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Wilheluij to-night, at univeroity hall. Common council uieets next Monday Two sheets off our calendar tot 'til already! # Court convenes one week from tn-xt Tuesday. ________ The regents are to huid a meeting next Wednesday. _______ Jae. McElroy and Mary Downs, of Northfie!d, were married Tuesday. The subscription Hst of the Daily News ha been purchased by Will A. G rooms. Thcre is to be a meeting of the .ciety to niorrow, at the court house. Waterman & Monroe havesold out their milk hnrilOM toMrs. Ticknor, of Pittsfield. You must stop all your jollity now, for you know Ijcnt eommeneed lat Wednesday. ____-_._ Swathel, Kyer êt PMMMM expcot to gpentl hivU ?2,txK) in fixini? up their mili this spring. Aaron V. MoAlvay a former Anu Arbor Imy bas been tppointod oustom liouse ofiBcer for Mani.-tco. II' the hens don't wake up to business before long, the coming Eauter will be an eggs asperating one. ' -?-# - Detroit papers state that Miss Ida Bour, of Ann Arbor, ani ür. Daniel Li Ferte, of Detroit, were married last Mondaj'. ¦ ¦ Our mercbants say thal everything indicites a lively spring trade, and they are consequent ly iimkinir prcparation therefor. JoMpb Bowden, aced 60 ycars, for many years u resident of Anti Arbor, died at D. B. Jlrown's residence, of pneumonía, last Friday. _ Chief Johnson t-hut up the saloon on Ann street kept by " Niek " Bird, Saturday dood, because of informality in the bonds given. Don't fail to avail yourself of the opportunily wildij uiay never occur again, of hearing the great Wilhelnij, at university hall to night. The painters are at work improving the front of Cook's hotel. The ioside is also being thoroughly renovated, repainted, and improved we understand. A üerman named Rhufuss, of Scio, was waylaid and fearfully pounded, while on liis way home from this city last Tuesday night. Warrants are out. Jacob Vanderwarker, one of Ano Arbor's early settlers, and well known citizens, suffered a stroke of paralysis last Friday, and is still in a dangerous condition. Miss Charlotte Thompson was quite siek while in this city, having an uttuck o bilious colic. Oa wbich account the (roupe was detained here for aome hours. On VVednesday afternoon, by Rev. Dr. Hiiskell, Mr. Chas. F. Sweet, of this city, and Miss Mary Duff, of Chatham, Ontario, wore united in the bonds of matriinony. Our Irish citizens who compose the Ann Arbor land league are codeavoring to procure the services of some orator for St. l'atrick's Üay, Thureday, March 17th. The Dexter Leader is inclined to be facetious, and wants a society organized in that place called " the anti pokingyournoje-iato other people's-busioess-society. " A concert is to be giveo at the red rib bon hall in Dexter, this evening, by Messrs. Wilsey, Cletnents, Mallory and Magee, under the tuspices of the Dexter reform club. Ttic wife or the late Louis R. Huchoz, Mrs. Mary Ann Uuchoz, died at her home in this city, last Saturday, of apoplexy. She was C9 yers of age, and a native of I' ranee. The cali for the republican caucuses for this city will be found in its proper place at the head of the editorial column. They are called for Monday evening next, at seven o'clock. The Ann Arbor city baud boys went to Saline last Saturday night and gave a concert in union school hall. They had a good audience, and cleared about $10 by theenterprise. Major Frank Baird, of Ohio, is to speak at the opera house next Sunday afternoon and evening, before the reform club. Exchaoges speak very highly of hira wherever he has appeared. Rev. J. Alabaster is to deliver his lecture entitled, "The artist, Leonardo da Vinci," soon, under the auspices of the luission Sunday school. The date and place will be announced hereafter. k81 night the colorfd people had , rand mafquerade t.all at McMabon's hall. The Ypsilanti band (colored) furnished rausic, and this uiorning a iolly crowd of ooys wete making the grand rounds. By special ruquest theyoung people's society of the Unitaria church repeated their entertainment last night. Those attending c that it was one of the best amateur ontertaintnents in our city this season. TV iQere ls Utte ar(ce upQn ouf g page.enti.led What s expecteJ of ch_ , Jren every parent living in a city , wil Ido well