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Have you HH the Oracle? The lady students are said (o be indig nant over " The Cata." What iur '! The Chronicle board's finaricial report is better than ever before at a cnrresponding ilati'. T. ,J. Sullivan, M. I)., class of '80, has been appointcd an assistant in the medical department. Mi.-s Kate Triruble, the female junior law, lol'c lor her hoim in ('avington, Ky., last Tuesdty. l'rof.'W. 11 PettM fU i-alVd to Bosten Saturday, because of the death of his ruother. He s expected bMk to-day ur to-morrow. The Alpha Nu literary society have public exercises in tlieir huil tl) is cvening, at eight o'cloek. Tbfl Mltfeet for the evening ÍS OliVlT (olllstllith. The third volume of ProfeMOT Tyler's "History of Amerieau Literatura' will be issued licloic tlie close of theyear, and will be dovoted to Americau literature during the revolution. Sir Oracle! Ho's come. I lavo you sccn him? A right merry chap is he. The boys have a ueat publication, brim full of fun. If you have not already obtained one, don1 1 fail to do po before ihc limited supply is gone. lt is understood that Henry W'ard Ueecher has canceled all engagement ; also that the " Spanish student and Kate Thayer conipany" has disbanded. So aeitber oan greet Aon Arl.or andiences thia MMon. l'rof. M. ('. Tyler is to deliver iu Maroh, before the tjowetl iantitnln ol Bostoo, a oourse ol' leetaraaon "Traite of Americio literatura durini' tbc revulution . " The leetures will will t-ivo BpMMl atti'niion to pamphlrttvr.s, song writers, and satirisU, John Ij. Irwin, formerly assistant in the eheuiioal laboratory, recently delivered an address before the Ohio mechaüic'sinstitute upoD the "l'roximate analysis of plants and crude drugs." He has been engaged as chemist by a Cincinnati manufacturing house. The Jeffersonian society has made the folio wing selection of officers for the ensuing year : President, H. J. Fletcher ; recording secretary, D. E. Roberts ; correspondingsecretary, Austin Mires ; treasurer, A. O. Blackweil ; marshal, Singleton Bell ; s?nior critic, J. Y. VVilson. A law .student, named Alexander Ham ilton, Jr., who boarded on South Ingalls i-treet, died last Saturday morning, of in fiaturuation of the bowels. Hewasabout 19 years old and his home was in Corpus Christi, Texas. 1 1 is body was taken to Hamilton, ( totaiio, Canada, for inten-atefit, where his grand parents reside. The concert at university hall last Friday night would have been pronounced very fine indeed, had not Ann Arbor people been greetedwithseveral, fully equal, if nol nperior, during the season. ' The Listemann concert preceding it was considered by those attendÍDg far .superior. Many expretaed disappointment at tho sjiiritless playingof Wilhelmj, and Mita Fritchdidn't pleasc vrry well. Sternberg was " lightning" on a piano though, and carried out lus of the program to the eotire satisfaction of the audience. Of course you intend takini: in Ilemenyi nest Wednosday evening. Geo. ]'. (JptOO says this of him n the Chicago Tribune : Be is the peer of any living player we tara haanl. llcwww criticlsm aud everysDit .il obJectloD awuy. llis technUiue is siraply lioundliss miil (uai to any emernency. il is ¦lmply cliclrifying.straBgely fasclnatlng. and - in ai. si u us was that of Rublnsteln a oompiinl wlth Von Bulovv. His bowlng is otten 60centrlc, and there Is a grotsiuerie ut times in bilwOTR that closely approache the sensalloual, Liut there isnoopportunlty tocrltlclsc lacta a player. A man wftn the temperament ol ao loeberg mlglit pertmps dissect lii playlng, hut ilnh'ss b is at tliat (learee of frlgfdlty he rjin remember little else hut Uu potent spell of bc taaolnatlon which this player wearea aroond hlm, the exijulslte colora, the da.xllng brilliancy, and absolute abandon of hl work. TIiu following item cltpped froin the DeafMute Mirror, the littlo paper published by the pupils at the Flint school for the deaf'and duinb, will be read with pleasure by friends of Prof. Thos L. Heaton, class of '80 : l'llnt hal besa pnrtloularly fortúnale llils y-;tr in seeurlng the services of a lali'itti-il yonth, u gradaste oftbeAnn Arbar unlverslly. AlttMuitih ii seniptor Mini nu itrilst lie Is yrl un:i-.julnlfil wil h tht' tln lingnn. lllli isobllyed to,resort to viirlouH ingenloun oontrlvimi-fs to convey l)-an to hls youiiK pupils nf sllenuc. Kor tnxtance, bpliiK lKrant of the hitjn fur ¦¦ owl " be tukes a pi. -ce of rayon, umi willi liis kuifw iiilirkly mrves therefrom a bcautl ml modeled owl. If he deelne ! lunh Ibe word " moaotatn " r ' lake" he draws on biriíf simes u luM'lj l:ilnlscHpc tlt to iulorn the walls of a palatlal rcsldoixri', In whieh the kopi ( rnoiiiitatns are visible, at the foot of wlilch llnsaplarld lake or a mlnlature vIIIiirp, etc. X'isitors always euqulre for Prof. Heaton elan room.


Ann Arbor Courier
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