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I piNSET k BKABOLTH BAJCJBRY.GBOCERT A1ID FLOUR AND FEEO STORE keep conntntly on hand, BHKAI), (RACKKKS, CAKKS, KTC. COR WHOLB8ALX AND KETAII. TKAOB. Wu sba.l also keep a supply ol 8WIFT A DBl'BEL'S BK8T WH1TK WIIKA1 KLOUR. USLHI FLOUK. HYE FI.OIK. BUCKWHBAT PLOIIK, (IOKN MBAL, FKKD, c, ..- At wholo ilf and rrLnil. a MMl alock ol gko( i:kies axd PRovmo) coDstamiy ou tianti, whlch wi]l be sold on as reajoi able a at any other house lo the city. Casn paid for Umler, Bggs, 1 Country Produc generalij. tar"(iooU dellvered to any pin of tbe city wlti out extra chvg yr KINH8Y WBABOIT. Wtienever Too Want to Buy A I ni IHiiiiioimI, A Fine HhIiIi, A Orneé liulii, A Fino Frrncli look. A Cholee Arliele in Merilag Sllvtr. l'iet-e mE l'inr Hronc. A .oll-lu:nlil í'iuii-, A Cholee Pieee of .Icwclrj', And have A Coileellon lo telXl l'rom. II wlll be lor jour interest To -uil on M. S. SMITH & CO. COR. WOODWARD & JEFFERSON AVES, 1JKTROIT. Strictly One-Pricp iml plaln tiernos. Iniuires by malí protnptly answeraj, 1028-44 Commlsslonerx' Nolice. STATEOF MICHIGAN. ('ountyorWahtenaw,ss. The undcrslgned haviti been appointed by ÜM Probate Oowt for sa'd county, CráiiBU!oiura to receive, examine and adjust all claims nnd deniamls ot all perdone agatnst the estáte of .loshua Cuchillan. tale of sald county, HirwffwV beréby pire noUet Uial híx months from date are allowcd, ty order it sald Probate Court, for creditors to present their Claim against the estáte of raid deceaaed, and Unit thej wlll meet at the office of Oe jrge W. Turn Huil, In the vil latíe of Chelsea. in said county. on Friil iy, tlie llurd day of Juoe, and on Saturday, the tblrd day ol Bep tf inber next, at ten o'clock a. m., of cacti ol xnid days, to receive, examine and adjust said dalias. Uatei, March .id, 1881. MICH EL J. NOYES, I n, .,.„....„--. 102831 HIRaM PIERCK. ' Notice to Credltors. STATE OF MICniGAN. County of vVashtenaw, ss. Notice is h'Trhy :ivrn, that by nn orderofthe lrobate Court for the County of Washtenaw. made on the twenty-tlrst day of Fcbruar). A. 1). 1HM, tlx inouths Irom thut date wi re aliowed for creditois u preeenl their claim agrin-t the estáte of Jame? McCrecry, late of said county, deceaed, and that all cieditors of said dt'ceai-c 1 are requiicd to present ilieir claims to sald Probat'j Conrt, at the Probate Office In tbe ity of Ano Arbor, forexamination and allowance, on or before thu twenty-Kecond day oí Au;urt next, and thal micb claims will he heard hefore íaid court, on Sattirday, the twi-nty-first day of May. and on Monday, tho twenty second day of Auguvt next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of each of Raid dayu. Dated Aun Arbor, Fehruafy -21, A. 1). 1881. WII.I.iAM 1. IIAHHIMAN, 1027-30 T-J- . i-...lee. Estáte of Rojee Minors. giTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw.s?. At t sesaion of the Probate Conrt for the Connty ol Washtenaw, holden at the l'robate Office, in the City f Aun Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-eighth day ol February Ín theyear onethousandeiKht huudred muí eighty-one. Present, William D. Ilarriman, Jud'e ol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Cora A. Rryce and Royai G. Koyce, minora. Thomas S. Sears, the guaidian of said wards comen into court and repreeuti that he i now prepared to rendir hit) animal account as such guardián. Thereupon it Is ordered, tlmi Satnrday, Ihe nineeenth day of Marco, next, at ten o'clock in the Dora loon be asvlgned for exainlnlng and tUottlng snch account and that the next of kin of said ward and all other persons intere.ted in eaid estáte are required to appear al a sevoion ol said Court, theo to he holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, in sald county. and kIiow caoíe, If any thare be, wbj he sald arconnt should not he allowed. And it is further ordered that sald KUxrdian give notice to the person interested in uld estáte, ol he pendeney of said account and the hearing thereof, by causlni; a copy of thls order to be publtshed in he Ann Arbor Vourifr, a newspaper prluteü and ireulatine in said county, two snecessive weeks pn-vlou to said day of hcnrlnir. (A true copy.) W1M.IAM ü. IIAKKIMaK, Judgeof Prnhate. WM. O DOTY, Probate Reelster. l(Ki :4i EsUte oí Nathan Saljcr. