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We should not suffer from a Cough, when a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will cure. Time, inoney, comfort, all are saved by it. To Accotnodate the Public. The propriotors of that immeosely popular remedy, Kidney-VVort, in recognition of' the claims of the public which has so liberally patronized ihem, have prepared a liquid pre paral ion of that remedy for the special accoiuodation of' those who, from msny reasotin, dislike to prepare it for themselves. It is very concentrated and, s the doe small, it is more easily taken by inany. It has thc same effictual action in all disrasos of the kidneys, liver or boweN. - Ilniiii.' and Farm. ShrpwilnesN and Ability. ilop Bitter-i co freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religioua, are havinir a MMldt, and are supplanting all other medicines. There is no denying the viriues of the hop plaDt, and the proprie tors of the-e Bitters have f-hown great shrewdiu'ss and ability in compounding a Bitters, whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. - Ezaminer and t'hronicle. ¦pAHM FOR SALE. The nnderslcned offers for Mie hl frm of 243 A KKs, ril iiiiied in tha u..rthern part ol Webster, Wahu-naw County, in sections 4 and 9, six miles Irom Dexur and Ibroe from the celebraied Dover milis. 8ld farm ii aCapted lu all kinds of grain as wel] as stock, haviDK a fine never-failing stream of water rn tmiutr th'"iiih It, m-ar tne bnrn, makenv a tiiic watert1 e place for stock nummer and winter. The hnilrting are yood : Farm house, one barn, ;SOx80 ; eood horse barn, 46x50; All iu good repair. All ft t d np in good shape lately. Twu frood apple orchard-, al] tfrafted truit of the best varietles in the couutrj ; also peaches, pean grape, quinces, c. c. J. n. ARMS. Webster, Fcbrnary 10, IMI. WiStf "PARM FOR SALK. imdrr-lïned o(Trs for sale a farm of ÜOO A KKM, that has come luto bis hands by assinment, haiirisomely nituated in the townshíp oí AnKusta. t;1 miles nouth of Ypilanil, on the Kast Monroe ruad, umi witbin ahout a tnile of a station on the Detroit. Butler A S'. Louis K. K. Tfiero ií a flnely-cnndocted lactory upon the oppnotte slde nt the hiehway and a pood steam saw mili, blackemlth and wagon-rppair shop, two s'ores and a post-offlee within about mi rods of thc dwelllnir bolise. Sald farm 1 well adapted for grafn or jfiaon, has over 1U acres of improvenientH. an abtindauce of ptstnriiiK and plenty of Eood timher, nlsn a Rood orchard of ctmire truir, and comfortable buildings. Will Kil the same for $.15 per acn1U29-2S J. WKBSTBK ('HIl.Ds, Ypsilantl, Mlch. lyoTici;. Noticc Is hereby given that a meeting of the the of the I) In, t. Bntler A 8t. Lonis Railroad Company will be held at thc office of the company, in Detroit. Michigan, on Weduesday, the thirtcenth day of April, lssi, at ten o'clock a. m., to consider a contract lor the consolidatlon of tbc stock, property and franchises of sald company wiih those of the Butler and Detroit Kailroad Company, a Corporation oru-aniz"d undcr the laws of the ptates of Ohio and Indiana, and to approve or disapprove of the saiur. Detroit, February R, ML JAMKS (. Mll.l.Kli. SecreUry of the Detroit, Butler and 8t. Iuls H. R. Co. and of the Butler and Detroit R. R. Co. WIMI j. a. roLiiEms' LIVERY STABLE The best and most ex'enslTC In the city. HACK AND BUS LINE Kanning to all traiUB nlght and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TRWNS. The best hack in the city for ladles callint'. Orders fllled piwmptly for all kinds of cunveyaDCes. Particular Átteitioa to Orders for Funerala. Cor. Min and Catuirini 8n., AN. til HOU . Uil UK. Ml IM-i


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