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President Garfield's Inaugural

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ii.i i0 i 1 1 ii Wc Hand todayupoti .¦in ciiuMrucc Ii'kIi pveriooka :i bunured vean ut natlona] lile, h century crowded wlth perils, Imi crowned writh the triunapha of llberty and law. Before continnlug the dinviiril marcb let ua ptUw i 1 1 1 i - lieiphi lor a moment, to strengtben our faith rixI renew our hope by :i gtence ;ii ili' pith way iiloni; whieh our people have traveled. li b non time daya more tlnin ¦ bundred yeara rince the adoiilion of the Bral written conatittition of the United Staten, the "artidea of confederarton, and perpetual unión.'' The mcw republic raa then BBSl I II II DW.Mt'lN KVHIIÏ MAM), and had not oeoquereil ¦ place in Uie hniiIv of iiaiioii. The dociaive battleof the irar tor Independen, wfaote centeoBial anniveraary will won be gratefully eelebrated at Yorktown, had nol yet io-n fought. The colontota wcre irngyline nut onlj :i i:i ï ii-t the arm les i Oreal BiTtaiu, bul , i lz : i i n t the settloi) opinton of mankind, (br 1 1 iT' worlil (lid ii"t liclicM' the miprenic autbority of govsrnoieni oouid igafely entniiteu to the Koardlaaabip oí the people thenjBelve. e canitot ovncsiiniütc the icrvciit lovc of liberty, tho Intelligent courage inri .'ivinj; eonnnon Knse wit li wbicli our forefathen made the great experiment of ielf-jpjTerBmeiit Wlicn they toiind, aftef ¦ horl time, tiiai ilic eonfaderacj ol itatea dm loo weak lo meet the necewitiet ol tbe rlgproua and expamllnc republic, Uiey bouilj iel ii aaide nd In tía iteaO i-i M-.ii-iii n KATIOüAL i:nmn. foaded dlrectly apon the ill of the people, endowed with futnie power of elfprocrvHtioii, asd with anipie othorHy ot i acoompIMimeat i iti mat Ueota. LTndei conrtltntiou the Denudarla ol freedom hare been enlarged, the foundation of order and peace liave hv strengthciicd. and the growtli In all the better elementa "i natfon! Hfe haa vlndlcated tho wisdom of fonadera, and Inven new hope lo tkelr ilesceiidauts. ITiider thls conslitution onr people ln nj;n made Ihemselvea aale jtainot danger trom wiihcmii, and lecured for Uieir marinera nul tla' equallty 6f ïijilits on all wetá, LTnder tliU oonaUUitlon 83 States have been added to the l uk, with eonstittition anl lawa framed ad enforoed by thelr on cltizcna to teoure the manifold bleasioga "t local aeU-goTernment The jimmlio tion of tlis conatitutlon now covers an nei M times greater Umn of tl' 18 lUlM, nul a popolaüon M times greatei than Uial ol ITOO i ui MTKtMi: lltl.M, (IK TUK COMTITCIK i.N mine it last under tremendoua preainre of -vil war Wc oursclvcs are wit- tbat tbe Union emerged trom tbe blood .'ind tire Of tlüit OOttflict puritii.'il and made stronger fr tbe bemetloient pnrpoaea (, "(hwI irovcrnineiit: ind now. at the CloM ot eentury ol Rrowtk, itli tbc inspiraUow of hhtory In tliir beartt, om peo pie iiavc laiely rerlewed the oondiUon of the natlon, paaiaed uds;nient itpon theconducl and oplnlona of poHtlcal parties, and hae registered thelr will concerning the future admlBtotratiw (l tlie gorernment To Interpret and to exeoate thal ill. In aeoordaaoe witb kba oonatitutktn, is tbe panmount iluty of the eaecative. ROHR QDÏ8TIO1CS wnKII ARE SKTTI-EI. l.Mii froiil lirief review it is manlle-t thal the nation resolutely forging to the front, reaolrod lo employ lts testenerii Aeveloping tbe jreat powibillüe of lhE future, acredly pretecrlng whaterer haa been ralned to liberty and good government durlnR the eentury. Our people are .letenuincil to h-ave U-liind them