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wa htenaw, m. At a sesiton of thc Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the Ulty I Ann Arbor, on Monday, the fourteenth day ol Fbuary, in the year one thousand eÍL'ht hni'dred :iud ifhty-oue. Present, Wllilam I), ilarrlman, Jud-e ol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Nathan Salyer deeased. Jadson Salyer, execator ol tbe lust will nd testament of sald deceased, ciimeo into court ind represente tbat he is now prepared to reinier kis final account as such executnr. Therennon it is ordered that Saturday, the twelfth ay of March next, at ten o'clock in the Ion oon, be aíxijfned for examining and aln ín inrt ccount, and that the MVtMM, Untwi and lieire t law of sald deceased.and all other personn intei(ted iu said estale, are nqnlred to appear at a ession ot sald court, then lo be holden M ihe Proate Office, in the City ol Ann Arlnir, in tid county. nd show cause, if any íhere be, hy said ccount sbonld not be allowed. And it is tnrther rdered, that said executor Kive notice lo the ersons interested In tiaid estáte, u the pendeney of ald account, and the haaring theraof, by causin" copy of this ordr to Iw publish.d in tke Ai,n Arbor Oourur, n newspuper priuled aDd clrculatiag n said county, three successive weeks prcvius ii aid day of heariiiK. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAHK1HAN. Jndiíe of Probate. WM. 0. DOTY, Probate Renister. Wit M Estáte of Isaac Elliott. TATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Washtenaw, ss. At a sesslon of the Probate fonrt for the Connty t Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, In the ity of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the flrteenth day f Febrnary, in the vear one thousmid eiht hunred and elghty-oue. Present, Willium D. Ilarrluian, udie of Protiate. In the matter of the estnte of Isaac Elliott deeased. On readini; and ttllnj; the petltion, duly erlflcd, of Samuel H. Elliott prayini; that adnilnisratlon oí sald estáte inay be grauted to Saruh II. Eltiott or some other suitable person. Thcreupon It is ordered, that Monday, the fnuroenth day of March next, at ten o'clock m the foreloon be asslgned for the hearing of said peiition,and bat the beirs at law of said deceased, and all other MH interested in said estáte, are required to ap learat a sesslon of said court. then to beholden at tlie 'róbate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, If any there be.why the prayerof the petitioner hould not be grantcn. And It ts lurther ordered, lat said tietilloner gira notice to ttie persons Ínter sted in sald estáte, of the pendeney of said petitlon, and tbe hearing tnereof, y causiug a copy of this rder to be published in the Ann Arbor tourier, a ewspaper printed andcirculated in said county, three uecessive weeks previous lo said day oí hearing. (A trnecopy.) WILLIAM I). HARR1MAN, Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Register. HM3B " Mort gage 8aie. DKFAl'LT having been made In the conditlons of a mortgage executed by James H. Mone and Francés I. Stone.bis wlfe, to L. Allison and Company partners, hearing date Novembtr lOih, A. l). bW, and n corded in the office of the register of deeds for Washtenaw connty, Michigan, on the llih day of November, A. D., 1K7II, at 7 o'clock i-. m., of tbat day, in liber 58 of mortga-'es, on i;itre litT, by whlch detault the power ol sale contained In satd mortnge hecaine operative, and po sult or proceedlugs iu law or eiiuity having beeu iusti uted to rtOfar the dtbr secured by said raortgage, or any part ttiereot, and the mi in of ei'ht huudred and nlne dollars and tlltythree cents, at the date of this notice. belng cUitned to he due upon said inortgaKi', notice is therefore hereby fven that said mortgaKU wlll be lorekwed hy a sale of tbr morti,'auect premisos therein deccribed, or some part thereof, to-wit : All that eert lin pleca or parcel of land sltuated iu the city ot Aun Arlmr, county of Washtenaw, tale oí Michigan, descntied as belag lot nimbar iwaotjnve (4b) (except two laai in width otl trom the north side ol said loti in Jewett's addition to the city of Aun Arbor, accordlng to thc recordad plat thereof as rocorded Iu libar 17 w deeds, ou page ti"K, at public vendue, ou Muuday thc tweuty-thlra day of May, A. I., 1881, at dood, at tbe north door of the court house, in tbe city of Ann Atbor, in said county, tbat bislny the place of bolding the circuit court Ui aald coiiuty. I.A.WKKNCE ALLISON, ISAAC AL1.IM)N, Doing business under the flrm name of Allison A ('onii tny. Mortgai'i'cs. Sawtih Jc Knowlton. Attorneys. lif-T-KI II IB chD0 u nffirvd, therrb alwaya kccplng i"ivII erly from jrour .l.,r. ttnc who !)¦ uke ¦ I I I U Jv.iilp' uf tbe (,.h1 Uni fur mtkiu I i I üKjocT that rr oflercl, geueraliy ic.iujiI ,..i'.lir, 'hile tbon wi.o d., Dol Improva eb I I'JI clikuowi rmalo Id povarty. Wc mul niot ¦ M mMMMm. mcu, woura. boya and glrli to work for ut rtf bt In ihi-ir own localitux. The bualneui will Mf uiore üo U's tliuM ordlDarr wage. We furuUh au rwn,ivr uulflt tud kil Uikt rou oea,'rree. Na ooe wbo fupi falla tu Diakt aiouaj vr; ra,kllj. You cao dtvilr vour wliole tioiM lo the wurk, ur uuly Tuur aare Btuoieuu. Fulllorormatloo aod all tbat La uclcd CUI flMt. AJdlr, Stixt Cu.. IV, tlauJ, Ukll IWTS


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