to read. It is rather amusing, , but at the same time „ot in the least overurawn. i We fcel it our duty to iaform the girls tht ihero is fourteen different kinds of I poison ueednow in manufacturing vinegar. ! We do this for two reasons. Plump girls are going out of fashion, and we are an adtuirer of them. Itev. J. Alabaster, of the M. E. church, has peen putting in a full week ,iu the lecture field, lecturing at Kalaniazoo Mouday and Tuesday evenings, at Ionia Wedni-s day and Thursday eveuings, and at Wil lianmon to night. Oeo. Mos, the barber, met with a seri uu accident lul Saturday night. He slippcd and feil, breaking bis right limbat the hip. II is lef i limb being a withered one and of no use, the uooident is peculiarly unfortunate to him. An effort is being made, we uiidersland, to induce Kev. H. II. Steele to repeat his lecture given at the Presbyterian social a few evenings since, entitled : " What I saw in Irelaml," m that a larger audience uiay have the privilege of hearing it. There was souie lively sparring at the democratie county convention yesterJay, and the manner in which Crane and W hierna showed their spurs reminded one of a battle between a bantam and Cochin, with the odds in favor of the bantam. Coinplaints have been made against filtren of tbe saloon keepers of this city for violation of the liquor law in keeping open Sundays and holidays. Tlie cases are brought before Juslice Granger, the proseculing altoruey to do the prot-euuting. The wife of Arthur Berry (colored) died at the Fontiac asylutu last Sunday. Sha had been an inuiate ever since the asyluiu was ürst opened, having been sent from the poor Iiouse at that time. Berry lives at (reenville. The reniains wcre buried at Pontiac. Yellow is tobe a fashtonable color Uiln spring fnr everytüiog exopt irver - [Adriau Tiineb. Yes. even the eaclR-s will have lt.- Manchester Euterpri8e. According to the reports of the all portions of this county, there will be few peaches troubled that way or any other. The Chelsea Ilerald gives notice that "all obituarios aml marriage notices of five lines will be inserted free - over that amotint ten cents per line will be charged." Which, on the part of our Sylvan cootempnrary is a very wie conclusión, and an cxample worthy of emulation. We havo recoived a eopy of the proceudinus of the annual nm-ting of the executive commitlee of the Michigan state agricultural society, lield at Jackson, Jan. 10-14. It contains aside froni the regular proceediiiKH, tb Hst of offiueis, uoinuiitteoH, and executive superintendent. There Is a liog In Uhtu wlucli la i jran old. Tuis must beauclnt()reeov (Puck. There la a bottle uf spirit s In Keutucky t hut Is 174 years old. ThlH must be iimueni Klim. [Amerlcau Queen. Our neighbor has a cask uf wiue said to have been brought over by Christopher Columbas. This must be ancient Port you geese. (But it won't be long.) Iruproveinents are in progresa at the Gregory house which will bring the office on the tirst floor, and circular stairs froni the main cntrance will connect it with up-stairs. A ni.v. uiarble floor is to be luid in the nffioe, and other convenieneej added, whit-h the traveling public will appreciate. The tirst of a series of musical soirees fur the benefit of the ladies' library association will be given on Saturday evening, March 5th, at the residence of Dr. Runster, on División strect, beginuing at eight o'clock. The programrue will be wade up frotn the works of Bach ; and a paper upon the life of tuat composer will be read. The same old coal stories are told whic.h have been on the wing nearly all winter. Well, " UU Sol " is getting n his work on the atmosphere now, and aoother ton ought to run' one stove to pretty near warm weather. But it inay bother you to get that ton. We are to have an early spriog this year, I suppose jou anderstand. ? Look out for a good time coming, Frank Hangstcrfer havingconscnted togive one of his popular socials for the benefit of the Ann Arbor city band, at the opera house, on Wednesday evening, March ] 6tb. As he is eminently successful in this line, a tip top time may be anticipated. The band boys need soine encouragement, also. Rev. Win. Taylor, who is known tbroughout the world for his lubors in California, África, India, Australia, South