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Tuouiey Bna, have moved their Chelsea stock ol' goods to Dexter. The revival meeting are still in pragM at the I5a[ti-t church, andconverts are beinp made. The Chelsea cornet band gave thflir second annual masquerade ball at Tuttle'g hall, last Monday evening, the 2Hth uit Hev. Wra. Taylor, the renowne 1 Mfr ,-iuiiary and evangelist, i-. booked for a ineetinKat(,'lielsethisafterno(jn, at the M. K. church, at '2 o'clock p. ni. The Ilerald says : "The robiim made their appearance in this vicinity last Friday.- Does that indícate that we will have an early spring? Our Oinion is yes. " If thcy weren't mostoatrageously, ghastly, deathly siek robins when the first spring breeze of March Hlruck theni, we'll lose OUr Rllr-l. M ANCIIK.STKK. From the Enterprise. t Marter election wil! take place on the 14th of March. The farmers' club of Manchester, Bridgewater and Sharun are alrcady preparing for the ttheep shearing festival. Piek. Fountain left here on Tuesd " morning for Detroit. He expects to go to Boston Hoon to engace in selling flour. He has Mvend milla to mu 11 lor. The donatinn visit paid to Rev. J. A. Mcllwain, by his f'ricnds, at Goodyear hall, on Thursday eveuinc ="¦" -" ""i" anair, and the eider is richor by $77.75. Coruniissioner Schaiblc has let the contract of building the fjundry bridge, in tliis village, to John Wisner, for $10'.). There wcre four bidders. The highest bid ;is $-'((0. We learn tliat [one Lampson, a young lady who wörkud in Hts. Craft's millinery store, in this village, several years ago, by the death of a bachelor únele has come in "ion of $10,000. The friends ot Kev. Whitely, of Sharon, presented hini with soruelhing over $09 in moncy, and provisión to the amount of about $11 more, Friday evening last. Since then they have addcd $l'ii more to ihr i'DIlllt. A Germán farmer, who was in town on Tuesday, says " If a man drinks a few glasses of beer and feels good he is arre.led as soon as he ootnes on the street, but a dozen boys can getout and snowball everybody as they go along, and nothing is said about it " SALINE. Krom the Obscrver. Mr. Ervin Glover, of Chicago, son of Mr. A. Glover, of this township, is at present enjoying his wedding tour. One of the attractions of the social held at Mr. W. H. Davenport's, was Mrs. D's large colleclion of house plant, whioh is one of the finest we have seen for niany a day, and embraces rnany rare varieties. The legislature has been petitioned to revolte the charter of the Saline and Detroit plank (now gravel) road company. ltcertainly should be, unless the road is kept in better shape than it has been for the past year. A certain gentleman of this place, who held a pass over the D. H. & S. VV. Ry., found fault with the road, while riding to Ypsilanti, a (ew days since. The conductor board hini, informed the manager, and he itutucdiately revoked his pass. A small, but a p precia ti ve audience greeted Ilev. T. Stalker, at the M. E. churcli, last evening, to hear his lecture, "Looking for a man. ' The siith and last one of the course will be given en Wedtiesday evening, March 9th. Dr. Robt. Morris, past grand master, of Kentucky, F. & A. M., will give a masonic leoiure upon f'ree masonry in the Iloly Land, at the lodge rooms of that order, in thi.x village, on Saturday evening, March 12th. All master masons, in good stand ing, are fraternally and freely invitod. Mr. Richard Marsh, who for some time, has been suffering l'roni paralysis of the lower linibs, is reported no better. Notwithstanding his being entirely unable to move about, he still takes charge of his school, as he says he fcels better when hm mind is occupied. His friends carry him to his school and place him in his chair in the morning, wlicrv he rcinains until school i (lisinissed, when they again carry him home. " Dick " has our hearty sympathy io this severe affliction, and we hope his reeovery is not far distant.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News