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A Hun in ih. KupeHnlendont. ¦ ;¦ critios who cotii'iH'iit" ' t" nure. The tollowing j sentiment, fbuwl on a Runday-Hcl I hlaek! hnard, is fcURirestive that. MMBe MpcrintMdents need lo pul un the draken : Puta Mu. BtmuüTmn don't FiKk i.KF STorins erftY SuMDAT at Ul boy wiTh an AwFul Kxampul of a bAn Hoy in KACH oK ThoM. G1V Ü8 A HKST! I IT TO THK ;il?l ,J SI()W ! Nutritions Food. The oí' I 'roí'. JIorsford and t'ie lliioil mi ehcinical workn (ProvicJenoe, lí I l-.ave hocninc -o idcntifird with the man hwÍ sale OÍ phosiihoric cid am the piMMphitM, lh;tt (hoy are jimlv mii-i,) '¦rnl m thc hiífh.'-t autiiontien ín iln inuiKry, it nut in the worM, upon thnne artiule Tha Fomw (PrnC H I ha- nad the' suhject of wht-at aml ita Ooavemua iiito bread, a lif'e long íttudy, and v iln nrxt to sujgfent the use of the ph(pl)Atrrf as a oreara tart,T Mibstitute, whereby tht nutritious elemento whieh are takrn ir.u ih' flour ni boltinx are rentorud. The ir preparatioiM of the ali'ive finn have receired thr beartv i (uendatíonn of thc hihcit niedtnal aad cnenrícal authorilíei ín tlii nml other countrie.i, so that their and mili ty iré beyond (]IHMÍO. l'liey liare twen put upou tlie markct ti v;irioii forms, tho latrst, and uno whirh will undoubtedly prove tiia ibe most popuW, being "Prof norftford'i l'hosphoretlc Bakio Puwder," wliich í.m iiacked o tin cans iikc the ordinary bakinx powden and to he usnl n -mu! way. U U made trom I 'rol'. Ilir-Cird's Acid Phóaphate in pow.icrcd lorm. It BMtÜM thc mm iogredíenu, mixed togetber M tke Pamou Honford - Bread luily equal in Mrmcth iln..t iupérior, to any olthiMirdinary Hrt cU-s liakin.' powders, atui i sold M inahlc prn The works hato -i.--ued lor tlio pre ni vear, thcir Honford AIummmo and Cook t { k . ' ' whicli íh ncnt fice on application, and itill he fosad wcll wmth wndins tor. Phyaakai aMu Hopa wd Mali Ritters hh' idr baat. Amkiih an It.M.l.-Ul.CK ijuii-kly found ka wav inin mir laundncs. [i iaabsnlutoly pure-, liatnilrss, Mad impait ÜM HJOM l'oaulilul lmc (o llic WmIiiih Maucii Wisds!- The mi. Men shangea and hi.trli winls which pn-vail n Msrafa ni;ike h lioitlo of DqWM'S Hi.ixiii alwayr. ntw-ary to bare at baad. It is a ran con lor su'ldpn oolda tod all lun; diaeares. Hwiiu's Manhuakk BmnM will oure all Bilww Diaeawti. 8oid erarywhere il IS eanta per bottfe. Tty it. Th CM roiiK'.ly f. ir gtraina and alls nn horM-s 8 liisnv JntHmon's Árnica ANP Oll, lilMMKM (Jood fijr man and Bckot. lt Action is Surc anil IWe, The eelebrated remedy, Ktdoey-Wort. cm nuw ba iiliiuu'.l in tl ¦: u-imI dry vegeiable Hirm, or in liiuid liinn. It is mt in tlic lat Ier wav lor tli pspcíiial conveneoce of tlinsi: wlni caniKit rtadily jircpare t. It will luiinii very eonccntraicd and will act with cqual efEcienoy in itherqaae. He sim: and read the NKW advcrtiseinont l"i ntrticumra. - South West. Mnu Noiiicsi Work. Tli is ari ire of greftt works and wondfrful inventions. Steam, electrictty, water, air, all aie made lo serre man, but unuestiooablj the ;natet Dtentiom are those which pri'-i'ivc njan's health and proloog his lilo, anci amoim the greatoat of thehe is In. KiNii's Nkw Discovkry for Consumptioo. lts effect-i are truly wonderfiil and luindreds are happy tn-day, who once looked forwarJ lo an oarly jrrave. For Cooglu, Colds, BrooehitH Asthma, los, ot' rok, Hay Fover, Hoarsness, Croup, or any affüction whatcvcrot'the Ttiroat, Chest or liUtii, lit. Kino's Nkw Discovkry ill ptmtiotty ,n,.. We can cheerfully raoonimend it (o all, and Mn anhesitatingly say i( m llie (inly turt lor Throat and Jjuiik r}e;tion. 