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Our Baby

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I never couM see the use of bable. We have one at our house that belongs to tnother and she tliinks everything of it. I can't see anything wonderful about it. All it can do u lo cry and ull liair and kick. It hasu't balf the sense of uiy do, and it can't eyen chase a cat. Moihor and Sue wouldu't have a dog in ihe house, but they are always going on about the baby and saying " ain't it perfectly swcet !" The worst tbiog about a baby u that you're expccted to Uke care of hita, and then you pet scolded afterward. Folks say " Rete, Jimmy I just hold tbo bahv a minute, that's a good boy;" and tben aa soon as you have gol it they say, " 1 , ri 't do that 1 niy goodness itraoiouM.tlie boy will kill the child ! hold t up .straight, you gjod fornothing little wretch." It is pretty hard to do your best and then be scolded for it, but that is the way biyn are treated. Ferhaps after l'm dead folks will wL-h they had done diffcrently. Last Saturday mother and Sue went out to raake call., and told ine to stay home and take care of the baby. Thore ttu ¦ baseball match, but what did they care? They didn't want to go to it, and so it uiade no ditfercncc whetbor T went to it or not. Tlity said tbey would be gone ouly a little wliili!, and that if the baby waked up I was to pl.iy with it. and keep it from crying, and be sure you don't let it swallow any pirjs. Of course I had to do it. Tho baby was sound asleep when they vent out, so I left it jiixt lor a few minutes whilu I went .¦¦ . - n vutiv nns auy pie IU Lile panwy. If 1 was a woman I wouldn't be o dread ' fully BUBpicious u to keep everything locked up. When I got back up stairs gain, the baby .was awake aoJ was Iidwüiik like he was full of pin.-. Sj I gave him the first tfaÍDS that came liandy to keep hiiu quite. It happened to be a , bou le of rrench polish with a sponge in it on tbc end of a wire that Sue u.-es to black her shoes, beeause giils are too laïy to use a regular blaeking bruh . The baby Rtoppad erying as MM as l gave him tli( bottle and I sat down to read tlie Young IVople. The next time I looked at him he'd got out the sponge and about half lus face was jet black. This was a nice fix, for I knew that nothing could eet the black off his face, aod when mother catne home she would say the baby was spoiled and I had done it. Now I think an all-black baby i.s ever po mucli more stylish than an all white baby, and when I saw the baby was part black I made up roy luind that if I blacked it all over it would be wonh inore ihan it ever had been, and perhaps mothor would be ever so mueh pleaced. 9o l hurried np arul gave it a good ooat nt blaek. You should have seen how that baby shined ! The polish dried jut a soon as it was put on, and l btdjost time to get the baby dpmud again when mother and Suecauie in. I wouldn't lower Hrtelf to repcat their unkind luiiKuage. When you've been c-all.d a murdeiiug little villian and an unoatural son it will wrinkle in your ht-artfor ges. After what theysaid 10 me [ didn't even .seeui to uiind about fatlier, but went up stairs with him almo.-t u li l was going to church or KMMtkiag that wouldn't hurt uiuch. The baby is beautiful and hiny, though the doctor smv it will wear off in a few years. Nobody shows any gratitude for all the triiuble I tuok, and í ean t.-ll yon it isn't easy to blaek a baby without getiing it inlu hi cyes and hair J MB6tiae think tbat it is hardly worth while to live in this cold and unfeeling world. - " Jimuiey Hrown," in Hanwr's Young f'eople. If th nefispgper shouM eontain all tbe thing that all its readers want to print, il woold have to be larger than a barn door. If it should leave out all that each of its readers do not wish to read, it would be a blank paper. ,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News