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W'lien you feil a cnugh or bronchial affection erce;iing on the lungf, take Ayer's Cheiry lVcti ral, and cure it before it become incurable. IhrimiKiUA. - Asure preventative. We spüalt of Punk's Catuphorated Árnica, the (re;it Household KemcJy. 1029-4? Agdits and ('anvassers Make trom $'2.j to $50 per week 9elling goods for E. C 1ÍIDEOÜT& Co., 10 Barclay street, New '.York. Send for their catalogue and terms. 1000 1052. and Ability. Hop Bitter-i HO fteely adyertised in all the ptfpWB, secular and religious, are havintf a luw salo, and are supplanting all other medicines. 'I 'here ír do denying tjie virluea of the hop plant, and the proprie tors of these Biiters havo shown great slirewdncss and ability in oompounding a Bitten, wboM virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. - Kxaminer and Chronicle. The Oreaiest Itemedy Known. De. Kino's New DiacovntT for Consumption in ccrtainly the greatest medical reoiedy ever placed within the reach of' suffi'ring hmnanity. Thousands of once hopelcss sufleriTs, now loudly proclaim their prais! tor this wondorful discovery to whicli iluv uwe their live. Not only does it iKsiliiili ri(i' Consumption, but ('oui;li. ('olds, Aslhina, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and all affeetions of the Throat, ('host and Lungs yield at once to tl wooderfal iiiralive powers as if by magie. We do not ask you to buy a large boltle uut il you know v?hat you are getting. We thcnliirc earnttth nqnixt you to cali on your druggist, Eterbach it Son, and get .a trial bottle for ten cont which will conviiu'i' the most, of its wonderful nerita, and show pon wlmt a regular one ('ollar mi bottle wiil do. For sale by Kberbacli & Son, Ann Aiior, Mich. pARM POB SALB. Th" aadonlCMd for sale a frm of ÜOO KKN tbal liR" com Into hix hand by aí8Í;Dnient, iiandwmc]y i-itustert in the townehlp or AnL'U'ta. WA mili-s xotu II of Yp'ilami, on the Kust Mmiroe mul, and wiihlti about a raile of a ntation 011 Detroit. ItntliT A 8'. Lonif K. H. Tbere Is 11 Ilicly-coiiducted cheiwe factory upon tbe oponlto ida ol Ilie biphway anrt a b'khI Kieara saw mili, hl 11 komi tli ina Hgnn-repalr hop, two torcí' and p,..t-iifflie iiliin hmn l roda of tbc dwellliii bonte. Saiil farm ':1 alaied for i;raln or ijra-i, BM OTf W acres "f improvcmciits, an ahundauce 01 paKiurlnic "d plinty of jood timber, Ion a i;mm1 orchard of rhoi.e Irnll, M (OmforMl'le bliildiDKB. Will teil tlie or .;" pur acre. 102648 I WB11STBK ( 11I1.DS, Ypsilanti, Mich. Ksiair of .laníos McCreery QTATK(JFMI(liKiAN,ountyofWahtenaw,íe. Al a inrinr f the I'rohate Conrt for the County of Warhiemiw hold.n .it thc Prohtle Office, Ir th clty of Ann Artior, on Tiiesday, the rut day of Mjrch, 111 the year oue thoiinnd ilu-lit hundred and 11-diyiMi. . frusuut, Willtam D. Harriman, Judge of I'rol'n ihe matter of the ostatc f Jamus McCrccry, deCMMd 'n reailiiiK and flllng thc petition, dnly rerifled.ol Willlaa McOreory, raytni{ that hc my lic hcensed to teil the nal cítate whereof aid deCMtad dled leliod, for dietributionand tu pay debti ""Tbcmnn" it Is ordcred, that Tucsdav, the iltth dT of March, inntant, at ten o cloele in the foreucH)n, bc amiKued for tlic hcariiig oí sid yetition, and that the heirs at law of eaid fleceaeed, and all othcr ïnten-i-ted in said enUtc, are rei.Mire.l to iippear at a sei-cion ol aid conrt. theu to h. holden at the l'rolate ufflee, in tbc city ol Aun Arhor, and liow canw, if any tbere bc, why tbc oravcr ol the petitioner Bhonld not bc granted. And it is tnrther attent, that aid peiltioner jplvc notlce to tbe peifons iutereeted lu iald éstate, ol tin pendencv ot said petttlon. and tbe hearing there)f. KV cansiti" a copy of this order to be publlshed ir the Ann Arbur Vouritr, a newspaper prlnted and rircnlatinii in aid couuty, threc succeselve weeki . revioBi to aid day of hearing. (A trae copy.) WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN. Judgeof Irobate. Wil. ¦. IX'TY, I'folmte HeiflftiT. IUOM


Ann Arbor Courier
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