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A House With A History

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The liou-p where fJocfllD dicd, now nwned liy a Mr. 8chtde, :i tïiree-irtory lirick, with i hulil b:-.i-nient . Tlie bweint'iit i duw osed tn print a wcekly news paper, tnd tor the edilor's office. The room in whieh Mr. Lincoln (lied is the play-room for Mr. Schades childrcn. lt is ODtltered, excêpt ttial instead otonega11 tato at tlie lide wtlll the windcivr which lit up tlic couTitrn;i!iMce ol' the dyinj.' man. tliirc i huw h sniall clisndclicr l'rom the ptpet oorored eeiling, aml the room has been extended a few feet, n hs to includc a furuier mtv ani's room at tlio (ar end. In every material napeot i li' is the WM a when, ncarly sixtoi'n years aío, the great presiilent departed. lt eau b bought for aliout I20.UUU. 'J'hu floors are 'itill stout and hard, and the hutise would last a ccnlury or mort'. lt ha eiylit liedrooni-, Moiint ernoti the property of an a-sociatioii. Il is mggèted that this Iniiise nhoulil !¦ turned into a muneum ooniiuciDurative of the eventx ol' liis lito. Wil k es Hooth was at one timo a daily frequenter ui the room wlhTc l.ini'oln diid, then rented tiy John Matlhews, ihe actor, to wlioiu livith confidtd Ilis (inles-tion in Writing the dy ol'the -Ha8ination. lt is saiil, indeed, that üonth dept tlie night before the MMMDUinn in the room and on the satue bed on whieh his victini died


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News