all tin-e bitter eontroveisioeoiirer in n jr Inlog u hieh have been il rcvocably aettled, fur (her dlacowlon of which eau onlv slir np .t rl Co -m,t ,lrlav the ouw.inl iiüireh. HIK M PBWACI OF HIK natiun inl lu law slioulil be oo longer a ubjccl „t debate. That dlacuwton, woicn lor hall arentury threatened tlie extatenc of the natfotl waxloscd :it list in tlic high COUII of war ly a decrce from whlch thcre is no appeal Öiat the eonatltiition and lawi made in pursuance tbereol arn and ihall eontinue to be tlic -upicmc laa of Ilic land. bindini alike upon Um aUteand ilic peopie Tliia decne iloea Dot dteturb th niitouiony "i the itatcis nor laterfere Ui ¦uiv oí their Deoewary nilei tK looi elfeovemment; imt it doei fix andestabllrt The Nipromacy oí tbe unión. Thta will of the nnlou, apeakinff the voke of battte tlirmigh theamended consututlon haa fulfllled .,.„ mi: i,Ki:. t PBOKMB OV 177 i,v nroclAlminff " lüx-riy througWort the land to all the FnhabitanU Uiefeof. The clcvalliHi ol tlic wegtO laci: flWll ilaver to tbefull rlghu t ciiihip ia the nio-t important politica] obaiige we known slnee the :.lti'i of the congtitution ol 1787. No ihoughtful man can lUil to appreoiate benencleul effect upon our Inmtutiona aiid people. lt lias KKKEI D8 i itoM i'l.i; Al. DAKOEB of war and dtoeiaUon. K ha a.l.lid Iramensely to the moral m industrial forcea oi ,.ur peopie. li haa liberated tbe maattr M well the "lave trom a relat wliicli wronjted and enfeebled bolh. H lias snrrended to t luir own suardiaiiíhip the man hood "t more Lhuti live iiiillioiia i people, and lias opened to cacli one of Iheni a ca roei ol freedom and uaeiulneiB. H um givcn ii'v inspiralion to the power M iMIFielp In both racei hy MAK1M. I IBO8 KOBB ll"N"lvr-I,K toeee and tnore aerciMry to Um ether lh' Inflaence of thto bree will grow graat ir and bamr rtcher froK with coaaiugyean No doubt tliis greal obanfe bMCaaMd wrj (ma diatorbance u our oB.bern oommuni tv. This is to dcplojed, though lt was unavoidable ; but tlioee who resistetl tlic chai)he bouw remeinber that iindcr 00 Instltiitlons therc was no middln jrronml lor the negro race between tlavery and cqual cftizenshlp. Therc can be v FSBKASENl ii-r: vNc-iii-j n i'KASumt in tho "t ti i r lom eau neTer yield ts f nllnevsof bkssingf as long is law or ils administmtiou i stacle ín the pathwav of h' citizen. The cmancipiUeil ra' ha made remarkable progresa. Witli nnqncstionin devotion t the union, witfc pa-' tiencc and gentlcness notjkorn c t l'ear, tliey have "followed the üjfbtnOod avethi-m to sec the light." They are mpltilv l.iytnc material foundation ol telfaiipport wklening tbeir circle of Intellljrence .and liefinnintr to enjoyjthe bleninn thal gatbc-r aniimil the liomeaof tbe Inuuitrioiu poor They rKSBBTI rill BBÜBMOCt BXCOORAOBMKM- of all KOMl iimii. Su lar as iny anllioiiiy can lawtuiiv fxtciiil. tliey ihallenjoy fiifl umi i'qual protectlon "I Um eonatlttitlon and tbc law. The tire ciijuyincnl "I equal luffraga is üll in queatlon, aml Ibc frank statement of the Imm may a4d its Int kon. It s alli'iioil that in iimnv communlties n'1jrro citisena are practloafly deuled the free(idin of thf balloC In n Bar as the truth f rliis altoRstkHi is admitted it is auawered that la iiiany places honeat liH-al rovornincnt is Imposiible if the ma- oi uneducHted neg me are allowed to vote. Th - grave altoffattoni. 