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Notlce to Credltor. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, m. nlv. . ' '" breb? K1". 'ht by an order of the Probate Court for the OouDty of Washtena. made 0D ... .J?l{bíh íy uf Pehrnary A. K. Is81. „lx nmmh, from that date were allowed for credliors to premi Ml claim agaiuat the estate of Jacob Hangsterfer, late of said county, deceased, and tbat fl re1f'on of ld iased are requlred lo present !ïr caim" lo "ld Probare Court, at the Probate Office, In the city uf Ann Arbor, for eiamiDatlon an.' allowance, on or before the elgbth dy ol Aasnut ald court, on Mond.y, the nlntb day of May and on Mondajr the elgbtn day of August next, t ten 0 clock In the forenoon ol ech of alil days Uatcd Ann Arbor, Febrnary 8, A. D. 1881. „„._ WIUJAM D. HARRIMAN, 1025-10 Judïe of Probate. m EsUt of Isaac Elliott. gTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wahtenw, m. i .L ""'on of the Probate Coort for the County 01 Wahtenaw. holden at the Probate Ofllce. In the :c.tTi Ann Arbor. on Tueday, the Bfteenth day of February. In the year one thousand eleht hundred and elKnty-one. Preacnt. Wllllam D. Uarrlman iJudxeof Probate. In the matter of the eetate of Uaac Elllott de.¦a!. On readln and illn tha petltion, duly verlned, of Samuel IÏ. Blllott píajinu that admlni,,Lriï'0" of "ld Ktte may be grantud to Sarnh II tlllott or ome other ultble person. Thereupon It ia ordered, that Mondar, the fonrteenih day of March neit, at ten o'clock In the forenoon be awUrned for the hearing of aaid petition.and that the heirs at law of sald deceaed, and all other persons interested In sald esute, are required to appearat a seselon of aid courttnen to be holden at tüe Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, and show caue. f any there be.why ihe prayer of the petltloner slKiuld nol be grantea. And it is rurther ordered that sald petltloner give notlce to the Dersnns Ínter.' Cüle.l In ld esUUt, of the peudency of iid petltlon nd the hearing thereof, hy cauüinu a copy of this order U) oe puMlahad iu the Ann Arlior dmrier a niwr.Dinerprlnted andclrcalated In sald county, three weckv prerlous to sald day of hearinir (A true copy.) W1LI.IAM D. IIAKRIMAN, WM. O. DOTT. Probate HtagÜf ' 5 II ¦ k ""!"¦ 7 "loc Bonn nn a foM.o ¦ ¦ ohoo li „thrad. ihcrthr !;¦ tnii ik. II nj '""" J"' door TkoK wbo !ƒ¦ lak I I % I I 'lu "r W otuoi for ...,„, Uil '"" ¦¦ ' Stnd, i.o.r.11, bca, ¦ .lih.r. wblU UUM who Jo nol laiuro. „,;t, IJ IJ I ""Mm "" I" P'"" ' ! ¦ƒ "" umJ1 ¦". wome.. bu;i ui flrli lo work for ui 'lf bi lo thetr own looaUUoK. Tbe bualocM wlll i.%y mun thaa u-i lino ordkoarT waa Wc furnlib au xfMDalvt vuüll aod an bal jou orad. Int No wha aixain fail. U mttr mou,, ¦.rj rapidl,. Y, t.a M, ,„.r .íol. Ua I liT.orToí olj T.ur MK Boaamu. rU iotof.alU,. aad all lku 1, i ut fraa. i J.lrr.. lm 4 Co . forllud, Hiiod. loSTu