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Short Term Prisoners

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bilí been Introducid y tenaiorLovell Oxlnc the loweal Umi n vtdofa anyonepan b genteneed lo the [onia booae ol r.,rr-tion. al ilz monthi. As the lw now ¦teada.Joatloaa ¦llover aeiid tersa BumbaTBofnUrly aemorallxed ofrenden tor .bort i.rmsoi . i .m.i ¦i i men ure of no enrthly vahie to inelnstltutlon, but are a conelanl eooreeorexDaoae Then the eoet oí tranaaxtrtaUoo :iverU,-s ov.t ISO per eonvlci II II proDOedtto Imve gort termolfeiideriaerveoiitfheCrtlmalnttia eoooty Jails. Thii wooW ba Bood tliin i r tha lUkteaDd theeheriffli II wonld Havo the skit.'.-i larga som annually and woaUl luoraaaa ,!,;. Domber ol border Ir. the ooantyJI. Tbeblll Isaaood oneandoughl UpaM. hmloMa HÈapaWToa. We may bc at fault opon tliis lucstion, but t is very oertain tlial just how tho peoplo of our state are boncfitcd by filling iil our county jails with u.-ixty and nincty days offender - iiicdinpn-lionsinn. In our county juils, M remarkcd in ¦ prrvious issue of the ÜODUm, Uw 'priUNMTI are supported in idleness. Thcy liavo recular mñh, smoke, play cards and lead the life which iborc all othen tkey deüe, and the dear people liave lo pay dearly fM il. while not a thing i- dono by tl'om to in the leut oompraamta for their keepinp. And because of thii fact tb Usopt eoamit inisdcmcanors pwpoMrj to ba si'titcncedto board and lodfic at the pWpU'l expense through tho kMg wraiy inontlis of winter. Kfk tBJ jwtioe of th 01 any sheriff at all familiar with i'riniinal Batten, if tliis is not the hot. If thisi.i the fact, and taW toboBM rf rorreotion at Ionia Mal built by the -tute for the benefit of bei people, theu said institution ouglit to .serve the pwrpOMI tor whicli it was built, as baat it an. And we claim tliat any bill with tbe provinioos as tated above, is not only wrong, but an injury to tbe people, and tihould uot pase. Tli'' fonia house of e:rrertion was built by the peoplu of UU sUK: IV r tile purpo-e of takinn cir' of ber criminal, and not as ;i Iwnniíl nvwtmrBl I' was built, as vi-.K udentood al Me time. Ir tbe very parpo of takiox earu of the minor criiiiin:iU nfnur -int'1 wlio worc Bol yt hardenod in erisne. Bu imw this very clasí are ti be lunu-il away frinii ler door". Why '.' e tin! in-itituiion doesn't py ! which may l: a very good answer, but to our mimi ¦ proity thin onc. W 1 1 1 t iy the penp'e el' tbc state any lictlcr to support thousands of tkflM criminn- in tlii'ir iwiinty .iaiU in idlcncss ' The pcoplo Ikivc to p;iy tlic hills anyway, and when thosc orintuali aro tille thcy are surc to be conenctinf? schemes lo ply their voeation to better advaniage to tlieiusclvep, and consequent ly to thearcater injuryuf thc peoplc. Woulil ii not lio better to llave theni at hard lator, carnitig somelhing? l'ntil our uountyjail are supplicd with stone yards or other means of' etuployment, to make these offenders earn the bread which tliey eat, it s our opinión that the Ionia bOQM "I cnircclion M ju-t tbe pltoe for thetn. Let i lie emuitios froui wliicli thcy come pay the rost of transportaron, il' neoessary. That would be better than to keep the lazy vaabonil- and villains at the expense ot poor poiiple who have to earn their own daily liread bjp the swcat of iheir brows.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News