'l'rial boules ten cents; reular size, $1. Kor salo by Eberbach k 800, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1002-1034 THI MOX MALARIA ANI LIYEK I'.VI). A (urf furstomifh Oinordern. The iiroiniit action of the Lion Malaria and liiver pad and Body and Foot Piasters in chanfiin the osodition of the stomach and ciimctinff its irregularkies eaUblishm the fací that the cure of dineaseby alisorption is in perfect aeeord with the laws 1.] nature. Il'y.m have Indigestión, Conti pution, or any siomach disorder, try tbig remedy. The whole treatment for une dollar. For sale by all dlBgfüu. l.'isciicil F'roi lieath. Wüliani .1. ('ouMín, of Somèrrilte, Mas.., says ; " In the fall of IHTti 1 was taken with a violent bleeding of the luns, fbllowed by a severe eouh. I was so weak at one time as to be unable to leave my cd. In the summer of 1S77 I w:i ad milted to the nly hospital. While there he dcM-tors said f had a hole in my lefl ung H hiü as a half dollar. I was so f'ar roue at one lime (hat a report went aionnd hat 1 was di'ad. I save up hope, but a 'rifiid tuld me o! Dr. Vi Hai.i.'s Hai, sa.M roSIHI LdMOS. I tot bottli' wh.'ii to my surprise and matitication 1 OMB ncneed 10 rad heller, and to-day I teel in letter spirits than 1 have in the past three yeai s. 1 wrile this liopinj cvery one atHieted rith diseascd liunrs will Ite induccd to takc it. W.M. Hali.'s Uai,m bob iiikLi hos and be oonvinced that consumptiiui can lie ured." Sold iv DTiitrniwtj Molhors! Mothorsü Molliorsü! Are you dUturbed it iright :tini Inoken of your rest by a sick cliild sufferin' and eryini? with the cxcruciatiiif; pain of 0U( tinj; teeth? 11' no, w at nao and fret a bottle of'MRS. WIN8LOWS SOOTII[NG SÏRUI'. lt will relieve tlie pOOf litlle sufferer inimediatcly - depend upon it; there is no mistike al)out it. There is pot a iHOtlier on oarlli who has ever uscil it, who will not lell you at once tliat it will repúlate (he bowels, and i:ive reet to the imithiT, and relict' and hcakh to the child, op( -ratint; like magie. It u perfietly saté to Bte in all Ctaes, añd pleasant to llie la-te, and is the proscription of one of the oldest and best lemile physieiansand nurse.s in the United Siates. Sold everywhere. 'Si eents a bottje 1007-58 .. s, Kabi.k, Jnii., M. l'..l.. MM.v.irorsi J,)in, N. l: . rritn . I li.ive mi hesitation in statinjr tliat Fellows' Syrup of llypophnsphites rank l'oreinost aiiiiuiL'-t the remedies used in tlie treatment of lnuipieiit l'r,ihi,is, Chronie Urouehiti", and other affuotiom ol ihe ellcsi. MaiiM' News. Hup Bittere, wliich are advertisid in oor OoIntM, are BUM eure li.r tgae, n OWBeaa and Kidney eou)plainl. Tbow who us" ihem ay llu-v earinoi !¦ ton highly reconimetided. Thuse afflieted xhould give llicm a fair trial, and will h'eoiue therebv enthusiaxtio in the prafM of llieii eurative HUalitieH. - l'ortland A reu-, A ('o ii sli, Cold iir !Sore Tliroat nhould 1k i-ioppeil. Nejileci frequent); ie Milis in au liicii niilr Ijmg Düetlteof ('"ii tumption. Bbown'b Bkonohial ThochKs are ceriai in giet ninf m Attkma, liruncJittif ('iuli, i'ntitrili, ConMumptin mul Tli mul hlxmse. For thirty year t lic 'li-.M-hes have Ik en reeomniended liy phyicians and alwavs (ive portoet Mtisfacion. They are not new or untried hut having heen tested hy wide and ooutut une for nearly an entira eneraiion, they have altained well merited rank amonjrthe lew slaple remedies of the %ffi, 'ulili, Speaki rs and Singan use tliem to olear and tren;tlion the Voice. Sold at twenty-five cents a linx everywhere. 1ÜÓ7 58 Itiicklen's Árnica .Salvf. The Het Salve in the wnrld l'orf'iits, Bruises, 8ores, Ulsera, Salt Itheuin, Fe ver Sorec, 'letter, Chapped Hands, ChilblaiiM, ('orns and all kinds nt' Skin Eruplions. Tliis Salve is warranted to givc perfect atisfaction in every case or money refunded. l'rioe 25 cents per box. For ale by líberliaeh - Son, Ann Arbor. I002-1034 8500 REWARD ! K miII piiv thi' aliuve rtward lur auy caic ol Liver t'omplalot, Dyiln. Slck Hinrfachi-, Inditirruon, ('oiiHMi;iii(tii or 'oi-tlvoticBñ we CAUDut cure vrith Wcrt' Ijver Pillo, when the directloiii are Klrictïy coaipHcd Mith. 'I lu'y purely Vegetable, nd nóvérfall lofflveHtttfmctuni. Sugar Costed. Ijrjfi' Niiei", cin! .iniug .'ül Pllls, 5 For üle hy all drn.'Klit. ttowirt of couuterfuiti and ImltHtlon?. The ceuulne mHnufactured only by .JOHN C. WEST CO.. "The PUI Makeri," J81 188 W. Madlson St., Chicago. Free Irial packat-e rut by muil prepaid on reolot of a 3 cent atamp. Wíl 104


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News