8o far as the latter ís truc it is Um only palllatlon thal can bft1 fered for ojposin f rcedom of tlie ballot. Had local jrovemmenl is certalnly jtrent evil. hich oii'ht lo be preveoteü, hut to viólale the ficedom and sanclity Of th sul leíale is more tlian anrvil. Il II I crime, which If peisistcd n 11 deatroy ilic goern rft ilself. suicide is nol i rcincdv. It in other I be hi-li traMOO 10 conipan the death of tbe king, ' iheWI ie COIllllcil ben to stranglc mn' PwyereJgti power, and ¦tlfle voice. It has l,ccn HM that nntcttlcd qneattoM hTe no pto (br the repoee ot naiions. Ii thould be said wlth Ilie Otl I thal Hlis .ll.sioTI Of guflrage rill nevcr tfvt Eepoae or saidy lo slalcs or to nalions uu t il each withiii its own jiirisdiclioii makes and keepi the Irillot free and ure bjf the -Iron-anclion of hiw. tuk natu. ar kívu r SI i i i: m i Bol the iliincr wiiidi ariw i'i'11" Igiroranir in Ilif mier laniinl be tleiiied. II coren a Meld far der tliau 1 1 1 ; 1 1. of nccro Rtiffragp, Mini the pii-ctii coodltioti ot tlmi nwe. It Is a daasjer that lurks and bidé in iiic marees and (buntainsof power in erery Mate, WVliau mi standard by vrhlcli to measnre the disaster may bebroughl upoii ua by Ignóranos and rke in citUens wiien joincd to corrnption and fraud in iuffraye. The roten of tbe Union, who mak and anmake oontfltntlons, and upoii n tiose will bang the destlnles ol onr gorernment, eau tranatnH tiielr siipreme aiitlmrity tono roecKMOf ave the coming generauón "t roten, wlio are se. Ie licira of sovereigii power. II' that euiieraöon bornea to IIm iBherltance blindcd by Ijtnoranee and corrupled by vc ilio fall "i Ac repiiblic II se ciiaiii and reiuetiilea ¦i'i ..i.u-.,iv soii.iiilcd ilic alarm u aOpalUnx Bguri, wEldi liow ilaiigcrously liiiili Ihe tldeol Illlteracy luw arisen among our roten and tlielr clül dien. TUK SI I'llEMK IMI-iiüt M 1 .'I EDUCATJOB 'l'n the xiiiili ilic ((iicsiion is of Bopreme Importaaoe. Bat tke reaypiibility for tba existenoB of davery li ) ooi res opon i litoutll alone. The nalinn iUolf ii responsiiiic tbe extenaion ofguffrage, and t under snecial oblinüons to ala In remov[nu tlic hliteracy wlilcii t u added to the roting popuiation. For north and south allke tht-rcis tmtoneretnpdy. Allilicconttitntional power ot the nalkm and of the state-, iind all llie vnlnutrcr -forocs Of the people ihonM De sumnioDed to meet the daager by UM wiviug iniluence of nnlverMl ediiealion. Il h Hio liiyli privilege and Mered dmv of Umc now llrtng to Bdueate tlioir Mieceaaora, and til tliein by intcllieiiee and virtue fbf tl 16 inlierilanee wliieli tliein. In tilia heiielicieiit OCkaeC ttona and races rbould le forgolteor, and larttaanship shoulH be unknown. Let our people tind i new meaains in the divine orarle wliieh declarea thal a I Ule cblld sIimII leiid tlicm." for our llttle clrtldren will motí control tbe deathiiet of the rcpubllc. H l'l'l. M. I OH 1 NM'V i-ouiitivnien, re lio not now (Ulier in i ni i udgnient coneeruinK the oonlro veralca ut [ia-i generatiom; and 50 year henee our cuildreii will not be dtviued in tlieir opinions concernios our controyenieB. 'l'lii'V will surely liless their lathers añil thelr fathen' Oód that the unión ras preserved. lliat slaverv was overtlirown, imd (hat huili raoei rere made equal before the law We i may basten or we niay retard, imt re canso) prevent the final reooneHIalion. Il is not possilile for us now to niaUe a lince witli time liy aiitieipatin aceepUos lts InevitaUe verdict. Knterpriacs oí the higliest im)ortance to onr moral and material wcll-lieinj: invite us and otler an ampie m-ok; for tlie employiiient ofour U'st powers. Let all onr peo pie. leaving beliind them the battle Belds ot ' dead Issues, mort torwanl in i lie ttrength of liberty and restore the anión togranuer victories ot pcace. NATIoNAI rnosl-KKin. , The roeperitj wliich dow prevallï i wUboul a parallel in ourhtetory. Fruitful -(¦asons have done much t tecure ii, but lliey Iimvc nut done 11. The preservatlon i.f tlic public eredll .