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Au.] duw the laws have got sjre arun-i. The concert this evening will ba the fin est in the course. Of course no one will miss it. L uis B. Weaver, class of '84, having nvii ill fur somc little time, has guoe huuie to recruit up. The oracle boys are in the midst of busiiess, and are enthuaiastic over the forthconiiDg " Sir Oracle." 'J'he Alpha Nu society will huid a post oned meeting to-morrow night, carrying out the program booked for last Saturday night. There are to be no more Sunday af'ternooD lectures at uuiveraity hall, we uudertand, which very muny people will regret o hear. The wife of B. C. White, of Lapecr, class of '76, died on Thursday of last week, She was was a sister of Prof. Calvin Thomas, of the university. The Michigan Central and the Toledo k AnD Arbor 11. U's. have eacU agreed to take passenger at reduced rates to atlend the concert at university hall to-night. Thursday of thi.i week was the day set apart by the Christian churches as a day of prayer for the universities and colleges of our land, and was soobserved. Dr. Cocker spoke in university hall in the al'ternooo, respecting the observance of the day. The meuibers of Beta Theta Pi and their friends in this city were tendered a í-ecepti'in laat week, Wednesday eveoing, at the house of R. A. Beal. The evening was passed very pleasantly and after supper they enjoyed a sleigh ride about town. A lyceum has been organized by tl e senior pharniacy students, which they have named the Prescott senior lyceum. Oscar Texteo, of Sandusky, Ohio, has been chosen president - another Ohio man in oflice- and Chas. Parsons, of I Roy, New York, seeretary. At the third annuul banquet of the New Cngland association uf Michigan university umni, held at the Rovere liou-ie in Boson, on the 23d day of February, tliere was large attendance. The list of graduales esiding there disclose 269 ñames. Quite number of children for that section. At a recent meeting of the W. C. T. U. f the university, the following officerswere lected for the ensuing year, viz. : Presient, Mary E. Clark ; vioe-president, Anna 'nderhill ; secretary, Fanny P. Andrews ; reasurer, Mary S. Harding ; executive ommitte, A. S. Mitchell, M. M. Curtis. ïstelle Long, Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Hicks. The Chronicle board of editora had afine 'petup" at Hangsterfer's last Saturday night, and introduced tbe very sensible 'tatuie of entirely dispensing with wine upon tbe occasion. A most excellent precedent. We don't know but we are makngaslight breech of confidence, but a joke 80 good is hardly possible for an editor to keep. Ask. the boys if they have ever heard of Wilkie Collins' " Woman in White"? The aooual convention and meeting of the grand ehapter of the Phi Delta Phi society, which occurred at Hangsterfer's hall last Friday night, was a grand affair. After an addre.i by Judge Cooley and an elabórate supper, the fullowing toasts were responded to as designated : The Phi Delta Phi- Hon. George H. Hopkins, '71 ; Class of' sii- Richard Yates,'8l2 ; The Lawyer- Hon. C. I. Walker ; Booth Chapter- W. A. l'aulsen, '80 ; Our Alumni- J. D. Konan, '71 ; Kent Cbapter- Gid. S. Fuller, '81 ; Our Sister-in law- Hon. C. A. Kent ; The Newly Fledged Lawyer- F. P. Williams, '81 ; The Class of '81-G. M. Hitchcock, '81 ; Our Reuoions - K. M. liih, '79.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News