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Ladies' Charitable Union

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At I he aonual meeting oí' the laJies' cliaritalile unión, of thia city, held March 3d, 1881, the following oñicers were elected for the eusuing year : Prmdeat, Mr. K. A. lieul ; vioe pn mdent, Mrs. ). S. Wood ; secretary, Mrs, P. Steele ; treasurer, Mrs. C. G. Clark ; ejecutivo committee, Mrs. M. Gelston, Mrs. I. Dunu, Mrs. S. Crossman, Mr-. M 1!. (iilbert. secretary's report. To lht offleers and members of the L. C. V. Thirteen 3Tears have passed since our organization, brioRing their chances among us, until but few of the original members remain. But new friends have come in frjin time to time, filliog up our broken ranks, and we close up this ycar with twelve new íiK'inliers, inoreasiug our number to tweuty-five. I)urinj{ the year we had nine meetings, with an average attendance of ten members. Ninety calis ;have been made, and thirty families assisted. Amount of moiiey expended, $82.57. Por groceries and provisión, $35.80; clothinj;, $31.50; wood, 11.50 and rent, $2. 12. The balance has been expended for medicine and other necessaries for the sick. Partly worn garments to the valué of $37.40 have been distributed, and baskets of prorufoai have also been donated frequently. üur society is indebted to Mrs. Philip IJach for a gencrous donati')n of $25.00 ia dry good, the most of wliich has been distributed to the relief aud comfort of the sufl'eritig poor. Sonic of lboso liave -uflerod long with disease, and ome are aged nd inOrm who have received the little we have been able to bestow, with tearful Rratitude. Some are a.sking help who but lor rum might bc wcll provided for by busbands and luthers who spend all they earn for ilrink, forcingjtheir families to beg orstarve. In one or wo nstances we have found the mother herself to be intetnperate, and an eftort is being made to send some of these worse than orpaned childreo to the state public school at Coldwater, which wc earnestly hope may prove sucoessful. Since tliepoor we have with us nhaiis, let it be our endeavor to continue our work with untiring energy and increasing love for the sake of Hun who lias said, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these iny brethern, ye have done it unto Me." Bul i E, Sec. TREASIRKR'S RKl'ORT. The fullowing is the treasurer'.s report of the ladies' charitable unión lor the yoar I ending Marcli lat, 1881. Dn. rit. To balance In treasnry Mar. 1. lm). (11.40 ¦ Iri.livldnai eontrlbutlons 27.50 " im-iubersMlp lees ¦ , mi " Thanksglvlng eollecllon ttoOS By amonnt palci ward commlttees. " balance lu Mar. I tlM Total J1M.95 $129.95 ' Mits O, o. CI-ARK, Treas.


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