America, and other parts of the word, will preach in the Methodist charch next Sunday rnorning and evening. He will lecture Monday at 7 1-2 p. m. , on África, India and South America. Admittince free, no collections. _ We asked tbc reason sotue time i-ince why the dictionary failed to give the word " unreuited," which is in common use. In speaking of a dictionary we referred to the one upon our table, Webster's. Since then we havo " looked it up" in Worcester, and find it given. It must be tbat Noah forgot it. There seems to be no other explanation. Don't see as the legislature proposes to do anything to rid the people of the unjust and onerous kerosene oil law. The Courier is not the only paper in the state that believes it to be an outrage upon our people, taxing them unnec ssarily. If the lawcan't be changed there should be some provisión for a more thorough and systetnatic enforcement of its provisión. ¦ The Chelsoa Herald has this to say respectinif our band boys who went up to that place reeently and gave an entertainment : "The Ann Arbor band gave a concert at Tuttle's hall last Saturday evening, to a fair house. The music was well rendered and was highly apprcciated by our citizens. The Chelsea band turned out and gave them a hearty welcome." Tho board of health are making a general survey of the city with re'erence to its sanitary condition. It is the design of the board to have all nuisances and conditions endangering public health, abated before warm weather. In this cooimendabla work they -li mil have the co-operation of every citizen. Subsequeut notice will be given of ordinauees rclaiing to public bealtb. Henry W. Hogers, for the past nine years a respected citizen of our city, died at his residence on Ki-i Huron street, last Wednesday'Jo'clock, aftera pro;racted illness and of a cotnplication of diseases, in the 75th year of his age. The icceaed was one of the wealthy and inluential men of our city, and hú loss will M deeply lamented by our citizens generlly. Day bcfure yesterday the elementssmilod, is also did consumurs of anthracite " diamonds," but yetterday morning, when the )ne who stepped out doors was saluted with huil stoncs similar to birdshot, hurled it him with fearful velocity by a nor'iMter, every hit stinging like the recoil of i rubber cord, bedidn'tsecm tosmilesomeay. At least it was a different sort of a imile ; oo the other corner of liis mouth. Last Fridty night the Daily News boys had the misfortune tn " pi " their form in front of thi office, just previous to going to press. Yesterday the Wanhtenaw Post met with the sanie minfortune. It is pcrhaps needless to add that printers are not fond of such pastry. In giving a number of reasons wliy Company A did nnt attend the inaugunition ceremonies at Washington, after the money had been raised, and many of the arrani:ements made, Capt. Matily, speaking of the failure of Gov. Jerome to secure aocoinmo datiuns, eaya: " If the governor could not be accooimodated, what chance would a military company have? The coramittee thought none at all, and so voted to stay at home?" The Wahtenaw Post had this couiplimeDtary notice of the I'alladiuro, ia it last issue. Tbose of our readers who cannot quite understand it must ask their Oerman ueighbors to translate it for them : ïcr „alabium," cin jaljviidjc-J 30UI" nat, mad)te feinc (frfdjeimutg für 1881 lejjte 2Bod)e unb ift unbebingt baS ídjüníte berartige baê luir bil jet ju feben M famen. &i tmirbe in bét „(loiiricr" Ci fice gebrueft mib iicrr Tabijon ban vcdit ftoíj au] feine Wrbeit fein. Mrs. Wui. Schlede, living one mile north of the city, in Ann Arbor town, died last NVednesday night, of congestión of the hrain. She was 4.r years oíd, and leaves a lainily cun.sisting of a husbanj and three cbildren. The deceased had lived in this city for a period of twentyone years, ano leaves a large circle of frieudsand relativos to mourn her death. The funeral servi ces wilt be held from Zion'.s Ludieran church, Sunday afterüoon, at half-pa.two o'tlock. There are people who think an edito ought to know everything, see evcrything be ready to teil all he knows wlienever you meet hiin, and give everybody "hailCo lumbia" except themaelves; hut you mus not remotely hint at them. He ought to give