-nd tlic resumptlon of i specie payments. ¦-'! nKceaafullj attained by the administration of niy predeeeaBOI, liavc eoiibledjour peopieto secure Ui' bleu w li it 1 l the wmi liroulit. FINANCIA!. DM7B8. By tlio cxpcricncc of commercial natlons of all iics it nu boen fonnd that gold and silvcr afford the only safe foundation tor a ïnonetary systcm. Gonmlon hasrccentlv been ereated by rarlatkn in the relativo ralue of tlic two meta). I ui I eonfldently bclieve tliat migtMita eau lic made I' twicn the leadme commercial natiCTM wliich wil] secure tlif general use of both gold and silver. ConfCTeat ihouW provide tliat ilie compuUory coinagepf silver, now required by law, may not dtatnrb our nionetary systeai by drlvina eitber metal out of circulation. lf possihle klieb ailjustiiicii t shmild be made tliat the purebasing power of the coiiied dollar will be exactty enual to iis debt-payfng power in all tlie markets of the worhl. Tlic ehief duty of tlio ttatlonal gOTBTIlment, in eonneetion with the eurreney of the country, i tocoin and declare its valwe. QraV doubts have been ontertaincd whether etHIgrm is niithoi ized by the ton¦titutloi] to makc any f orín of paper inoiiey legal lender, The wortb of the preaeul lame of United States oeifi lias been sustaincd. Sneh paper shonld ilepend for its ralue and eurreney upon lUconvenience in Bas and It8 prompt redemption in eoin at the will of the holder, and not npou its eompulsory clrcnlation. These notes are not monpy. bnt U) pa.v nionev. !f the holden ileuiand it. the promise should be kept. The refUBdlng of tfae nalional deW al b OWer rute of interest shonhl be aeroinpli-h¦d withont oampeHtng Ihe witbdniwal of he nnlioiial bank notes and thusdistitrMne; be business of the eountry. i rentare to raftr to the posltion I have eupii'd on tilt' linaneial ({Uestion during ny long serviei' in congreaa, and to -ay that itne and cNpcricnec have stren.itheued In' opinions I have s often ezpnated on hese subject-. The linaiices of the govirument thall snilcr no dettimenl whlcu it nay bc possible Ibr my adminlrtratton to irevent. .. UICOI.IIUK M M M 1 Al TIH1ÍS. The intere-ls ot ai -culture deerve more attention froni the overnment than they have rel recelved. The Eanai of the l'niled Slate allord homes and cinployinent lor inore thau onehalt our peopfe, and furnisli inueh the larcst pait 01 all our exporta. A.I the goverrtment lihts our eouti tor tbc protection oí' marinera and the U-nelit of commerce, 90 it ghoilld nivelo tbc Hilera Ol the soil the .'I practical scicucc and cNMTeiiee. Onr manufacturera are rapidly making us indii-trially indepent and are opening U) e.ipital and labor new and protitablc liclds ofeinplovment. This sleady and bealthy growUl should slill be inaintained. c iiMMKIÜ I). Our fadlitk for (raiisportation should be prompted for the Improvemont at our barliors and the Ljlcal interior water ways, and by the inercase ofour tonnai' on the iH-ean. TUK IMEK-lll KAMI ( AN U The dcvclopnient ot tbc wurlds cotnmeree bas led to au urgent demand tor ehortenhig the jrwat m wage around Cape Hom by oonatruethig solp canal or acroaa t istbnius wliich imites the two coiitincnts. VariOM plans to this end have been siijcNled and will need eonsidcration, but none of them have been sullieiently maturcd to warrant tbc United Stutea in extendin' pceuniary aid. The subject is cine wliich will inimediately cngafre the attention of the jovernuient witli a view to thorough protection to American intereaU fft will urge no narrow policy, nor spek ponittnr nr orrltiivc prMIrji my commercial route, bnt la Ihe !