 1HM, aix moutlis Trom that date wi re aliowed for creduor to present their claims agt.inst the estute of James McUreiry, late of naid connty, deceafed, and that all ceJltors of said deceasei are reyuned to present thelr claims to eald Probatu Court, at tliu I'robaie OBlce In the City of Ann Arbor, forexaminatiou and allowance, on or before tbu twenty-second daj of AuguM Dext, and that sucn claims will be heard before said court, on Saturday, the twintynrit day of May, and n Monday, the twenty secoud day of August next, at ten o'clock u the forenoon of each of said days. Dated Anu Arbor, February SI, A. I). 1K1. WILL1AH U. 11AHH1MAN, 1027-30 Judue of Probate. -Tl ui ii;;ii;r .tnir. DKFAULT havlng been made in the conditkm of a mortgage executed by Jumes U. Mone and Krances I. StoueThis wlfe, to L. Allieon and Companv partners, beartnjr date November lOth, A. D. 187, and rrcorded tn the office of the refter of deeds for Washtenaw county, Michigan, un the Hth day of November, A. D., 1K7H, at 7 o'clock p. m., of that day, lu llber 5H of mongae, n paite 1Ï7. by wMch delault the power o! sale contatned In said mortgage becaine operative, and no milt or proceedtni; iu law or fquity havlne been Inetiutcd t noonc the debt aecured by sata mortgaite, or any part thereor, and the urn of eight hundred and nlne dollar and flltythree cent, at the date of this notice. belng claiined to be due npon said mongace, notice i tharafora hereby ifiven that i-aid niortKaxe wlll be lorclosed by a aale of the morta;ed premisos therein detcribed, or aome part thereor, to-wlt : All that certaln plece or parcel of land Bltuated In the city ol Ann Arbor, county ol Washteuaw, state of Michigan, descrlbed as boina lot number twentyflve (!15) (except two leet in idih oír Irom the north side ol said lot) in Jewetl'e additlon to the city of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded plat thereof as recorded In líber OT ol deed, on page 07S, at public vendne, on MomUy the twenty-third day of May, A. D„ 1881, at noon, at the north door of the conrt lioase, in the city f Ann Albor, in aid county, tl at beintr the place ut holding the circuit tuurt In sald county. LAWRBNOB ALLI8ON, ISAAC AL1.ISON, Doing business under the Ürm name of Alliaun & fonipany, MortuSawtíb & Knowlton, AttornejB. 1027-W Estáte or N'athan Saljer. OTATE OF MICHIUAN, County of Washtenaw, u. At a seíílon of the Probate Court for the Coonty ol WaKhtenaw, holden at the l'robaf üfflee, in the City of Ann Arbor. on Monday.the fimrteeutb dav of Fbruary, in the yiar oae thousnud eitht hnndrod and eit'htyoDf. 1'resint, Wlliiau V. llarriman, Judge of ProbaU:. In the matter of the estáte of Natban Salyer deceased. Jota Nalver. executor of the lant wlll and tiKtameni of sld deceasrd, comes into conrt nd lywli that he i nnw piayrei to render hls (lnal account as such exucutor. Thereunon it is ordcred that Saturday, the twelflh day of Marrh next, at ten o'clock la Ionnoon, hc apsijriied for exatnintu),' and all' : account, and ih:ii the m-vi-i i-, lgatM and haln at law oí said dcceaned.and nll other pertoiis inti -resn-d In sald esiaic. are Mqalrod to appiar at a nesslon ot said court, then to he holden at the Probate Office, In the Cltv of Ann Arbor, in sald county, and show BMM, il any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And It i furttaer (ir.i.-rid, that aid executor Kve notice to the peroni! interentid in xaid eUte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causina copy of this ord'T to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor üuurur, a uewspaper printed aud circulatlng in said county, three succensive weeks prrvious M said day of hearing. (A trae copy.) W1LLIAM D. IlAKKlMAN. Jndife of Probate. VM. (i. DOTY, Probate Beslater. 10i 4 I m OHtBtseot rree lö thow who wut lo tDCM 1 " A M% j.i.-&Mut mi.l buaiuei kuown. Kverjlhtnj i ¦ ('i-iul ut requirwl, Vt wlll fumUb tou trtry11 L thin j. 910 a 1iy &D1 upwardl la uatly mkile wltbuut I M it.jlug m) frotn heme ovtr otibt. No rtsk wbftMvcr. l M Mkqt nw wurker wutvl kt ihic. Hu; r ukilo #l II T'irtuDo kt tb buiioM. UdlN mkc u mucb u urn, T V Md yosni boyi and glrU makp tl [ƒ. N one wko willlDK Ui work ri!l u nukf tuurvmooey everT tUy thaa u b mul tu WMk fttuiy urdlDKrj Muploytovut. Th.. wUu ¦ vt uac III Had s iboTt ruKj Ui TurtuDt. lil.1i.ii H I'. CO., Portl.ud, kllii 117 4


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