everything that comes along an iiu mense puiF, and then pay his way into th entertainment to write it up. In fact ho ougbt to be a Christian, a villian, a million aire, a dictionary, a cydopedia, a - but w lorbear. That's enough. Mareh carne in like a yuung menaparie That is, in a very lion-like way. He blw and )luatrre.d n a terrific port of way; 8 according to all precedents, froB Ctmn m uieiuorial, in twenty-four days Trom next Monday wc may expect to have th first installments of spring, balmy weging welcome spring. Let 'er come. We hav a house-fly ia our sanctum that has bee watching for her a long time, tod reall begins to look discouraged rad dbhearl ened, becausc of vain waiting. We have received acommunication without signature, claiming that lbo Cuurier did injustice to Justicc Clark in thearticle publi-hed last week respecting the sentencing of the boy Code. As there is nothing in the comtuuuieation sheddingfarlher ligljt on ihe subject, we decline entering into eontrjversy. While entertaining the highest respect and esteem for Justice Clark, we think it is possible for hiin to err in judg ment sometimes, the same as other mortals, and believe the aentencing of this boy a case in point, that's all. The rain which came down last sabbath and the night preceding made things somewhat damp on the streets. The ('rozen soil of course would not permit the earth to take up the said dainpness, and so every little hollow was filled to overflowing wiili water. The nouthern end of the busincs-s portion of Main i-treet, oppoite WtitbrechtV, Baumgartner's, etc, filled up, and the water run into the celia. The steain engine was brought out and used to good advantage in puuiping the water from the cellar, and slight damage was done. The Ann Arbor cotillion club have posters out for a grand prize masquerade and banquet entertainment, to be liel.'í- armory hall, on the evenuïtfó"fFiiday March-litk: - TtmcTúblá noted for its fine entertainment, and the preparations now making lead thcm to think that this one will eicel all previous ones. Gens. (Jarfiek and Hancock will both be represeuted, as will also be the full board of Palladium ed itors, and various other people. Hans von Brommelberger will have charge of the ma-queraders. Lang'a orchustra farauh the tiiusic. If you want sorne fun join the merry makers next Kriday evening. The Chicago ínter Ocoan has tliis very complimentary paragraph rcspecting our university : "the univer-ity of Michigan is now passing through the most prosperous year in its history. There are now in actual attendance at lectures and recitations given in the niany colleges of literature, law, und medicine, which make up theuniversity, 1,517 students, nearly 100 more than wcre here at a corresponding time last ycar. This is the largest nuniber of students yet reported by an educational institution in the United States. Accordingly the authoritiea of Michigan university claim that in point of numbers it is the greatest collegein the land." The Fowlerville Review of Feb. 21st, contain? the following notice of the death ol'Mrs. Dr. Mead of that place. The doctor resided in this city for some time, and has friends here who will regret to hear of his sad misfbrtune : Mr. Alma Mead, wlfe of Dr. Mead, of this place, dropped dead at theii' residence, od Miiturdny mornlng. The deceased beau1 1 f ïi 1 and occompllshed youug woman,a member ofthe UaptlNl vhurch and an ornament to the society In whlch she moved. Khe was not quite twenly yearaold and had ben marrled only about eíghteen months, durlng wtilcli time she had reslded In Ilus pluoe. Her siuldou death has cast a glooin over the entlre coin munlty. Heranilcled htisüand ha the symputhy of the entlre communlty In hls sudden iirreaveinent. The funeral servkt'H wra luid Ht thn renldence on Sunday afternoon, K-v. IliKlfn ofüVlatlng. Her reuiuliiN raretkkao U) Plymouth for Imrlal. Miss Thompson returns her sincere thanks to the stiiilL-nts for their knul Ijehuvlur last nlghl.