- . gitagc of my prcilecessors, I bel leve it t" bc , "the rilil uim! dtity of the United sute, it and nuiintain sucli superYWon . :uii aiithority over any intr-ocp:iiiic canal KM the il I: mus tliat eonnects Noith , ind South Amerien :is will protect our iiüi tiollHl 1 THE MOltMOK UMQUÏTÏ Mr-T II WIPKD i OUT. ! coostitmion abaolnte ' lij_'ii)ii frcelcin. Uopgretw is proliibitol Ironi cnacling :my l;iv respectjijfthe esUiblUliiiU'iit of peliglou, r prohibfliug tlM' Iree rxcrrtao llieroit'. The Ion lnri. il tiio l'nlteil State are Mibjeel l" lliedirecl legMKtivc Btitborit) oí eoiijtretu, nul hrncc llie general governmwrt tl roponsiblc i"i juiy violallon "t ilic oonstitotioH in mj "i thi'm. Il hl llicii'loif rcproiicli I" tb riiiiKiir ilmt, n the most populou-f terrUorlei, tb eonitituüoii m r guárante, Is uní c-njoci by the peopte, nml tbe aotlionty ol ooofcreu iel al naught. The Mornioii clmrcli nol onljr offendi Ibe moral sengeol iiKinkiiidjliy nnctloning pdlyttaBf) hut prrvenU the amlnUtraUon "t jntüce llnougli tlic nnllnary instrumeiUfclUle of law. In my luljtmeiit ii Is Üie duty cp congres, wliili respocting to the attermosl the convicuoni aml rengioiis -rrupli-s ofcvi-ry citizen, to prohlWt, within iiii-dictioii, all criminal prai-fn -c-, . ..ic( i.iiiy ol'thai claat hich áeároy fiuailv reïauona umi Midunwr wctol "nier. por can anv c-cclesiastical organlzatlon be -:,!,] pcimi'ttril É) IMUIf in Ill' -inallr-t Uerec the finictlons and powera of tlic natlonal (tovernmcBt. ( ivii, van i' ¦ Ki "hmriir civil KrrioecMi nerer be ptawd in ¦ -aiUt:i'-t"i.v bash iiniil it is regnlated by l:iu for tlic l' I "f the service it-cll', liir ilic protectioB of ihoMwfao are lotrutted xvith tlic appollltlnjf power :i)fiiiiisl tlic waste Ol time ainl oh-tinction tO puhlic ini-iiicNV cauaeü by InonÜMte ii place, and i"i the prwWotion oj the incum agalnat ntriiio and wrong, i iian, al tlic proper linie, 'isk congres, to M tlic tonure ol the minor offleei of the -cv.ral cxeciitive departments, and prescribe the grounda npoii whlch remováis -hall be made during the terms tot whlcli tacwmlienta liavc been sppolnted. ( i I V I I ! S I ( I V Kiiiallv. acting aluays wiiliin autborlty and limltations of the constltution, iuvadïng nelther tbe rlglita of state nor the rescrvi-,1 rirl 1 1 -- of the people, it will bethe ptirpose or my ndmlnfstnrtJon to matntaln the autliority, and. In uil places wítliln IU jurisriiclion, to en f e ree obedleoee to all Uwi 't ihe unlon in the Intwesttof tbe people in dcinaiid rigW eooamnjr n Hm expaiuliturasol the ftovernnet, mul to reHiiv h.uiol ainl IhUIiIiiI service (rf all ex eculive offloert. wmemberlnj! Hiat offices vrert created nol for the heneiii of the -ncumbenti ot Üwlr wupporera, bul (bf the seivicrs of tbe gOTeormeDt And tWW, feliu citizeas, [ainaboul touraethegre( truel you have comDiltted to iny liands, 1 appcal to you lor thal earnet and tlioiightInl support which inakes tliis govcniinent in laei. as ii is in la, a goveniment of tbe pe,i..-. 1 hall grfeetly rcly upon tbe widivni nnd patrtetism of congreaa, and f those wlin nmv -liare wilh me tfce responsiliililii- and autie al the adminNtnUion, and HiKWe all, unoa "ur to proniote tlie welfare oi lilis reat people and tlieir goverument, I reverentij inrokc the snpiori nnd blessiogs of JLlmighty Oo4.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News