- Daily News, March 1. We hope our people will notcondemn all thestudeots for the ungentlemanly conduct of the few who gatber in the galleries to insult actors and audiencc. Nor are the student alone. In that vast conglomera tion known as the " gallery gods" may be found a decided mixture of all ages and colors - but undoubtedly all birds of the same plumage - from the bootblack of cight and ten upwards, all seeming to bave one common end in view, that of making th bideous. We don' t mean by this to condenin all who find feats in the gallery, orily those need wear the coat who choose. It won't be lu ïnd to fit all. The entertainment last Monday night at the opera house, given by the Charlotte Thoinp.-on troupe, under the auspices of Uompany A., was au excellent one, and tho oinpany was grected with a full house. While the play tself may uot rank with Shakespearc's and a few other of the .stand ird dramatists, - it was very good - fully :qual to the average. The actors were svery one good ; not a poor one among them. In fat-t, taken as a whole, thecompany surpasses any that has appeared hcre [his wiuter, which we have Hu, and the -ounds of applause with which various cenes were greeted must have boon ying to them as it wan oomplimentary - ven tbe " gallery gods" being brought to iush - bichjfact speaks louder than any raise we can offer. Here is another DcideDt, briefly told by he Cedar Springs Clipper, which ia in itelf a convincing sermón in favor of those erriMe professional school", lor it was hrough one of thein that the good work was accomplished. And thin instancc is tily one of uiany : " Mrs. Jacob Van indt of Spencer township, about six years go lost her eyesight. A few months ago he went to Ann Arbor for treatment. Afier remaining there four weeks she regained the use of one eye and returned lome. Now juat for one moment think of he surprise as well as joy when themother of her children gazed upon grown up daughters. The sight of one eye was somebing worth living for. There is suni-hine n that faroily circle every day now." ?? One of the eventsof the season will be the concert at university hall to-uight, givenbv Herr Auiiust Wilhelnij, Cnnstantin Sternberg and Miss Letitia Louise Fritch, three great stars in the musical firmament, eacli being master in his or her special department. Everybody who reads knows more about Wilhelmj than our pen can teil in so brief a epace, while the Russian, Sternberg has created a furore wherever he has ap peared. Mis Fritch has been well recaived in the eastern and western cities, and the papers speak of her in tcrms of the greatest praise. Even her rivals say cood tilinga of her aceomiilUhuients, Miss Emina Thursby utattng that the has " a charming voice of excellent culture," and Li.sït : " a magnificent voice aud perfect method," wltile the St. Louis Herald says that to all of these she " adda a pretty face and a sweet disposition." Such a rare corabination, at such a resnonable admission fee is something unusual, and the student's lecture association ought to be encouraged for MOariag it. Night trains will run each way on ihe M. C. to accommodate those 111 Vpsilanti, Dexter orJChelsea, or along tbc line, who niay desire to attend. The entertainment given by the Northfield dramatic association,, at the opera house last Saturdsy night, was quite wel rendered for amateurs, and would have been niuch better rendered, had it not been for the couduct of tbe " gallery goda,1 who wcre out in full force that night. I is difficult for oíd playera to go forwarc ili anv degrce of success, when they are continually insulted by their audietice lluw uiucli more su must it be for ama teurs, but little accustomed to the stage ' It is quite astouialiintí that they continuec to the end au wi-ll a.s they did. These row dies who congrégate in the galleries to dis turb other people, deserve to be severely rebuked in some manner. They even wen so l'ir Saturday night as to pelt ladies anc gentlemen with peanuts, paper wads, etc. thus not only insulting the playera bu every lady and gentleman in the audience r But to return from the galierics to the stage ' The acting of Messrs. Purtell and Fenne was meritorious, fully equal to amateurs i t general, as was that of Katie Downs, also , and the support compared quite favorabl to that given by Liwrence Barrett or an; of the dramatic starsas they appear befor Ann Arbor audiences. These great star are always supported by actors who fora) such a gulf betwecn them and the leadin i parts, that the entire play isspoiled by tb . contrast.